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Not getting hopes up for a new song - and I don't think they will be playing at the premier, they just seem to be competitions for tickets to the Emirates' gigs.


I think the film will just be using an already released song. My money is on "Isolated System"

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"You’ll explore London with a bus tour, hit the red carpet with the top Hollywood elite, watch brad pitt fight zombies, AND THEN you’ll top the night off with a performance from MUSE, who happen to be on tour in London that week!"


Then no new song?:(

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"You’ll explore London with a bus tour, hit the red carpet with the top Hollywood elite, watch brad pitt fight zombies, AND THEN you’ll top the night off with a performance from MUSE, who happen to be on tour in London that week!"


Then no new song?:(


Still don't see why they'd advertise that to MILLIONS of people. I mean they posted it on Twitter/Facebook/YouTube meaning everyone who follows/liked/subscribed to them will be seeing it. At most maybe 20 people might win the contest.

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Some of the other stations are advertising that Muse will be playing at the premere... so I wonder which is right.

I think the stadium gig might be a better prize, though... :erm:

At least for those in the US.


Still doesn't make much sense if there wasn't more to it. Why promote a movie you have absolutely no tie to?

And to US fans, to boot.


My money is on Survival being in it. :LOL:


(I hope)

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They're definitely playing at the premiere. "To top the night off" means that they're playing the day of the premiere, which is the 2nd of june.


And if they're playing at the premiere they probably have a new song.


Agreed. There's no reason for them to be doing this otherwise. There's hardly any tie between the label (Warner) and the distributor of the film (Paramount) and it isn't like they need the money.

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Most of the contests I saw said "you'll top the night off with Muse, who happen to be on tour in London at the time" and one said something about them playing at the premiere.


Either they're giving away different things or one of them is wrong.

I'd rather have the stadium gig. I don't think a premiere type thing would be as long (or with as much pyro. :LOL: )

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Most of the contests I saw said "you'll top the night off with Muse, who happen to be on tour in London at the time" and one said something about them playing at the premiere.


Again: "you'll top the night off with Muse" means that they're playing on the same day of the premiere. Since the premiere is on the 2nd of June and they don't have scheduled gigs on the 2nd of June, they're playing at the premiere.


Is it hard to understand? :erm:

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Don't see why they'd advertise World War Z though considering it's Paramount and not Warner Bros.


It's not so cut-and-dry that Warner bands can only do Warner films. The entertainment business is very connected, quick googling says Warner and Paramount are jointly distributing Nolan's next film for example. And Twilight films are by Summit but featured artists from many music labels, obviously including Muse.

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