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I've never really been a fan of Isis' or Mastodon's production, but I don't know how much of that is intentional. Consistent but not homogenous is what they should be aiming for with Album Seven though.


Yeah, that would be cool. I want to see them focus on working as a three piece, but a few more experimental tracks would be great.


I never quite got used to the vocal mixing for Isis, but liked the production otherwise and Mastodon's has always been great for me. Some subtle post-rock elements might be nice too. I'm not expecting them to turn into Mono or anything, but it'd add some more possibilities.

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I like how we're straight back to recycling the same stuff about how we vaguely want it to sound. I find it interesting that so many people have poo-pooed the idea of using any kind of futuristic concept on the basis that we probably won't have space travel in the future. What's wrong with escapism?

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I want more rock tracks

And more soft tracks

And some more piano

I also want Matt to use his guitar more

And I want them to go back to the basics of just being a three piece rock band

And then some more electronic tracks

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I totally agree. The emphasis on piano was one of my favourite things about their earlier albums. They seem to have forgotten about it now.


Not really.


Showbiz: Sunburn, Cave's ending(?)

OOS: New Born intro, Space Dementia, Feeling Good(?)

Absolution: Apocalypse Please, B&H, RBS, Endlessly(?)

BHAR: Hoodoo

The Resistance: USOE, I Belong To You, Exo 2, Exo 3

The 2nd Law: Survival intro/first section, Explorers, Isolated System(?)


The only album with a particular lack of piano is BHAR.

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Well if you're counting small bits/not very prominent bits then you could add like...


Fillip, Falling Down, Unintended and HTAILY on Showbiz alone.


Guess it depends on what they meant by an 'emphasis of piano', I don't know whether that means prominent piano songs/parts or just any use of keys.

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What I really need is one heavy piano song.



Yeah that would be great....I always loved songs like Space Dementia or Butterflies and Hurricanes with those huge and impressive piano parts and I think that it would be cool if they return to this direction a bit. As already mentioned there HAVE BEEN piano based songs on the last albums but in my opinion they weren't as impressive as the piano songs on OOS and Absolution.

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What I really need is one heavy piano song.


Yeah I know I've said it many times already :(


I'm currently envisaging some kind of massive song that starts off with a massive slow guitar riff, then segues into a huge piano part before speeding up and switching over to guitar again. The Ocean have some tracks that handle transitions like that really well, I reckon Muse could pull it off superbly.

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They need to make a heavy space rock tune with Drop D riffage, huge piano parts, spacey/drone/arpeggio synth falsetto singing during whole song. Something like a more evolved full version of the outro of Space Dementia.

They have the talent to accomplish such songs instead of Madness-like pop songs.

They say they love experimenting. They have done enough in that direction, they should explore something more experimental, abstract, futuristic next generation music.

However they'll probably just continue this pop way:(

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Is it a fact that the future of music has to be heavy and prog and be all over the place?


I don't see why it couldn't just be to take the electronic music to new places.


Or either that way. It was just one of many suggestions. But they really should try and create something next level.

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They need to make a heavy space rock tune with Drop D riffage, huge piano parts, spacey/drone/arpeggio synth falsetto singing during whole song. Something like a more evolved full version of the outro of Space Dementia.

They have the talent to accomplish such songs instead of Madness-like pop songs.

They say they love experimenting. They have done enough in that direction, they should explore something more experimental, abstract, futuristic next generation music.

However they'll probably just continue this pop way:(



I actually have good hopes that they're going to go in a bit more rocky/alternative direction for the new album, because they've been saying some interesting things lately in interviews, and because of the better setlists. Also, pop is not always bad.

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