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iTunes is the suck.

I have it on my main comp just because of my iTouch... had it on an old laptop and could NEVER get it fully removed... Won't put it on my new one for anything.


The "one big track" thing on iTunes is terribad, too.

Having to suffer through the "I'm gonna WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" everytime I want to listen to Follow Me makes me cry.

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Is it pretty user friendly? Cause that organization you have there looks lovely.


Depends on how much you want to customize, but it's not the most user friendly program out there.

There's other players out there that can do pretty well with a low file size, or you could go Jessica's route and use a standard media player like VLC to play your stuff. But it won't have a built in library and all that stuff.

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Am I the only one who's school always seems to get on the way of Muse lately?

I'll be in philosophy class tomorrow during the twitter chat... I am so upset, but I can't miss class. :mad:


That was me for most events last year. Luckily most stuff this year was in the summer when I could catch it. Once class starts again I'll probably end up with the same issue.

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I was jestin' bro', no offence :). Didn't realise your first lang wasn't English.


I do hate it when japes go sour :(.


EDIT: Where's the mod/former mod solidarity? :'(.


Like I said, it didn't upset me. I laugh at my own mistakes all the time! :D

Especially when my (American) friends make me realize it b/c otherwise I wouldn't notice.

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