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I think we'll get a few suprises. Hopefully though they'll do them earlier in the tour rather than playing butterflies & hurricanes and sunburn on the last 2 dates as last time.


We'll defo get unsustainable, USOE, UD, big freeze and explorers at somepoint in the tour.


I'm not a massive fan or bliss and PIB being rotated-it's being greedy I want to hear them both be gutted to miss one-same with stockholme and new born.


Id defi say they'll open with unsustainable using the news reporter as the intro with strings on a massive screen.

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I've been recently considering how many songs they actually practice/play for each tour. I figure it really can't be that many, especially for a band that has five albums behind them. I mean, they only ever play the same 25 or so songs throughout a tour.


It's actually really sad and now it looks like they might have done away with the piano section (which is both good and bad because of that pesky Feeling Good).


I don't think a piano section works that well without a transition song (B&H/CE) anyway so maybe it's best they retire it for a little bit and then bring it back for the Stadium shows.

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I cant see them doing away with the piano section, i think Feeling good had had its day thankfully but i think USOE will feature although i'd love to see a rotation with Apocalypse please giving the symbolic nature of it. Unfortunately i think Explorers will feature aswell just cant get into that song.


I just generally hope we get a better setlist than last time, i'm really curious to see how the pyramid will work itself into the songs and how it will fit sure its going to be epic. I'm pretty sure they'll play Supermacy 2nd aswell if they go with the Unsustainable intro or possibly 2nd in the Encore.


And i'd cheeeeeeeze if they played Assasin never heard it on the BH&R tour

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Matt's probably already forgotten the lyrics.


Not that he actually knew them to begin with...


Unnatural Selection and USOE aren't too much to ask. Both songs are awesome live. MK would be great too (as long as he gets the lyrics right).


I'd be ok if instead of rotating NB and SS he just replaced NB outright with Unnatural Selection and played both SS and US.

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