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I'm more excited to hear the new album than I have been for the last 2 albums, so I have no problems with lots of new album tracks this tour. It'd just be so nice to hear Assassin or Hoodoo instead of Starlight and KOC or Unnatural Selection/ I Belong To You/ MK Ultra instead of the usual Resistance stuff.:(


I thought Darkshines went down well at Leeds and Reading, defeinitely a lot better than Undisclosed Desires :p


Of course, but when you're actually there, other than perhaps UD, Feeling Good or even Starlight for the negative nancies, most of the songs people bitch about here get the crowd going and you forget about it. As much as we'd all love to hear Assassin over Starlight and MK Ultra over Resistance, it's understandable why the band choose those songs. Muse are a band that feed off audience reception, playing a set full of songs that the crowd don't know to an arena of 20k+ is a bit of a buzzkill for them.


That's because probably 90% of that crowd were Musers who all loathe the song :LOL: it's very hard to draw comparisons to R/L because we know how many Musers travelled from EVERYWHERE to be there that day(s). Of course a crowd dominated by hardcore Musers are going to absolutely love the rarities, but let's face it - most of the arena crowds that are just another Muse gig are going to be much less hardcore fan dominated.

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I know people are discussing the set lists and would like to compair it to a gig i went to earlier this year.


In feb (i think) I saw Korn as they toured their new album. Now i know Korn but i am not a massive Korn fan so i know their popular hits, some side songs and their newer stuff (i didn't like them up until a few years ago).


What they did was play their new songs + semi popular ones + rare ones


Now they didn't play some of their songs like twisted transistor, coming undone etc. Now i really didn't enjoy that gig because I never got to listen to some of the songs that i liked and were popular.


You have to apply that to muse. Muse are a band getting bigger and bigger. A lot of their fans that go to the gigs are not massive muse fans like on this board. They will know of the songs but will only go for the songs they love. Taking away them songs will just leave alot of people un happy other than the really heavy muse fans.


Face it. The fans that are on this board are a minority. We will rarely get heard as we do not hold the same general view as just the average gig attendee for muse.


We want to hear the old rare songs because we've seen each song performed a thousand times. A lot of people haven't and will be their first gig. Muse can't keep every body happy

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Fine, give him some auto-tune at least so it won't be so horribly out of tune.

He sounded fine on all the other songs (I didn't listen to KoC)

I know people are discussing the set lists and would like to compair it to a gig i went to earlier this year.


In feb (i think) I saw Korn as they toured their new album. Now i know Korn but i am not a massive Korn fan so i know their popular hits, some side songs and their newer stuff (i didn't like them up until a few years ago).


What they did was play their new songs + semi popular ones + rare ones


Now they didn't play some of their songs like twisted transistor, coming undone etc. Now i really didn't enjoy that gig because I never got to listen to some of the songs that i liked and were popular.


You have to apply that to muse. Muse are a band getting bigger and bigger. A lot of their fans that go to the gigs are not massive muse fans like on this board. They will know of the songs but will only go for the songs they love. Taking away them songs will just leave alot of people un happy other than the really heavy muse fans.


Face it. The fans that are on this board are a minority. We will rarely get heard as we do not hold the same general view as just the average gig attendee for muse.


We want to hear the old rare songs because we've seen each song performed a thousand times. A lot of people haven't and will be their first gig. Muse can't keep every body happy

One or two 'rarer' songs won't leave casuals feeling unsatisfied. And if you do then fuck you :phu:

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The thing about Muse as a band is they've always been a band with mostly "all or nothing" true fans that hear one of the albums and then rush out to get the rest, how many people are honestly going to these gigs wanting to hear the "greatest hits"? Especially if they saw them last tour where it was ALL THE HITS and nothing else.


I don't think too many casual "oh I heard uprising on the radio" fans are paying $70 to see a band that they don't know.


I understand Uprising and Time is Running Out given the amount of radio play it gets but to say that Plug in Baby should be played at every gig in the United States (because they think everyone knows it?) even though Origin of Symmetry wasn't released in the US until Warner published it in 2005 and didn't exactly do well commercially is ridiculous.


Citizen Erased has more views on YouTube than Plug in Baby (studio version, not the music video on the official Muse account) so if they're playing songs based on "popularity" there are many songs that should be swapped or added on the setlist, PiB being one of them.


Also think about it, Feeling Good was being played every gig in 2010. After releasing five albums, they were still playing a cover.

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I know people are discussing the set lists and would like to compair it to a gig i went to earlier this year.


In feb (i think) I saw Korn as they toured their new album. Now i know Korn but i am not a massive Korn fan so i know their popular hits, some side songs and their newer stuff (i didn't like them up until a few years ago).


What they did was play their new songs + semi popular ones + rare ones


Now they didn't play some of their songs like twisted transistor, coming undone etc. Now i really didn't enjoy that gig because I never got to listen to some of the songs that i liked and were popular.


You have to apply that to muse. Muse are a band getting bigger and bigger. A lot of their fans that go to the gigs are not massive muse fans like on this board. They will know of the songs but will only go for the songs they love. Taking away them songs will just leave alot of people un happy other than the really heavy muse fans.


Face it. The fans that are on this board are a minority. We will rarely get heard as we do not hold the same general view as just the average gig attendee for muse.


We want to hear the old rare songs because we've seen each song performed a thousand times. A lot of people haven't and will be their first gig. Muse can't keep every body happy

Madness, Uprising, TIRO, Survival, Supermassive Black Hole, Resistance, Starlight, PIB, Hysteria, New Born/SS, KoC.


Yeah, I'm sure the casuals would be very upset if Muse took away one or two of these...or even played them all, but instead ADDED one or two rare songs and actually make the set of a decent length.

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Save Me is a beautiful song.


Chris' vocals tonight weren't that great though. It happens. I'm sure it'll improve as the tour starts and progresses. I personally hope they play Liquid State more though.


They as good as confirmed that would be the case.


It's easier to rock out than to bear your soul so Chris would be less nervous.

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