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Interview with Japanese magazine "Rockin' On"


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I don't necessarily think it affects you opinion of the song, it depends. I just think it's pretty much useless to try to understand what the song is like from how they describe them haha


(Yet, I still read all the interviews/articles about the album avidly :facepalm::p )

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Really liked the part about their friendship getting stronger.


this. nice to hear about it from the different band members


Yeh, reading descriptions of songs before hearing them can be a bad thing. It means when you eventually hear them you notice the comparisons to bands/artists you dislike that have been mentioned that you might have otherwise never noticed and can change your view of the song, subconsciously


I've managed to stay away from the most in depth descriptions of songs this time around. it's SO difficult, but reading everything they say about the songs/album in general, many sounding absolutely ridiculous and turning out to be, well, bullshit (lol Matt) and reading so many different views from every person here kind of ruined The Resistance for me a bit

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I guess it kind of means more naturalistic. It flows better rather than being forced. Just a guess.


Yes I think it means more free and evolving naturally. I think I like the sound of that, and that it shows more of Matt's personality, but I actually have no idea what that means in practice.:LOL:


I think his personality is already in the music really, well what I perceive of his personality. Perhaps that's the forced bit! :LOL:

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I always got "eccentric", and "has trouble conveying what he actually means."

Public speaking may not be his forte?


And sometimes weirdly candid for a 'rock star.'


He has said that about himself. Though I don't find him difficult to interpret. Well, if he is, that's part of the fun! :happy:

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I always got "eccentric", and "has trouble conveying what he actually means."

Public speaking may not be his forte?


And sometimes weirdly candid for a 'rock star.'


If you mean by candid that he seems frank and open, well that's what I find charming. I don't like the polished style from which you can never say whether it's just bullshit. He does that too sometimes.


I think he has also said that he has difficulties explaining what he means (talks too fast and stumbles over his words) and therefore he expresses himself better via music. I guess that's also why he uses his hands when talking, sort of depicting the visual image in his mind with his hands. Quite many people do that, though, me included.

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Yes I think it means more free and evolving naturally. I think I like the sound of that, and that it shows more of Matt's personality, but I actually have no idea what that means in practice.:LOL:


I think his personality is already in the music really, well what I perceive of his personality. Perhaps that's the forced bit! :LOL:


I always liked this:


"Do you have a stage persona?

I think the way I am onstage is probably who I really am. Everything else is a persona. If you're doing well you're tapping into things that you're unable to express in normal life - deeper feelings, more intense emotions and things that are not acceptable in society, maybe. When you're being frisked in an airport you want to say, "Fuck off, don't touch me, you cunt." You can't do that in real life because you'd probably get locked away, but you can say that in a song. It's an unedited version of who you are. For me there's something pure about that."


Of course, saying he tried to sing a certain way for each song sort of, doesn't fit with that? :LOL:

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I always liked this:


"Do you have a stage persona?

I think the way I am onstage is probably who I really am. Everything else is a persona. If you're doing well you're tapping into things that you're unable to express in normal life - deeper feelings, more intense emotions and things that are not acceptable in society, maybe. When you're being frisked in an airport you want to say, "Fuck off, don't touch me, you cunt." You can't do that in real life because you'd probably get locked away, but you can say that in a song. It's an unedited version of who you are. For me there's something pure about that."


Of course, saying he to sing a certain way for each song sort of, doesn't fit with that? :LOL:


Ah yes, but perhaps he is attempting to distance himself from what he expresses in the songs. Incidentally it occurred to me that "like an arrogant pop star" could be referring to songs that contain anger and attitude, more "fuck off you cunt" than "perfect English gentleman" :LOL: Funny, that occurred to me before I read your post, so perhaps we are thinking along the same lines.


On the other hand, perhaps he wasn't telling the truth in the piece you quoted. :)


Incidentally when I was referring to Matt's personality being in the music, I was thinking more of Exogenesis than stuff like Hypermusic and Uno.

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Ah yes, but perhaps he is attempting to distance himself from what he expresses in the songs. Incidentally it occurred to me that "like an arrogant pop star" could be referring to songs that contain anger and attitude, more "fuck off you cunt" than "perfect English gentleman" :LOL: Funny, that occurred to me before I read your post, so perhaps we are thinking along the same lines.


On the other hand, perhaps he wasn't telling the truth in the piece you quoted. :)


Incidentally when I was referring to Matt's personality being in the music, I was thinking more of Exogenesis than stuff like Hypermusic and Uno.


Reading the entirety of the article "arrogant pop star" might not have been *entirely* the correct translation. Sort of hard to tell exactly what was said, I guess, if this was translated from English, to Japanese, back to English?


It also could have been said in a less than serious manner that wasn't conveyed properly in the article.


And heck, my personality varies distinctly when I'm pissed off about something versus in a more "philosophical" mood, or even when I'm feeling a bit cheesy. :LOL:

Bands whose music all has the same "tone" to it can feel more "fake" or "forced" to me.

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Bands whose music all has the same "tone" to it can feel more "fake" or "forced" to me.

To me trying to sound like "arrogant pop star" or "in a dramatic and operatic way" is a little fake or forced, because he's trying to copy some style. I'm not talking about singing different songs in different style, when you want your voice to match the mood of the songs. But knowing Matt I think he'll try too much, like in the 2nd verse of Survival.

And when I think about Matt and "arrogant pop star" the only thing which comes to my mind is

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Reading the entirety of the article "arrogant pop star" might not have been *entirely* the correct translation. Sort of hard to tell exactly what was said, I guess, if this was translated from English, to Japanese, back to English?


It also could have been said in a less than serious manner that wasn't conveyed properly in the article.


And heck, my personality varies distinctly when I'm pissed off about something versus in a more "philosophical" mood, or even when I'm feeling a bit cheesy. :LOL:

Bands whose music all has the same "tone" to it can feel more "fake" or "forced" to me.


Yes I agree totally. I thought he could have said "rock star" which has been mistranslated to "pop star" and it's very likely that he said it in jest.


To me trying to sound like "arrogant pop star" or "in a dramatic and operatic way" is a little fake or forced, because he's trying to copy some style. I'm not talking about singing different songs in different style, when you want your voice to match the mood of the songs. But knowing Matt I think he'll try too much, like in the 2nd verse of Survival.

And when I think about Matt and "arrogant pop star" the only thing which comes to my mind is


Yes, that's what I was referring to in my post, and, as far as we know, he wasn't acting! :LOL:


However, when it comes to adding vocals to songs that were written ages ago, if a singer wants to convey a particular mood, I guess it may require a certain amount of acting, even if that is method acting which recalls the exact emotions that were felt at the time of writing the song, those emotions may not be occurring at the time the vocal is recorded.


I'm not sure Matt does overdo it tbh. I mean Survival is meant to be ridiculously over the top. I think he can be rather good at conveying emotion in heartfelt songs, if he wants to. It possibly depends on whether he actually wants to or not. When he's talking about it being forced, he's talking about guitar not vocals.

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According to Matt in this article, Survival is actually supposed to be very serious. :LOL:

I'm sure we're not positive that was actually not lost in translation somewhere...


Same with the word "arrogant," I'm sure.


And hey... he was drunk... and he DID say he'd always wanted to say that to someone... Dom just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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According to Matt in this article, Survival is actually supposed to be very serious. :LOL:

I'm sure we're not positive that was actually not lost in translation somewhere...



Yes I think there was something lost in translation there. He described Survival as silliness or something similar in the Radio 1 interview.


On another issue, Chris' words show how wrong people can be when they make assumptions. I remember the article, a couple of years ago, when Chris first spoke about his drinking problem and how people on here were laying into Matt on very little basis. Well no basis in my view. Just shows how unfair that kind of thing can be.

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I love how people express admiration for Chris NOW and yet, when he was going through one of the most difficult periods of his life in 2009 - fighting to overcome his addiction for good while touring - people were too busy trashing the band and their performances on stage, without even remotely considering that maybe there were reasons behind some of the weaker performances.

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I love how people express admiration for Chris NOW and yet, when he was going through one of the most difficult periods of his life in 2009 - fighting to overcome his addiction for good while touring - people were too busy trashing the band and their performances on stage, without even remotely considering that maybe there were reasons behind some of the weaker performances.


Chris's addiction caused Matt to be lazy with his vocals and write shit setlists?

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I love how people express admiration for Chris NOW and yet, when he was going through one of the most difficult periods of his life in 2009 - fighting to overcome his addiction for good while touring - people were too busy trashing the band and their performances on stage, without even remotely considering that maybe there were reasons behind some of the weaker performances.


I'm not even going to get started on unnecessary hate for the band because there is a lot about it I dislike.

That said, a lot of the issues with the tour I doubt had much to do with Chris' problems. Both him and Dom were a lot more on top of it performance wise than Matt and setlist choices could take even a few seconds to just toss MK Ultra and Bliss in there a few times.

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Personal problems and especially of this nature, take a toll on you, your job, the people you work with. It's not rocket science.


Complain all you want about setlists if it makes you happy but to completely disregard Chris' problems (and Matt's, cos it was clear after awhile that he was also struggling with personal stuff) and to assume those played no role whatsoever in the band is not just naive, it's plain silly.

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I love how people express admiration for Chris NOW and yet, when he was going through one of the most difficult periods of his life in 2009 - fighting to overcome his addiction for good while touring - people were too busy trashing the band and their performances on stage, without even remotely considering that maybe there were reasons behind some of the weaker performances.


I agree that his problems and Matt's relationship troubles probably spilled over into performances, but iirc, we didn't even even know about Chris' problems until sometime in late 2010. But I could be wrong, the time flies by. So people didn't know to be sympathetic I reckon.

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