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I don't have words for how cool it is that you all refer to Oreos as biscuits :awesome:


yeah... over here in shops like Marks & Spencers or Superquinn, they have "cookies" but they're like brownies. They're big (about 6 of your foreign inches) in diameter, they're softish; kida chewey, but they still have big chocolate chunks in them. I'd call them cookies. Biscuits tend to be crunchier. So Oreos, I would call biscuits.


I had those double-stuffed oreos when I was in NY. They're awesome, but after 2 or 3, I just felt sick. The single stuffed ones will do me just fine. For those of you in the UK/Ireland, I think the chocolate oreos are remarkably like bourbon creams. both equally yummy.

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and pay a lot more taxes. Fk that visit there or stay a year or two and come back. We need as many good people in the US as possible to out weigh the stupid.


We'd pretty much need the entire population of Europe over here to weigh out the stupid. But then we'd never get that many people without bringing in new stupid.

Basically that's a lost cause.

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What % of tax do you pay in the US?


I don't pay tax yet, but my dad probably pays between 25-30% of his income. What are you paying in the UK?


The problem for me is that, wonderfully pretentious as the US can be, if I want to live over there I either have to renounce my US Citizenship and pay only UK tax or keep my US Citizenship and pay a US expat tax on top of UK taxes. Hooray for the only country in the world who charges you not to live there.... :facepalm:

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