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with customs? you mean the guitars or the render things? the render things i've been doing about two weeks lol. the guitars, my first i was 15/16, my second was 5 years later and my third (the purple mirror MoC) was 5 years after that


lol! i meant the guitars. I took a look at indigo by the way. It definitely has some things that vray doesn't have. I'll probably stick with vray for the moment, cos it's got a lot of import/export things that i use with other programs and cos i've been using it for about a month or so at the mo, but ill leave indigo in my sketchup arsnal, cos i'm sure ill find a use for it at some stage. good find btw.


The custom im doing this summer will be my first. Im making the body with a friend of mine, and depending on how it turns out, we might try to sell it. There's a lot of great bands in our university, and there's always notices for people selling equipment in the students union. No harm in trying, it might be a nice way to make a few quid. (at least im optimistic!)

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hehe yeah i found indigo by typing 'sketchup renderer FREE' in google hehe


my first, while playable, isnt too great. but then i was 15/16, i had never made anything more than a toy jalloppi at school, and didnt play guitar when i made it. so its not bad considering hehe.

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They look really good, I've never really got on with sketch up, perhaps its because I've used autodesk inventor for as long as I can remember but you can certainly use sketch up well. I'm really impressed by those renders also.

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have started trying to my website, to be there till something better turns up. its only a coming soon page for now, but thought i might as well get the address out. www.afguitars.co.uk


and indeed has turned up in my signature. im getting used to all this computer business hehe


finally got around to giving indigo a go. not too shabby at all! also, in your renders, how did you go about doing the bridge? imported from cad/3dwarehouse??


also, set up a blog to document my 1st build. Thought you might like to have a look seeing as how you've helped me along the way. NB Guitars

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no i did the bridge from scratch. just found a pdf of the dimensions and drew it from that. stewmac usually has pdf's of its products and wd has some too. if i can do it it cant be that hard, sketchup is the first 3d cad thing iv ever used so it cant be that difficult hehe

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no i did the bridge from scratch. just found a pdf of the dimensions and drew it from that. stewmac usually has pdf's of its products and wd has some too. if i can do it it cant be that hard, sketchup is the first 3d cad thing iv ever used so it cant be that difficult hehe


cool, ill have a look on stew mac. thanks again

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well thats really quite annoying. it works fine for me, and the text is really easy to read for me too. grr at it


ahh. i just clicked on the 'welcome...' bit and it didnt work. when i click on 'click to enter' or the picture it works

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Not working for me either, you don't seem to have given your click to enter link the full path of the home.htm page which is why I think it's causing problems.


Yeah, it needs to link to afugiteosdkwhatever.com/home.htm instead of just 'home.htm'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

gonna be starting a new one soon - a jnr. type thing. so no fancy wood tops or inlays or anything like that. it'll be a solid mahogany (or something) guitar with a natural or solid colour finish. its going to have three 15 year old burns tri-sonic pups with master vol + tone (with push/pull to introduce the neck pup), a 5-way lever (usual strat selections) and 3-way lever (series/phase/parallel - or something)


the only thing i dont know is which shape to do. im leaning towards one of the decos. any thoughts?



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I saw your post on project guitar and this is sounding interesting, hopefully you will get GOTM again. I can't see the images at the moment as I'm at college and photobucket images are blocked but I'll update this post when I get home.


Edit; I think either the middle one or the left deco, the middle one has my vote though.

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