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Bitch all you want guys, this isn't the first time Muse have done this. They practised MK Ultra at Glasgow, didn't play it. They've said on several occasions they'd play Dead Star following Japan to boardies, haven't played it once. They practised Micro Cuts before tonight, didn't play it.


Just because they say one thing, doesn't instantly mean it's going to happen guys. Tonight's setlist was acceptable. You should be happy Butterflies is still around and they didn't pull through with Guiding Light!

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in all fairness, they never actually said that they were going to play a heavier set, did they? It was just assumed by us that Matt would want to please the people at the damn show. apparently we were sadly mistaken... :noey:


Allegedly, Dom mentioned this to a boardie before the Vicky Cryer gig. It was said before I got there, so I can't confirm it. I have no reason to believe the boardie made it up though.

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In all fairness Niall without causing trouble or looking for 'beef' were do people complain if not the 'official message board'. Are you seriously cracking down on anti-muse sentiment?


Given that this is the Muse messageboard it's not surprising, right? We're going to find away to allow people to voice their opinions without disrupting threads with complaints, but for now we want people to hold off, because there's no point in it.

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Given that this is the Muse messageboard it's not surprising, right? We're going to find away to allow people to voice their opinions without disrupting threads with complaints, but for now we want people to hold off, because there's no point in it.


Give the moaners their own thread surely?

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touche my ducky friend.


so close to micro cuts though...

Yeah, MC would have been nice :D But maybe Matt's nervous about his voice or something :unsure:


Still, if we get this setlist on Weds I'd be happy with it (B&H and no FG :chuckle:)





...now, can haz HQ pics of Matt in his new Captain America PJ's plz?

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Moaners, please consider how gig-goers feel when they get home and visit this thread. I know from experience it's not fun to read that crap, esp. when the posters weren't even at the gig. If the people that attended want to complain, then fair play. :)


+1 :yesey:

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Allegedly, Dom mentioned this to a boardie before the Vicky Cryer gig. It was said before I got there, so I can't confirm it. I have no reason to believe the boardie made it up though.

ahh I see, more lying to boardies. keeps with their pattern of what they tell us...

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Given that this is the Muse messageboard it's not surprising, right? We're going to find away to allow people to voice their opinions without disrupting threads with complaints, but for now we want people to hold off, because there's no point in it.

I agree that constant disrespectful comments are not helpful, however the argument about it being the Muse messageboard doesn't wash. People should be able to discuss what they like/dislike about the band without fear of warnings, infractions and bans, as long as they are being reasonable.

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