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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. I keep forgetting to reply to people :facepalm:


    But why would you persist? :supersad:


    haha, better then them completely neglecting you though. What courses are you taking? Oh, so you're just to good for Australia then, is that it? :mad: haha, that sounds awesome though! Where abouts are you moving?


    You have, but I shall remind you, just this once :phu: Um, I'm doing drama, English, Science, History, Maths and Visual arts.

  2. You are now added, so there shall be no need for persistence :phu:


    Attending uni? :stunned: That's crazy talk Sammy! :phu: Speaking of moving, have you decided if you're gonna move or not?


    I've been good. College has started up again but so far I've had almost no classes which has been awesome :LOL:

  3. I don't even remember that promise :supersad:


    Here it is, but don't judge me :'( http://www.facebook.com/daniel.bergeralexander?ref=tn_tnmn haha :p


    Or at least I hope I've done it right, it would be so like me to make a mistake in this situation...


    It's been ages since we've talked, how've you been? :happy:

  4. I can throw in a free foot massage?

  5. Pride.











    And dignity.

  6. I demand at least 40% or no deal :phu:

  7. Yeah haha Pewdiepie is the best :happy:


  9. You're welcome :happy: I know these boards can be pretty harsh to new users :LOL:

  10. I don't know, I'm very tired :chuckle: night! :happy:

  11. Your whole life is a lie. Period. :phu:

  12. NOOOW I'm with you :LOL: I thought you were implying that you should report it to them :chuckle:

  13. Yes but... What are you saying? :LOL:

  14. No one does :noey: you should report them :awesome:

  15. People spamming your profile is lame! :noey:

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