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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Oh niice! :D There was one of the options I could do, but I hope to go to Huddersfield! It is the best in my field, and also fashion O.o hmm...

    What's college like for youu?

  2. Ooh haha :p niiice!

    Sounds like the Academy! :D


    Oooo! Long drive ahead for you! :p Mum's just bought me and her tickets to Scissor Sisters! Haha xD

    Still... Chris is awesome!!1 :awesome: <3

    Aww ^ ^ nicee! I like to play it, but I can't be done watching 90 minutes! :p


    Ohh yes!!! ;):cool:

    Yess I do :O hehe.

  3. Yeah! I hope I do too! D: Good luck in your exams this year! :)

    It is so cool, I love it!

    Where are you thinking of going?

  4. Oo psychology, nice. Mine may take another year! :rolleyes: in case I don't get good grades in everything but the subject I want to do, which is my Music Technology! :/

  5. Haha, so cool :cool:


    He truely is! Totally taking the piss, and we love it! ;)

    Your Falling away with you group was the first one I joined! :LOL: I love that song!

  6. Ahhh, I hate being such a young 17! :p It sucks! You off to Uni afterwards?

  7. Yeah, I'm good thankyouu ^ ^

    I'm Liv btw! :) Nice to meet you!

  8. Kayy, shall do! ^ ^


    Me too! Oh okay! :D niice!

    Cya laterr! :) x

  9. Ooo yes, do! Sounds awesome! ;)

  10. Ahh, I want a go :p D'you know what their Twitter is?


    Hell Yeah we would win, cos we are just so pro :cool:;)


    I just saw them haha :p I'm absolutely shattered! Bed for me soon I think! :LOL:

  11. Y'know you say he does them over Twitter?

    D'you know what it is?

    I have just discovered I have Twitter :LOL: haha!

  12. Ello :)

    Hahah :p niiice! You get such a good feeling when you get one in don't you! :cool: woo!

    Aww! You should do if you like it! :( Have you heard this about Chris apparently organising football matches the days before gigs at the grounds they play att?!

    Someone told me and I was like... D: I wanna play toooo! Apparently started with Manchester :/ ooo how I am so jealous of some people! :LOL:


    We should so challenge them to a game of football!! :ninja: We would win for sure! ;)


    No problem dear! It's in part 5 if you haven't seen that bit by now! :p

  13. Low metabolism i think :/

    My friends are like this, they eat so much ><

    Eee, that can't be goodd for her at all!

  14. Heyy! Thanks for the friend request! :) How are you?

  15. Yeah, it was really quite too skinny!! He looks a lot healthier now! :)

    Is your sister okay?

  16. Haha, my Mum loves him! :p The old days, I didn't mind cos one of band was really cute ;) aaaand because I think Santana's group is fantastic! :D

    I bet it was!! :O You seem to see them a lot more than mee! Haha!

    Your Dad likes Paramore? :O Awesome! haha!

    Yeeah, for me, I like going to Maanchester Accademy, small venue, you are really close, and it is where I was so close to Gogol Bordello! :awesome: Who were amazing!

    Yeah, I hope so! :) Where are you seeing Bullet?


    Where was it you said you were from again? Near London? :p Manchester and Liverpool are 30 minutes away in either direction, so kinda convinient! xD


    Me tooo! :( At least you have seen them like really close up, I have only had that at the two conccerts! Never seen them outside of concerts, you are already lucky as it is! :ohmy:

    He did one for Manchester? O.o See I'm sad enough just to join twitter to see what Muse are doing :facepalm: Oh dear me! I'd wanna play football! I quite like playing it! Can't be done watching a whole 90 minutes of it though! Football players these days are just poncey, it puts me off! :/ Not playing though! ^ ^ woo!


    Let's go find them! :cool:;)

  17. Yes I think it is! And yes they aree! I think i spend too much time on youtube!! :facepalm: Up soo late these days!

    Yeah they are! ;) Hehe! <33 Wooo!

    Not had much experience y'see... I don't predict it ending well! :LOL:

    Nooo! As soon as I have a house on my own though, I would love a dog!

    Aawww, what's she called? ^ ^


    He would! Part of the reason I would like a piggyback, I just imagine he could easily swing me round with being strong!

    Come to a concert with me, and it shall be done! D: I am so totally determined!! :yesey:

    It most certainly is... but they are! So it is totally allowed!! :) How are they not cute?! I love Dom's hair atm! ^ ^ If I ever see him, I shall tell him that!! :LOL:


    The college/Schools unfortunately, I go to a 6th form college, so like year 12 &13 at a school! I'm in Year 13 :) Woo! Glad you think it does! If you get in to music, it will soon, or if you see Muse videos in the making of, it's the programme they use : D woo!

    I liked Physics, but my teacher drove me crazy!! My best friend is a physics geek! He is taking physics at Uni.. I can't imagine anything worse! I think my head would explode! D:

    Good luck in the test!! :D You will do awesome!

    Slept as soon as I closed my eyes! Haha, was absolutely shattered, this week has drained me so much, I'm slowly giving up the will! :p How about youu?


    Yesss! I'm happy too! :awesome: Although I'm shattered and I have parties coming up, and I really don't know if I can stay awake! Haha!

    My week's been quite long tbh, a lot of work! But I don't mind as I will have more time to chill out next week! :cool: aaaaahhhhh :D

    How about your week?


    How do you change the coolour of your text btw? :ohmy: Been wondering that!

  18. I think it is one of my favourites! It just says to me early muse all over, innocent kids in a wirld of confusion :) Matt was so cute then!

  19. You would be surprised how many do not know who he is! :ohmy: But yeah was awesome, were sat like 7 rows back, all having a groove! :cool: You a fan of Santana? :O!

    You saw them in Teignmouth?! Ooooh! So jealous! xD I'd love to see them at the home town! D:

    Ahhh, I think Paramore have gone downhill a bit :p Loved Bullet! Hahah! Wow, that's a lot! I got offered to see Bullet & Paramore! But funds says no! :(

    Pendulum ftw :cool: hehe! Last time I checked there were still tickets in Liverpool where I'm going :ohmy:


    Awww, I love Chris muchly! He is so aawesome! If only I could actually meet them! Or be somewhere really close! You'll have to let me know if they do stuff like that! :p I really am so jealous of those who live near them! :( I have to meet them at one point soon, or even see them close! It would be so so good! <3

  20. Wooo! Me too! :awesome: I can't wait, eventually some rest! ^ ^

    I'm fine thanks! :) It's a little cold today though! Haha!

  21. I know! :( me too! I'd just end up telling them I'm shy or something, I'm envious of those who can speak to bands so easily too!

    Do you know of anyone who has met them from near you?

  22. Which songs would you like to hear Muse playing live the most? :D

  23. :LOL:

    What lessons d'you do? :)

    Oh that's wicked! Haha :') yeah it is pretty fun, just sitting listening to music having a chat with local bands etc. you meet some really nice people! :D

    I'm from Warrington in England :D near Manchester! ^^ x

  24. Yeah, I do quite like that one! It's quite heartfelt! I love the sunburn video, I think that this also has a lot of feeling in it! It just makes me shiver!

  25. :LOL: Lucky you did then! :D

    Yeah exactly! It's stupid! People say you go if you genuinely like all music, but what if you can't afford to, or someone elses line-up is much better! It sucks, but yeah they are still awesome! Better then t4 on the beach? ;) Haha.

    Oooohh, I think I was thinking of U2 and how Gorrillaz replaced them at Glasto! Someone else from Leeds too though! hmm :/

    Haha! That's amazing! :LOL:

    Ahhhhh, that's not too bad! I did like that song from Plan B, but ahhh, too poppy.. awful! xD

    Haha! I'm just obsessed with Muse :rolleyes: woo!

    I get away with my concerts because I may oddly have money or it's because my mum likes them too, like Pendulum :LOL:

    Yeeah, same with me! :p I just can't resist. One band I would love to see is Foo Fighters :( ahhh rubbish! I wish they would come back!

    Yeeah! Maybe they would recognise you at a concert the next time you see them. That'd be pretty cool! :)

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