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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Cheers :happy: my medicine was plenty of muse and Johnny Depp therapy :happy: Works a treat :LOL: I seem to get so many colds :erm:

  2. Same, i hate that aching feeling you get down your thighs and I just feel so mean when i do that :unsure: We found out he hadn't been castrated properly and he was in a field with two mares so whenever they came into season he started acting like a very pushy stallion, I loved him and yet feared him at the same time :( Oh, I forgot to put Edward Norton in my list, I also love Ben Barnes, he played Prince Caspian in Narnia, but mainly for looks :LOL: How has your day been??? :)

  3. Awesome sauce!!! Maybe i should pop down to London and pay you a visit :happy: My cold has just cleared up so I'm in an awesome mood!!! :D/Randomness, i know :chuckle:

  4. I love Fridays!!! :D I'm gonna ride a pony for someone because they are injured and i have family coming over too :happy: JLS is some god-awful boyband, they basically cannot sing so their voices sound all electronic because they've been messed with so much!!! :mad:

  5. Sounds good :happy: None of my mates like muse :erm: I try to convert them but they all love JLS and all that poppy type of music :erm: I hate the dentist!!!! I don't actually know when my next appointment is :unsure:

  6. No, I only speak to him when i have a lesson with him :unsure:

    I'm not actually sure :confused: It doesn't make much sense to me either!! :D Do people in Sweden think that the British are posh and all drink tea??? It' a question I've always wanted to ask :LOL:

  7. Yeah :happy: I guess the good thing about this week is very little homework!!!! :D Plus there's been very little teasing so it's okay :happy: what about your week?? :)

  8. If your go onto JadeLovesMuse's profile you'll find the whole story on there :( I'm in a crisis :'( My other friend has greeny blue eyes, well one is hazel/green, the other is green/blue with a hint of hazel :)

  9. I have a group of really close friends, but we're the kind of people that nobody really wants to socialize with, the ones who get picked on, but hey ho, I'm hoping once I leave school and meet new people everybody will be too old for all that stupid behavoir :erm: I even dreamt about a hot sunny day on the beach last night!! That's how much i want it to be summer, it's invading my dreams :eek: How was your day today?? :happy:

  10. Tonnes of bad stuff has gone down today :( I'll pull through though :happy: One of my best mates has hair like that, it really suits her :) My eyes are really, really dark brown, almost black, and then in the sun they go bright brown, almost orange and in certain lights look red :unsure: I have strange eyes :happy: You???

  11. He probably won't :( But I think one of my friends has told someone else and then they asked him out as a joke :( Beth said she'll talk to Connor tomorrow and ask who did it and say that i have no clue what's going on!! :LOL: Also Beth just told me what he said and basically he knows that i fancy him, but he knew that i did ages ago but he thought i had moved on, Beth managed to convince him to think that it was Jodie that the secret was about because i told Beth today about Jodie :chuckle: so now Connor is probably feeling a bit :wtf:

    Omg!!! He really doe's like you!! Your married and everything!!! :awesome: I bet he is going to ask you out sometime soon, I see it in my crystal ball!!! :LOL: I bet he'll ask for your number soon, or he'll ask one of your friends for it and suddenly text you one night and declare his undying love for you!!! :D:awesome:

  12. Awesome sauce!!!! Tape fights are good fun :yesey:

    Basically i found out that my friend Jodie fancies Connor and she's in his form and flirts with him way too much, saying stuff like "oh your my best friend!" and stuff and stroking his shoulder although he's just like :wtf: then my mate Beth said that apparently my 'friends' no idea who though :confused: asked Connor out for me and I'm waiting to see what he said :'( Anyways, anymore embarressing moments with you and Liam today :eyebrows:???

  13. SAVE ME!!! Everythings gone completely wrong :'(

    How was your day??? :happy:

  14. :eyebrows: hmmm, more than friends sounds good :eyebrows::chuckle: Yeah, he used to have fairly long hair, for a guy so i though it would be fun to stick selotape in it, i didn't know he was going to do the same thing abck so we were chasing eachother round the classroom with selotape, and dying of laughter at the same time :LOL: It was fun, painful, but fun :happy: I started talking about tomatoes once :$ He just nodded and smiled like a gentlemen but was probably thinking :wtf: This girl is so weird!!! :LOL: I feel like such a clutz when i say random rubbish and it makes me lose so much confidence :( I've got a lesson with him tomorrow and last time a made a complete dick of myself, tbh I'm not looking forward to it :unsure:
  15. He'll ask for it eventually :D Well I've known him sicne the beginning of year seven, we didn't really speak until one day we had a selotape fight (ouchies) and that kind of broke the ice and we've been sort of casual friends ever since, but we've never actually been proper friends, just like someone to talk to in lessons :unsure: besides, i'm too shy in front of him to string together a sentence that makes sense and usually I'm quite a confident person :chuckle::( It annoys me :mad:

  16. Yeah, she's one of those girls who is still friends with people she doesn't like!!! :rolleyes: I do know for a fact that she likes me so yeah :happy: Oooh la laaa!!! :D You have to get his number some time :happy: I bet as soon as you guys start texting he'll declare his undying love for you!!! :D It's like Romeo and Juliet :chuckle: How long have you known him??? :happy:

  17. I have a habit of leaning back when i kick, i do it tonnes on the 'slower' ponies :( I've sold two, it's pretty tough but we always kept in touch with who we sold them to so we know their getting on okay, although the first pony i had we kind of lost touch with the owners, which is such a shame because i loved him to pieces, the second pony didn't turn out so well, I've never been scared of a pony in my life before but i was him :erm: It's a beautiful film, i still think it's one of Johnny Depp's best roles :happy: The end just kills me :'( Johnny Depp is my all time favourite actor!!! :D I love him :happy: I also like Leonardo DiCaprio, and Sharlto Copely, theres more but i can't think of them at the moment which is annoying :mad: What about you?? :)

  18. It's been pretty boring tbh :erm: the days seem to be taking ages :( But at least the wind has dissapeared and the sun came out, briefly :chuckle: What's the weather like where you are??? :happy:

  19. Oh I'm still dreaming of the time when we will get some warm weather!!! :LOL: My weeks been okayish, it's going quite slowly, unlike last week that seemed to fly by :erm: School is such a strange place :noey: I don't like school, correction, I don't like the people in school!!! :noey:

  20. I found out that some other girl likes him :erm: I thought i was the only one :( She wants my friend to ask him out for her but my friend doesn't want to so yeah :chuckle: I've decided to stay out of it, i don't want to be involved in messy situations like that :noey: I have a massive poster of the Mad Hatter staring at me on my ceiling, it doesn't scare me though!!! :D Oh and I have dark brown hair, you?? :happy:

  21. Well my mate whose in year 8 called Ellie has a friend who likes Connor because he is the best friend of her cousin, don't actually know if they know eachother very well, a fe weeks ago she fancied someone else so yeah :rolleyes: so anyway she asked Ellie if she would ask him out for her, but Ellie don't really like her so she's gonna pretend that she did and say that he said no :chuckle: Ellie said and i quote "I'd much rather see him with you than that bitch!" I was like, okay, i'm staying out of this mess!!! :LOL: If they did go out i'd be happy for him as long as he is happy so yeah :happy:

    Awwww!!!! It's so cute, I'm pretty much sure he likes you!!! :awesome: Do you think he fancies you??? :chuckle: What was his reaction to all that??? :happy:

  22. Yeah, i bet he'll pull through, it will just take time :) How has your day been?? :happy:

  23. Sometimes just looking at my lower leg i just think oh god :facepalm: I never rode her, she was a little big!!! :LOL: She used to belong to one of my friends but they had to sell her because they were moving away to the city :( She was a gorgeous mare though :happy: That is a brilliant film :D I haven't actually watched it in a while, i'll have to add that on my to do list :LOL: I really love Edward Scissorhands, it was the first film i ever saw that i instantly loved :happy: Plus it brings back some great memories with friends :happy:

  24. I love this smilie to: :eyebrows: just describes certain situations perfectly ;) My day was okay thanks, things are starting to get complicated with Connor though :unsure: How was your day???

  25. It's okay, although it's beginning to get really complicated now :unsure: but still, it's only a crush, i'll survive :LOL: How have you been???

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