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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Around my birthday, I think it starts on the second of April or something odd like that :LOL: Yours??? :happy:

  2. Sorry for the late reply :$ It was an okay day, I didn't get much done but today I'm going riding so it's all good :D How are you? :happy:

  3. Apology accepted, I do that all the time :kiss:

    That's stupid, getting pissed at someone over a film :rolleyes: Everybody's brains work differently so they all like different films, it's normal :D I've been okay thanks :) You??? :happy: Although my house is freezing because nobody has turned on the heating, I'm gonna do it myself in a minutes :LOL:

  4. I'm not really into sports, well except horsey sports, like racing and eventing and stuff but apart from that they hold no interest for me :erm: of course playing them is a different matter :D My Gran mentioned the Norther Lights today actually!!! :LOL: She said we should run to Scotland and watch them :LOL: It won't happen :noey::chuckle: How was your day?? :happy:

  5. Very very very very very cold!!!!!! :( Well it was worth just to stare at him so yeah :happy::LOL: Have you given Liam your number yet??? :eyebrows: I'm good thanks :) No school for a week now so I'm even better :D But I won't see Connor for aaages :( You??? :happy:

  6. Parents evening was okay actually :D My teachers said all the good stuff instead of the bad stuff, i think their a little afraid of my dad :rolleyes::ninja: My birthday is in easter, you can celebrate it with me lol!!! :LOL:

  7. It was okay I guess :erm: I had today off because it's a teacher training day and then we have a week off :D So I'm good now :happy: When do you have holidays? :)

  8. She sounds cool :D If I met her we could exchange manga drawing tips :LOL: That teacher reminds me of Ms Karp from Vampire Academy :ninja: I have parents evening tonight, my parents are going but leaving me at home thank god :rolleyes: I'm still not looking forward to it :( I don't think the teachers like me :'( My parents will kill me if they hear anything bad :stunned:

  9. Haha :LOL: I don't have a back-up option :( Nobody else at my school who actually has a decent personality! :noey: My mum found out yesterday, that was embarressing :$ How was your day? :)

  10. Randomness!!!! :LOL: That was quite, i dunno, random i guess!!!! :D:LOL: I only draw manga :happy: It's fun :D Do you like to draw much??? :erm:

  11. Thanks, *hugs back* :kiss: But when it doe's arrive it's usually pretty good :D Who do you support?? :) My day was okay, shit weather as usual :(

  12. You gotta have hope :happy: What's her body language like when you talk to her? :) Body language says ALOT :yesey: Ooh good luck :happy: Any more news about Radiohead? :D

  13. +1 :( All bus drivers hate me :'( But then I don't particularly like them either so we're all square I guess :LOL: Wouldn't your friend have got an inky ass if she sat on your pen??? :chuckle:

  14. But at least she says something, something is better than nothing :happy: maybe you could start up a conversation with her or something and you might grow closer :happy: Yeah, pretty random, he's always listening to what I'm saying, even if he doesn't say anything :erm: eavesdropping :phu::chuckle: My day was pretty crap, the weather was awful :( Yours?

  15. Mine was pretty shit because of the weather :( Why was yours so bad??? :(

  16. Our school is finishing on Thursday :dance: I have Friday free!!! :D I would have loved to have gone away for the holidays but I'm just too busy :( How was your day??? :)

  17. Boy trouble :rolleyes: nobody loves me :'( Same with us, although we got a break on saturday and it was nice and sunny :happy: I'm still hoping summer will hurry up though!!! :p How was your day??? :D

  18. Yeah, I totally get what you mean :happy: I think it all depends on who you are and how your brain works or something with that film, I mean with me it really hit me and stuff but I have friends who didn't think it was that great or didn't understand, i think it all depends on who you are :happy: It's like marmite :LOL: How have you been??? :)

  19. He's fine now thank god :) I know!!! :mad: Darn wasps have to ruin everything!!!! :mad:

  20. It's a good start that you meet and greet and all that jazz, if she didn't think you were worth talking to then she wouldn't so she must think your someone interesting to be with and stuff :happy: at least that's how it sounds to me :) Generally Connor starts up some really random conversation about anything really :LOL: We don't really say hi or bye, he will just start talking if we are standing together or something :erm:

  21. I know!!! :D They are always so curious of things, just adorable :happy: When I was younger I found loads and i made them a home and gave them cucumber and stuff and said I ran a snail sanctuary :chuckle: good memories :yesey: My dad got attacked by a whole hive of wasps, it took ages for the marks where they stung him to go away :noey: I hate wasps :mad:

  22. I like most types of bugs, especially snails :D But i hate spiders with a passion!!! :eek: I start screaming and running as soon as I see a spider :eek: horrible vermin :noey: Are you scared of spiders??? :)

  23. What do you guys talk about? :)

  24. I know!? I mean the advantage I can see is talking to somebody about something awkward if you don't have their number but that doesn't happen too often and I just don't get the point of staring at screen seeing what people have had for tea or something! Makes no sense :noey: Sorry for asking so many questions but what type of stuff doe's she say? :) Aww, that's sweet, was it for a Valentines day thing or something? :happy:

  25. Errm, depends on what mood I'm in :happy: If the weather is okay I go outside and sit under my favourite tree and draw or write (that sounds really weird doesn't it!? :chuckle: ) What about you??? :)

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