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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Well apparently "I'm not his type," whatever that means :erm: anyways I though i might let you know :happy: how are you?? :D

  2. OMG!!! :eek: I have to see that film :awesome: I wish our school did something like that, we all have our holiday in the same week :erm: I'm okay, although school seems to be taking forever, and we've only been back one day!!! :rolleyes: Do you remember when i spoke to you about the guy i like??? :)

  3. Nawwww!!!! :D That's so cute :happy: We had two teacher training days thankfully, more lie-ins :rolleyes: She is speaking sense :yesey: I'm thinking the same :LOL: Well if a new kid doe's join our form I'll find out today :D Random question but have you read the Vampire Academy series???? :happy:

  4. OMG!!! THAT'S AWESOME!!! :awesome: Your so lucky!!! :D So have you been texting a lot :eyebrows:???? Eurgh, I have to go back to school today :erm: not looking forward to it :( I hope a gorgeous new boy suddenly joins our form :chuckle::eyebrows:

  5. No, I want to though, I've heard it's got a pretty good soundtrack :happy: How are you??? :)

  6. And the whole "fuck off you cunt" thing :D That was just pure gold :LOL: Dom is probably a bit more sensible than Matt although at times that's debatable :rolleyes:

    Awesome sauce!!! I'm just starting to learn how to play piano, but I'm teaching myself so it's taking a bit of time :happy: Whoa!!! That's a little bit large :LOL: It would drown me, I'm only a little dot :D How are you today??? :)

  7. Well at least that's two less days of the six weeks :happy: Drunk Matt is just the cutest thing ever!!! :D Dom was probably pretty drunk by the end as well, he was chugging down a bottle throughout that interview!!! :LOL: I've not been doing much recently actually, pretty boring holiday tbh :erm: You??? :D

  8. It's pretty boring tbh :erm: I get the feeling that in england if people needed to stick together, we wouldn't lol :noey: My dad lost his job so now he's trying to be self-employed, he's got just enough work to keep us going but he's also rebuilding our house so it's pretty full on :( I finished Kick Ass, it was pretty good actually :D It started off a bit :erm: but then it turned totally :awesome: the only reason i stuck with it through the beginning was because it has Aaron Johnson in who i have developed a bit of a crush on :$ But the second half was just brilliant :yesey: great soundtrack too :happy: How have you been??? :)

  9. Yeah hopefully :happy: Yeah, and I'm the main person in the really scary scene at the end :D It's gonna be epic!!! :D That's not nice :( One of my best mates has to wear a retainer, she hates it :noey: Well think, at least when your older you'll have gorgeous straight teeth :D I'm sure he'll understand :happy: Have you seen the interview from the NME awards where Matt's drunk??? :D It's hilarious!!! :LOL:

  10. Yeah!!! :D He's soo funny when he's drunk :LOL: When he randomly blew a raspberry at the end was just hilarious!!! :LOL: I just watched Kick-Ass :D First half I only liked because of Aaron Johnson, second half i liked because it turned into a really good film :D

  11. The last track, Time, is just beautiful :happy: I go to sleep to that song every night :D don't think he did the soundtrack for the first Pirates movie, because he wanted to see how it went down, but he did the other two I think he might for the fourth one :D He is a brilliant composer :yesey: The amount of films he's composed music for is mind-blowing!!! :LOL:

  12. Cool :happy: I've always wanted to know what it was like you know? :D Curiosity I guess :) England, isn't so serious about education, but there is hardly any jobs :( With the religious side of things it all depends on what part of Britain you live in :erm: I'm watching the film Kick Ass tonight, I have no idea what it's like :erm:

  13. Yeah :'( It's bad news :'( Apparently 'I'm not his type' :'( Never mind, plenty more fish in the sea :happy: It's called the Beauty Manifesto, it was written specially for the play, it's brilliant but so creepy :D Once the six weeks are up do you have to wear anything else??? :( He is the sunshine of my life sometimes!!! :LOL:

  14. It's awesome :awesome: It's from Hans Zimmer :D Have you heard any of his stuff??? :happy:

  15. Yeah I love it!!!! :D It's on my IPod :LOL: Along with many other soundtracks from films :D I want to see that film but I have no idea what it's about :erm: Have you heard the Inception soundtrack?? :happy:

  16. Sorry, I didn't reply :$ Yeah, I love classical music!!! :happy: Well mostly soundtracks from films but yeah!!! :D You??? :)

  17. I can try :LOL: How are you??? :D

  18. Noooo!!!! :'( When you go back to school you have to drop hints constantly and maybe he'll ask again ;) I do love half term :happy: Not too long, but not too short :D My best mate Beth is going out with Jack, Connor's best mate, and their sleeping round eachothers houses tonight so Jack is going to hopefully drop a few hints and put a few good words in for me :happy: I went to practice a play that we are performing for a competition today :happy: It was awesome :awesome: Beth scribbled I love Connor all over me and my script, and my mum found out I like him :eek: She won't drop it :rolleyes: How about you??? :D

  19. Lol yeah :LOL: I'll probably be back at school by then :chuckle: I'm fed up of school though :( It doe's my head in :erm: How are you??? :happy:

  20. Sort of altogether really, I just wanna know what it's like to live there :happy: Don't worry, I babble tonnes!!! :LOL: I live in rainy Britain :indiff: I hate it here, I wanna move so bad :(

  21. Both :( Oh Lol :LOL: Awesomesauce!!!! :awesome: I've been good, I'm actually feeling a little ill, it's probably nothing though :happy: Is your school on their holidays yet??? :)

  22. Just went riding, I will probably just lurk on the boards or do some drawing or practice piano or something :erm: I usually find something interesting to do :happy: What about you? :)

  23. :yesey: I still haven't got my blue highlights yet :( She's not letting me again :indiff: I've never seen them, your lucky!!! :LOL: How have you been??? :happy:
  24. Lucky!!!! :( What's it like in America?? :) I'm going riding today so that should be fun :D I've heard about that show, I lke the exaggerated stuff because it takes a good cast and director to pull it off!!! :LOL:

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