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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Don't worry, it all made sense ;) I don't have facebook either, I can't be bothered with it :chuckle: When she speaks to you, how doe's she act? :)

  2. I've always been myself, I've told myself that no matter how much I like him if he can't accept me for who I am he's not worth the effort ;) Okay, fire away :happy:

  3. Yeah I have!!! :LOL: I'm glad we do though :happy: It's so easy to have a conversation with you because we have lot's in common :D Omg that is just made of pure win!!! :LOL: Epic, I spilled like half my drink laughing, my mum is giving me strange looks now :chuckle: I have to show that to my friends!!! :LOL:

  4. Haha :LOL: My favourite film is The Lovely Bones by Peter Jackson, just a beautiful film :happy:

    Sometimes it works to my advantage, sometimes it doesn't :LOL: It all seems really simple but yet it's been confusing me for so long! :rolleyes: Do you think if I maybe tried to be a little less nervous and tried to make conversation with him we might get back to being how we used to be? :) Awkwardness = pure fail :noey: I hate it :mad: So, do you want any help with Sarah? :happy:

  5. Yeah, it's an okay place I guess, I'd just like a change :LOL: I'll try and catch it sometime, but I don't really watch much TV :erm: I'm more of a film person :happy::yesey: I get annoyed with girls going on about him too! He's really not that good looking! :LOL: I guess it depends on what you class as normal small or midget small, usually i would say I'm midget small though! ;) I don't actually have an email :$ I'm not really a technology person :$ Well I really don't know if he likes me because I'm getting mixed signals :erm: Sometimes he'll start up conversations with me (I'm not brave enough to do it myself :$) and then sometimes we won't talk at all and just glance at eachother :( We used to be good friends until he found out that I liked him and then it got really awkward, we barely spoke for ages but that's what happens with him, as soon as things get's awkward he shuts off :erm: So it's like he's trying to get us back to the good old days some days but then completely forgets about it other days :( Sorry about the whole essay!!! :LOL:

  6. Naaawww!!!!! He is going to be the best dad ever!!!! :D That little baby is so lucky :D Dom's pronunciation of Rihanna was a bit dodgy!!! :chuckle: Your friends sound a lot like mine!!! Actually a similar situation happened at school today :LOL:

  7. Cool, I can see why she moved away from the UK again :LOL:

    No, I've never actually seen Drake and Josh :$ Haha, every history lesson I have an update about her from him :rolleyes: I've got brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin and I'm small, actually very small :chuckle:

  8. Okay, sounds like a fair deal, agreed :yesey: What's the girl's name? :) I've never heard of Drake Bell but my mate adores Jessica Alba, he never shuts up about her :rolleyes:

  9. Okay cool :happy: I might be able to help seeing as I understand the female mind lol :LOL: Is there anybody who you can trust to maybe help you get closer to her? Johnny Depp is very cool and a brilliant actor :happy: Who are your favourite actors/actresses? :)

  10. Are you close at all or not? If you want me to shut up with the questions I will, don't worry :LOL: I'm as big a Johnny Depp film fan as I am a Muse fan :D

  11. Oooh!!! New interviews :happy: I haven't watched them yet, I'll have to once I've dug out my elusive headphones :indiff: they are hiding :ninja: How was your day??? :D

  12. Do you see her much at school, like have any lessons with her? :) I'm not sure but I hope so :happy: then I can see what I need to improve on :) Everyone says I am but personally I'm not so sure :erm: My best mate supports Chelsea, she's a very big fan! She's as big a Chelsea fan as I am a Muse fan :chuckle:

  13. Haha :LOL: I spent most of my break and lunchtime staring at him because my best mate dragged me over through the wind and rain to where she hangs out, which is where he hangs out too :happy: Any hope for giving it to him on Friday, then you can text over the weekend??? :D

  14. Did you give Liam your number??? :D:eyebrows::happy:

  15. No hope I don't think :erm: Are you having relationship trouble too? :( I'm not really a football person but I hope you have a good time :happy: What team do you support? :) It's called the Beauty Manifesto and basically it's set in the future when everybody has an operation to make them look beautiful and perfect when they hit 16. The play revolves around the five birthday people who are waiting for the operation, to cut a long story short they all refuse to have the operation except my character who stays to have the operation :indiff: I hate my character though :mad::chuckle: It's very freaky but great to act out and be a part of :happy:

  16. It's always worth a try :) I'm really excited about the new album :D His name is Connor, he's sweet and stuff just gives off so many mixed signals :erm: I'm actually in a play that we are performing for a competition so I'll be spending most of my holidays working on that :LOL: What about you? :happy:

  17. RADIOHEAD!?! They are one of my all-time favourite bands! :D How did you get in touch with them!? :D

    This is going to sound so girly but never mind :rolleyes:

    I've liked this guy on and off for three years and I really don't know if he likes me or not :erm: he found out that I liked him last year but I think he thinks I don't anymore but I'm just getting so many mixed signals :( Confusing :( Anyway, it's good to get that off my chest :LOL:

    That'll be great! :D I can't get over that fact that you might get Radiohead though! :D:eek::D

  18. :( I know the feeling :( Oh nothing really, just guy trouble :LOL: I have been today actually, which is a surprise! I had a maths test which I got really confused on :( But hey ho :happy: Are you still organising that festival at your school? :)
  19. Yeah, thank god, but my appetite took ages to come back, but it always doe's :( I'm not really a food person :( I've been good thanks, although my valentines day was depressing :'( You??? :)

  20. So was mine, but then it always is :( Why was yours depressing? :( My day has been okay thanks, except from the weather :LOL: Yours? :)

  21. Same with me, but I wouldn't leave my friends for all the popularity in the world :happy:

  22. :LOL: So do I!!! :chuckle: Did you enjoy it??? :happy:
  23. It's beautiful, some of the scenes are just breathtakingly devastating :noey: It's beautiful, and sad, and brilliant and heart-wrenching and then with a spark of hope all at the same time, I adore this film, that's why I kind of go overboard with praising it :LOL: It's just beautiful :yesey:

  24. Agreed :yesey: I just can't help feeling so sorry for him and all the people he left behind :( It must have been devastating for them :( On a slightly lighter note, how was your day??? :happy:

  25. I know :'( Naaawww!!!! :D That's so cute!!!! :D I wonder what he'll text you when he doe's get it :eyebrows: I don't know my number either :chuckle: I actually had to add it into my contacts list :$ My day was bad :( Nobody loves me :'(

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