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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. I made it in my Tech Ed class :awesome: Its not that hard, but maybe thats because I had a teacher helping me lol


    My teacher was like, "Whats 10/24/10?" "A concert" "Orly? Who?" "Muse" "Use?" "lol no MMMMuussee" "Ooooh"


    Silly teacher. I don't think he really knows who Muse are though.

  2. Thats fun :awesome:


    And actually pretty cool cos then I would be Maffoo's little sister:DD


    OMG Look what I made




    Front :awesome:


    close-up of teh awesome silhouette



  3. :awesome: In my Tech Ed class. You get computer generated pictures, tape 'em to a board, put freezer paper over that, cut out the freezer paper in the shape of the pictures/words, iron the cut out freezer paper to the sweatshirt, then spray paint it. Its actually pretty easy, but I guess thats because I had a teacher help me the whole time lol. So many people were like, "How'd you get that if it didn't even happen yet??!?!1/11??"


    I'm so pwoud of myself :)

  4. I just ended up taking pictures of it myself, without me in them D:





    Front :awesome:


    close-up of teh awesome silhouette




    sry for teh smallness D: I dont kno how to fix that. *computern00b*

  5. Yay for tapes and Plug in Cars! :dance:


    Ahhh...I'm really trying to get those pics of the sweatshirt up. I was like, "Hey mom, dad tried to take a picture but the battery ran out." "oh." "Yeah, soo..." "What?" "I want you to take a picture!! :facepalm:" "Ok I will"


    But she never did and now I have to go to school...:noey:

  6. DDD:<< The 24th of October is too freakin far awaaay!!!!! I wish I could skip summer. Just totally sleep through it or something.


    Yeah, and then I had a Muse dream last night that I was going to 3 concerts in like, 2 days. And I told Matt to play MotP for me. :facepalm: I'm so obsessed its weird.

  7. D: Its not there.


    D: Its a nice car though, amirite? We got a car like, a month ago. Its so ossum and you can plug your iPod into it. I have a Plug In Car! :awesome::dance:

  8. A caaar!! Oooooh :D What kind is it?

  9. OMG Im so excited for youu!!! :awesome:


    OMGOMG I finished my sweatshirt and it looks SO OSSUM!!! Turned out better than I thought it would and I'm just like :awesome:. I was gonna take pics but I ran out of battery on my camera...:| I will take pics though.

  10. YAY :awesome:


    *feels all special*

  11. Yea, That'd be fine :awesome: I'll join it. I was actually thinking of making this one meself.


    And just for the record, I thought of this before all these LOL jk groups came out :D

  12. OMGOMGMGYESS!!!!!! When are you going?? GAHH Ur SO luckly ur getting GA!! I'll be in my seats, thinking about lucky Jaimee who's going to be GA-ing in a couple of months... JK I won't. I'll probably be standing and jumping around and singing along as if i was in GA...D:


    I had a dream last night. About you. It was weird. I like, walked over to your house then my mom was like, "Oh, you can walk back to our house from there." So we walked from your house in Australia to my house in the US somehow, then we were like, "YAY We're going to see Hullabaloo!!" to my mom. Then we went back to your house. By walking. It was sooo weird...

  13. Ahhh! That sux/doesn't suck cos they recorded in Aussie.


    I couldn't listen to the interview cos it was like, a bunch of downloads and crap sooo :shifty:


    But YAY they announced Australia dates!! When are you going to see them??

  14. D: Thats terrible!


    Okay I gotta go now D: Do homework. Poo.



  15. D: I'm so sorry!


    DDDDDD: You can have one of mine.

  16. Lol. Sounds so epic :awesome:


    Do you have any Muser friends? I have 2, but they're not deeply obsessed like me...D:


    Or did we talk about this already? I con't remember lol.

  17. OMG! Well after I first wathced the making of GL, with all that "firm" stuff, I went to my friends house for a sleepover and I was like, "ILIKEITFIRMILIKEITFIRMILIKEITQUITEFIRM" All night and they were all like, "WTH HANNAH STOP SAYING THAT." So I had to show them and my one friend was like, "HOLY CRAP. He's HAWT!" About Dom. I was like :awesome: the whole time.

  18. I...am just so confused.


    I could do without boys. Unless its The Boys that are Muse. I couldn't live without them.

  19. Well, to one friend, he was like, "Oh we're close friends but I see why people think that." and he yelled at another girl :shifty:



  20. I do. My liking for him has been renewed since this week and all this stuff happening. But I want to know if he likes me too, and if he doesn't, then I'll stop caring.

  21. :awesome: I love your lolz and we're going to the same gig in the fall so I just thought I'd say hi :D?
  22. Well, I started liking him last summer, then I was like, "Meh. Idc anymores", But just last sunday we sat next to eachother and all of my friends were like, "OMG LOOK THEYRE SO CUTE TOGETHER LOLOL ARE THEY GOING OUT!!?!?!" And so they're all like, "Omg he likes you, yes he does, yes he does." And 2 of them asked him if he liked me and I'm like, "No guys :facepalm:" But they're still like, "Oh yes he does."


    But as far as he knows, I don't know any of this. *is sneaky*

  23. :shifty: I only ever liked one guy :facepalm:


    Its just cos all the others are unnattractive. Except for Dommeh. And Maffoo. And Chwis. LOL the lady who talks on my rock radio station got to interview Muse after a concert here(:fear: darn her) and she was talking about it afterwards and was like, "Yeah, they're all REALLY short. Except Chris. Oooh, Chris, he has a rugby body...:eek: Did I just say that out loud?!"


    I'm not even kidding xDD

  24. Lol bye.


    Also, *shock* :eek: They wrote NSC for Twilight!?!?!?/!!!?11? :supersad: I must listen to that interview.

  25. I knoooow! Like, everyone prefers Maffoo, but I'm like, "No way man, Blond/blue eye boys are the best! :awesome:"


    The funny thing is, the guy I like has brown hair and brown eyes...:shifty:

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