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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Summer school sucks. I've never had it but...


    I NEED a concert to go to!! Soooo badly!! </3

  2. wut.


    I posted there. to make you happy.

  3. Lol I know all about that stuff :ninja:


    Holy crap I am such a stalker :facepalm:

  4. It sucks though. This summer is going to be torture for me DD:

  5. Well, half the people going to my show are from the other side of the country lol


    Plus they talk about meet-ups and stuff, which I'm too young for...D: :facepalm:

  6. Ossum :awesome:


    I have NO concerts to go to this summer! D: I want to go see Cake in September but thats September. I want to go to Warped Tour but I can't. UUgh I'm going to die from nothingness.

  7. I've only been to 2 so far and I'm seeing Muse in October. So 3.


    I've seen Flyleaf, Chevelle, 3DG in one show; Torche, Circa Survive, and Coheed & Cambria in another show. For the Coheed concert it was all GA and I had barrier to the left. And the lead singer of Circa pointed to my mom and called her a chick :rolleyes: Yeahh, the 2nd concert was the best+most fun and barrier made it x100 better :awesome:

  8. Yeah it was :awesome:


    Except that I didn't have GA and our seats weren't the best. Mehh w/e it was still tons of fun :D

  9. I am such a little stalker of your tour-gig thread :ninja: Hey, a few people that I know(on here) are going so I figured, "Why not just look at what's up down there?"


    Wow, your thread is way more fun than mine

  10. Lol, yeah Cage the Elephant are an awesome band but he decided to go to that instead of Muse with me :supersad:


    I saw Flyleaf, Three Days Grace, and Chevelle in concert. I met Flyleaf beforehand and it was so awesome=D

  11. Well, me and my mom and other friend went all out at another concert for my birthday. Yeah, we met the band and stayed overnight at a hotel and everything. So even though I could pay for my concert ticket, my mom couldn't. And my dad wouldn't give her any money.


    I also asked my friend if he could go with me instead of my mom but he went to a Cage the Elephant concert instead. :eek:

  12. Pfft. We don't get to decide our classes . Yet. Once in high school I can do whatever I want lol but for now...


    Yep. one of the student teachers actually went to the Muse gig right near me that I unfortuanetly missed :faceplam: I had my Muse shirt on and he was like, "Oh, you like Muse? :awesome:" Me: "YESS" Him:"COOL I went to their concert." Me: *is all quiet* I wanted to go to that really badly Him: "This probably won't make you feel any better but it was AWESOME!"



  13. lol We switch around specials-classes. In all, we have art, family and consumer sciences(Wihich, on our report cards, is spelled Con. Science :awesome:), music, and Tech ed.


    :fear: When I was in music, we had student teachers(who loved Muse btw :awesome:), and they played Muse for the grade higher than me on the last day we had it. They knew I loved Muse and yet they played it for the class higher than me AND told me about it. What, did they think I'd be like, "Oh, that's cool. Go play Muse without me and I'll be okay with it." Darn them.

  14. Oh, math is my best :awesome: My least favorite are science and social studies D: but those two classes are the ones I have the most random Muse-ings in...

  15. It makes perfect sense. Your periods are numbers and mine are letters. The only difference in our testing schedule is that little time to study before the tests lol


    Ahh I suck at studying so I'm really scared about the finals this year. Plus, they're worth 10% of our overall grade and I'm just scared I'm gonna mess them up.

  16. We start late August. I don't know when we end next year though.


    My last week is all half days which consist of 2 tests a day for 2 periods. The first day is A and B periods, the second is C and D. I think thats how it goes at least xD

  17. Yeah its Memorial day. :awesome:


    My weekend was good, scary, good, bad, and now its just chill. I literally haven' been home all weekend, and I'm going to crash tonight when I get home...and like, sleep all day tomorrow.

  18. :eek: I'm so jealus you end so early!


    Yeah my last week of school is testing all day...>_>;


    Then my last day of school is on a Monday and is literally 2 hours long. I'm not going lol

  19. D'awww thank youu.


    Yay I have off tomorrow :dance:

  20. Aww I didn't get mine yet. I'm waiting. Patiently. :facepalm:


    Ughh my school doesn't end till June 21st.

  21. okay, cya later Jaimee :awesome:

  22. lol That happens to me a lot. These boards are just too funny. Its all I ever do on the computer besides Facebook.

  23. Its not like I can do anything about them though...


    I wish people were more open minded. I'm sure I used to be. So free. :facepalm:

  24. I know. Everyone is like, "OMGOMG U did that urself??/?" Some people were like, "How'd you get that sweatshirt if it didn't even happen yet?" and some people are like, "Whats Muse?" :shock:


    Silly people are so silly sometimes.

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