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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. I don't care. You don't know what drunk is sister

  2. :phu:

    I don't make empty threats.

  3. I can't handle this. :stunned:

    You're off the friend list :phu:

    You must understand, it's not me, it's you. I...I... I'm lost for words

  4. Grrrrr. Imma slave to the grave :awesome:

    Do you really think kbb > muse?

  5. I know. I'm sick of unwritten rules.

    Surely that doesn't apply to friendship anyway!?

  6. I thought I already had you. :$

    Anyway. Why should I always have to make the fist move? :phu:

  7. Look dude,

    You don't need another internet gf. The same thing is going to happen. I'm sorry, but you need to know.

  8. :facepalm:

    Who is her friend?

  9. :(

    So who broke it off? When?

  10. You got over it fast. Movin on quickly

  11. You said you have 2 copies of uprising? Did you want to sell to another muser? :awesome:

    It may be too expensive for me by the time you add shipping, but get back to me ;)

  12. I posted this ages ago, so I thought I would again. If anyone has any Muse singles or any of the DVD's (including HAARP), and you are interested in, selling please let me know. I'm starting to collect
  13. Tsk tsk.

    Well that's not very co-operative is it? :rolleyes:

  14. :facepalm:

    Okay, well I'm terrible at that. :$


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