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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. I'm sorry to take everyone off topic. But i'm just telling all NZ'ers out there who haven't got the resistance yet, that i'm selling a copy on trademe (cheaper than all the other copies on there) because i won 2 copies and i'm going to buy the one with the DVD. So here is the link http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=244947796 Once again - sorry for changin the topic
  2. They are coming! I said something to the Edge bout them, and they asked if i knew that they were headlining BDO! Also i saw it on C4 this morning - they had the top 10 artists of BDO 2010 and they were number 1 (they played starlight!). Does this mean they'll do other shows in NZ? Cause i'd rather go to a proper show rather than Big Day Out...
  3. Where is the best place to get muse stuff in NZ?
  4. I thought i heard it too... But i do think they are coming next year...
  5. Hi, i would like to start a campaign/petition for the Edge to give away some copies of Muse's back catalouge. I think it would be an AWESOME prize. If we get enough people wanting it, we'll email them this petition! C'mon guys! I think i used to meany exclamation marks....!!!!! Anyways, here's the link. Tell all the New Zealanders you can find on here!
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