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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Yep! :D

    When I don't know what I say!


  2. :LOL:

    Tbh, I don't have an opinion on accents-though I guess I like the Irish one *shrugs*

  3. :rolleyes:

    Everyone thinks they have a bad accent, so meh

  4. You do! :eek:

    Not according to my English friend :LOL:

  5. :awesome:

    Woo! We are ahead of the world in SOMETHING!

  6. :LOL:

    It's evening-5pm :yesey:

    What time where you are?

  7. I don't contradict myself for Contradicting is too fun :awesome:

  8. See ya Taylor


    Yeah I know your name :ninja:

  9. She doesn't understad :phu:

    I think she's more worried about me going away by myself. :rolleyes: YAY! cottonwool generation.

    When she was a kid, she walked around back alleys all night singing "hit me with your rythym stick" :LOL::facepalm:


    Anyway-pretty sure dad will be cool ;)

  10. New Zealand is more important :phu:

    (it's not an Australian state :indiff: )


    I was suprised how uptight my mum was when I suggested me going to a gig... :erm:

    I'll sweet talk her by then though :LOL:

  11. Not sure *shrugs*


    You are so lucky-if I want to see muse I have to fly in a plane :(

    Luckily I just converted a guy into a muse fan,and he can cheap airfares :awesome:

    He was a fan within the hour-it took me a year :LOL:

    I had planned to go to BDO-but then I realised it was MA15-i'm 15 2 weeks after it :facepalm:

    Apparantly they are meant to come later in the year-not cofirmed though :(


    I probly won't get it-I'll just ask for it. :chuckle:

    But my aunty usually gives me money so I'll buy it anyway :D

  12. :LOL: I will, the idea is to get easy laughs by taking the piss out if ourselves



    A couple of months ago, but I only went near banter in the last month.


    I've never been a gig, so I still find it amazing :awesome:

    Imma get hullabaloo for Xmas :yesey:

  13. :LOL: probly won't.


    Sorry-don't know him :(... Probly before my time...


    But that sucks :(


    I'm watching HAARP :awesome:

  14. I'm shy too... Grrrrr... Tommorow I've got to do this FPS thing (you probly don't know what that is). Anyway... We has to do a drama thing, and imma come out my shy-shell cos we are doing a boyband thing :awesome::facepalm:

    We have to incorparate a stapler, and I play the stapler(I hve to do a solo) and I'm doing a matt/chris influenced headbang/ott thing. :facepalm:


    Aaannnyway-who is he?

  15. Cool :awesome:


    The muse boards:awesome:? That's how I met maddie :awesome:

  16. No! I'm bored so meh...


    You're in a band? :awesome:

    :LOL: your "sort of E-boyfriend"? (Im listening)

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