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Everything posted by kueller

  1. 2008 I first heard them. Started with Absolution and got really into it. Spent about a year getting familiar with every song, from studio albums to b-sides to demos to the official live releases. It was real obsession, and for some reason I'm not ashamed of it. Saw them live for the first time in 2009. They weren't the first band I got into but they were the first to blow me away from the first listen. I really admired them. Spent the first half of high school in that obsession mode. I'd download all the live bootlegs at my 70kb/s internet speed and got to know them all. I got a lot of people I knew into the band. I was even known as the big Muse fan once they started to actually become a recognizable name. I was already getting a little disappointed at the beginning of the differences in US vs. Europe concert qualities. It wasn't a big issue though. Later high school I started to drift away from the band, not for dislking them but since I started to hear more music, that was more fresh to me. I started seeing Muse not as the peak of music anymore and finding more interest in other more experimental stuff and being kinda nostalgic towards Muse's older days. Disappointment with The Resistance helped that. The 2nd Law I thought was fun even if I grew out of it quickly like most people. I loved the tour and the concert I attended. I embraced the cheesy side of Muse. By now I had gone deep into a lot of experimental fields of music and kind of wrapped around to where I really appreciate something that just entertains and is more immediate. Muse are admittedly really good at that, by my tastes. I also started growing the highly optimistic and subjective view of music I hold, and mostly stopped caring so much about whether or not I liked a song they released. This carried on into Drones. I kinda settled also musically like many others. I can't even pick a distinct favorite band anymore, but Muse are still up there among my top. Their best work still connects with all my music preferences and they've been the base for all other music I found later which says a lot. I still find myself listening to them a ton despite the rest of my music library having grown drastically since I first heard them and I can go watch some of the great performances and be as awed as the first viewing. Live this tour has been really disappointing to me, probably most disappointment I've had since I've been a fan, which should be no surprise since I've said that a lot. They've proved in recent years they can still have the power of the rock band I fell in love with, but I wish they'd actually do that more often so I could see it. I still enjoy their music very much so it hurts to know there's some personal conflict in there that's not existed before. To the former fact though, I'm glad. On a side note, the community has become a big part of this. I started regularly posting here around 2011 when I had nothing better to do, and I still visit frequently despite not being as obsessed as I used to be. Same goes for things like videos which I've always tried to make from a neutral standpoint. wew
  2. Bumping this since it was never answered and came up in recent discussion.
  3. I think it was more just to let them see the question. It's a really awkward thing to bring up in person, and probably a really awkward question to answer publicly, but it showed the grief and fair points. It's been one of the bigger board topics lately.
  4. I don't have much memories of it from 2010 (same arena tour) so that might not be just you. It's the 2011 that really stuck with me and the other performances of it that year had good responses. T2L Stockholm also looked great.
  5. kueller


    Who wants to break it to him?
  6. If I was seated I'd never hear queue stories. Then I like to think if I never read other setlists I'd never know the context of what I was missing and would enjoy it more. To some extent. Ignorance is bliss after all, and that would be the closest I'd get to having Bliss at a Muse concert.
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