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Everything posted by kueller

  1. There wasn't a lot of fear after The Resistance Tour though. He was still nailing Bliss falsettos here and there and also hit the high note in Hyper Music for the first time.
  2. I still got 60 downloads seeding if someone wants to go all in. I'll probably start combing through all 46 pages and get anything special I've missed.
  3. Is there a way to download literally everything?
  4. It helped that Thom Yorke was basically bitter his entire career. He gets his big hit single on the first record, then hates that and basically names the next album in response to it. Then the band makes one of the most iconic 90s rock albums and decides rock is boring and moves on. The first 3 albums gave them the boost in popularity and enough attention to maintain attention for more divisive phases. That, and Kid A trimmed off a ton of the then casual fans. Sippe even mentioned in the band's thread how many of their albums are rebellious against some aspect of previous albums. Through very fortunate circumstances they were able to get away with it.
  5. Radiohead's members had side projects that I assume accounted for most of the time span. Especially since their albums are more producing and fine tuning existing songs I doubt it would take long if they put 100% of their time into it.
  6. There was something like that, I think using the stage cameras.
  7. Sometimes I do for song choices alone but then I remember that was the first tour where the American quality drop properly happened, even when they were rehearsing R/L, so it can stay in the past.
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