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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Is this lecturer qualified to determine the safety of a website?
  2. In regard to quality of cover I can't see it as much more than just liking or disliking the song itself, since this has the least deviation of any cover Muse have done. Unless the only deciding factor is the more polished production. Beyond that they seemed to have hit all the right points from the source.
  3. I like the album more than T2L which is opposite my initial reaction. I still feel that way but the tour I found to be their among their weakest moments. Certainly the worst I've personally experienced with the band. That just really killed all my interest and excitement in the rest of the tour. There's no point to be pessimistic for the future since there was also negativity after The Resistance Tour which was turned around the following tour. So that can still happen. I just checked out of this era to get over the disappointment. It does make me more wary for next tour though which I wasn't for Drones, and I don't know if I want to attend in this country anymore with how the crowds have become.
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