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Everything posted by kueller

  1. A proper HT&ILY performance would be nice since the only existing was is so badly encoded it looks like a slide show. DMG. There's only a few to choose from. Glorious from Earl's Court. Fuck even just the audio would be fine. Muscle Museum from Ipswich And also seconding Fury from Zepp. I think it's my favorite performance now.
  2. Doesn't Niall have like multiple copies of everything Muse ever released ever in different languages and formats? Maybe it's Niall.
  3. I think I actually liked Fury the best at the time but then began to like Glorious more. I at least knew I liked it more than Invincible.
  4. I remember reading somewhere that it indeed was the reason why it was cut but it may have been a baseless assumption too.
  5. Why * songs were cut: Muse wanted to make a softer setlist for the bulk of the release Why Unsustainable was cut: Muse don't like the robot anymore. Why songs were cut in general: Probably couldn't fit the entire concert onto one disc.
  6. They get huge attention from stadiums especially since it's usually organized around the summer. Management-wise it would be pretty stupid to drop them entirely just to be different.
  7. They wanted to play RBS then forgot about it just like they did Host, Falling Down, and the 2nd arena piano slot.
  8. Well in recent years it's only been played in Japan cause it was only played first in Japan. Muse logic and whatnot but it fits. and lol
  9. Actually every Japan exclusive song this tour was for a reason related to Japan which is interesting. Other than that they've just had a high concentration of rarities but no songs out of nowhere that were only played there.
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