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Everything posted by kueller

  1. But I just called it a rarity too. Can't wait to download this.
  2. When you really think about it the song was a semi-regular in the 2010 stadium tour and that's about it. It's been rarer than we make it out to be.
  3. If this is true this is probably the closest they'll ever get to playing a Swedish gig.
  4. Well I know that even though they obviously weren't going into the song it was still kind of a way of saying "you're not getting the full song now, you're getting Feeling Good instead". Didn't bother me that much but I can imagine it being worse with Bliss because that was actually possible.
  5. They're doing OK in that regard. The piano rotation slot was a brilliant thing since it was almost always a great song to pick from. And they did start bringing in Dead Star and US later and some of the big rarities, they just need to work on spreading them out more, doing those things more regularly. Not just for special occasions.
  6. They're doing pretty well right now mixing in old songs (remember there's more songs to choose from too). But BH&R just seems to have been forgotten. Not a single rarer song played. Not even Take A Bow.
  7. Insane. In a few years they've gone from pretty much playing every BH&R song (in its tour) to only playing 4 of them.
  8. But the songs in them, the positions, and lengths, are chosen at random. If it was completely non-structured might as well just do a shuffle set instead of programming something.
  9. I think that one tops Rock In Rio for me. It's amazing how Unnatural Selection has managed to improve this tour considering it was already a highlight both times I saw it on the last tour.
  10. Random setlist generator Uprising In Your World Forced In Shrinking Universe Invincible Host Bedroom Acoustics Unintended Ruled By Secrecy Apocalypse Please Follow Me Easily House of the Rising Sun Plug In Baby Futurism Falling Away With You Showbiz Isolated System Prague Take A Bow ------------------- Dracula Mountain New Born Butterflies & Hurricanes House of the Rising Sun Sing for Absolution Soldier's Poem Falling Away With You Neutron Star Collision Space Dementia Endlessly Do We Need This Easily Madness Resistance Hate This & I'll Love You Jimmy Kane Hyper Chondriac Music Apocalypse Please Sober Take A Bow
  11. I believe so. Any chance of a full DVD upload at some point?
  12. I guess they deserve special treatment seeing as it was the first and only South American tour.
  13. Never seen this before. That song selection is fantastic. EDIT: Apocalypse Please vocals are... interesting
  14. You never know. The situation of a small gig in midst of a festival is very similar and if they are doing anniversary stuff this would be a good way of reminding us it's still happening since they went silent about it as of recent. Not putting my hopes up but I'm interested to see how it plays out.
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