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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I love electric once it gets going. But I slightly prefer acoustic for its consistency. I'd give electric another listen but the drive with all my Muse songs won't connect for some reason and I don't want to reboot.
  2. I want to get this just cause but looking at the reviews I'm afraid the distributor will just take my $20 and disappear.
  3. I wish. It would at least be better than Starlight.
  4. There should be an archive somewhere. Time to make another wiki.
  5. Well where does it go for Best Thread? Actually, how do you get to see any of the non-member awards once the sub-sections are deleted? I don't remember them being archived anywhere.
  6. Is there any way I can put that app into an award category?
  7. When I'm older I want to be that guy with bookshelves stocked with CDs and records. Or maybe in the future, hard drives.
  8. I think all popular bands are potential gateway bands. They all can introduce people to delve further into their inspirations depending on the curiosity of the listener. Interesting how a lot of people on this board have very similar tastes or are open to the same kinds of music, even ones that haven't actually liked Muse themselves for years.
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