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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. omg loool i JUST realised its in makeup :LOL: its actually cuute


    oh man all the way back in eighth grade *assumes its a while ago* i really hate how our school doesnt fork out for anything interesting :indiff:


    i think i've gotten used to being zombified lool, since im shy and dont talk much anyways it doesnt make as much of a difference :p

  2. ooh forgot to mention the av last night :eek:

    new av :awesome:


    apparently we dont even get to disect it cause our school's so budget they could only afford one heart and it had to be reused.. and we're the last class to get it after being defrosted like 3 times :vomit:


    :stunned: ok that would've made me jump like a mile as well xD


    i went to bed at like 12:30 :O thats early for me :LOL:

  3. they did :LOL:


    ahhh we get to poke our fingers through sheep artery valves soon :awesome::chuckle:

    ooh and i once watched my dad gut a duck ahaha


    looolll xD i lvoe how it wasnt a ghost you got scared by on a ghost train, it was a giant gorilla :chuckle:


    if i spelt stuff wrong its because im exhausted :sleepy:

  4. she just has like ONE facial expression of like... bland suprise? i dunno what it is but its annoying :LOL:

    did you know they had to paint on his abs? :chuckle:


    yeah its like you wanna look cause its kinda.. interesting.. like you wouldnt normally see shit lika that :LOL: but then you dont wanna look cause.. eww

    someties i feel a bit sadistic if i get too interested :LOL:


    loool i went on one once.. it was hilarious.. it was like.. pirate themed :erm:

  5. lmao.. posted it on my own profile again i see :facepalm:

    yeah god i heard they were gonna kick bella's actor off the last movie but decided not to.. she really is bad..


    and lool im the same, ill watch saw and hostel and so on and so forth and be fine but i watched some cheesy ass ghost movie which even had a happy ending and was scared of the dark for weeks :chuckle:

  6. yay for using the board at school :awesome::LOL:

  7. my god that actually looks awesome.... its better that theyre not attractive teenagers.. creepy ass children with their blank stares.. ooh i like it :LOL: i might have to watch that at some point..


    saw 6 is a bit meh...

  8. me too man. theyre like crocs! just eurgh.. ALL my friends have em :chuckle:


    ooh its a creepy film :awesome: whats it about..?

  9. innit me too :LOL:

    gave up on trends ages ago, i STILL havent got ugg boots :cool:


    i've heard of let the right one in.. yeah it's true remakes suck.. like american version of the office or top gear or whatever..

  10. did i just spell program all french style? loool.. oh dear..

  11. ahh i still havent seen hot fuzz.. but he was awesome in dr who and shaun of the dead as well back in the day :awesome:


    yeah and what sucks is the best clothes there are the expensive ones.. the cheaper ones are just average and you could get em elsewhere..


    ahh man :LOL: slient witness was just rubbish.. at least the first episode was anyways..

    yeah and wallander was set in sweden as well.. it really confused me :LOL: they were all british actors .. my dad fuckin loves that programme lol

  12. lool that was long as well

  13. it is simon pegg :awesome: in spaced

    and thankyouu :happy:


    and oh gosh i didnt reply to the last one did i :facepalm:


    apparently if you wear glasses your eyes give up trying and get worse or something :chuckle:


    lol sounds like me going to central london where all the interesting shops are.. most of the stuff i actually like is from H&M ('nnother good swedish shop :D)

    i think i resent top shop clothes because i cant afford them :LOL:



    :LOL: i think i may have watched an english version of one of the crime dramas.. wallander? pretty dry i must say but better than silent witness from over here.. eurgh.. british tv fails at some stuff..

  14. :chuckle: man i think i should have glasses.. i just dont want em because i hear they make your eyes get lazy and even more short sighted..


    ooh it is very sharp... at my school its basically, dress like an indie kid like wear everything you can find in topman :LOL: or dress like a g, budski, chav type person.. which isn't much difference.. more traksuits lol

    i dont have the moneyy to buy all my clothes from topshop :LOL:


    oh i just ramble like crazy lmfao, even people i barely know have told me i talk too much.. but its weird because im completely silent around people i dont know... gets so annoying :chuckle:


    ooh i started watching that :happy: what episode are you on?

  15. oooops, there was 2 big ass paragraphs there i forgot to reply to this one :supersad:


    i did once.. but my eyesights got bad only recently.. totally because of too much computer :chuckle:


    ahh i have like the opposite of you, oily, spot prone skin :indiff:

    some guys proper take care of their skin :LOL: like metrosexuals, there's SO many at my school.. they proper talk about clothes and what outfits they'll wear to certain places all the time lol


    ahh man i get the same worries.. i used to be worse.. now i just dissmiss myself as always saying the wrong thing :LOL: tbh putting myself down has stopped me worrying about not being good enough, i don't even bother anymore haha

  16. ohh wow unlucky with the whole 1 vote thingy

    but keeewl that you have a band :happy: i wanna hear the demo :awesome:


    my gosh yes that is annoying :LOL:

    tbh i dont really like anyone below the age of 13..

    and the filth that goes on, even in main muse.. it's just not the place for kids :chuckle:

  17. :( do eye problems stop 3d working i'm sure i'm short sighted.. damn..


    innit! :LOL: well... then again not a waste cause they'd look slightly less attractive with bad skin.. but still.. not as bad as my skin looks :chuckle:


    oh gosh i worry about EVERYTHING as well.. my mum got worried about hers which made me get worried but nothing was wrong so yay :happy:

  18. lool bad timing i'm off to bed

  19. i'm on.. did you add me? i see no 'someone added you' message thingy

  20. the one i saw was at a museum :chuckle: was pretty cool though, writing came flying out the screen :happy:


    damnn i have big hands as well

    and they're faat... egh i've seen guys with more feminine hands than me *sulks* :LOL:


    aw, thats definately a good reason for icecream :D

    my mum had one once though... i got no ice cream :fear:

    lol at how selfish that makes me sound

  21. ahh i know people like that.. actually im like that sometimes.. but i still wanna see it :D

    i wanna see like how 3Ds progressed since some crappy ass movie i saw a couple of years back xD


    I have maaan feeet :(:LOL: it's so unfair lool i dont lookks good in loads of shoes cause of it.. lucky you :p


    and that sounds like an amazing situation, i ish my mum would randomly request icecream eating ahaha

  22. I havent seen it yet :( damnit i know poeple are syaing the story's not that great but i wanna see it before its not at the cinema ... 3D seems cool :D


    ooh they're niice :D i have a pair like them minus the heels.. but they're too small damnit :LOL:

  23. STILL havent seen titanic all the way through :phu: *proud*


    ooh what're these ones like? :awesome:

  24. It really is a great book, the combination of all the political shiz and the romance proper enhances both of them, it's like the first book to make me cry... or it could've been that it was time of the month when i read it :LOL:


    ahhh i'm so happy i learnt today i have longer than i thought for my art project :happy:

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