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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. basically just remember theories and studies, revise, revise, practise test, do stupid pointless questions, explain stuff to the crazy amount of people in my group who dont get it.. do boring groupwork.. i dont like psych lately :LOL:


    :supersad: aww thats actually a very sad scene you've just conjured up :LOL: im glad its getting a bit warmer here :happy:


    yaay :D its too hard to explain what a chav is..

  2. dont be jealous it is SO mu h less interesting than it sounds...


    at least you have an excuse not to go out :chuckle: i live in the sunny suburbs o london.. full of chavs and nothing to do if you're not into chavvy clubs..

    ok g'night

  3. awwwww :supersad:

    ooooh ooh i have anpther theory, people think two people of the same opposite sex being together is cuter / more novel/ sexier cause they havent come into contact with enough like porn or sexualised stuff which is like that..

    this is so much mroe interesting than my psychology essay sorry :LOL:


    omg i have a biology teacher like that :indiff: in the end we got another teacher to teach s the stuff she missed out..

    same, i mean theres stuff to do but its not the sort of thing i can get involved with *sigh*


  4. i thought about that once..

    i think it might be that guys usually mess each other about like, insult each other playfully, play fight and all manly shiz and to see them form some sort of like love seems meaningful.. course thats probably all bullshit it could be that man + man = double the fun in peoples minds :LOL:


    eurgh that sounds stressful.. ive just got a load of homework and im supposed to do a load of work towards my art exam but its just not happening :(

    what tests are they for?

    i haven t been out ONCE this holidays :stunned:

  5. :chuckle: i would agree.. but its david mitchel.. though he is cute :happy: and simon(?) webb


    oogh i hate running out of time in tests its so nerve wracking,,

    ahh my half term hols are this week :D

    gonna end soon and ive done like no art as usual :(

  6. t'is indeed :D


    and not really :(

    just trying and failing to do art coursework lool, you?

  7. :LOL: come to thinkg of it.. probably the same with me haha


    i didnt have fun..much... it was FREEZING, though still probably warmer than sweden.. my hand muscles proper seized up lool

    and i had to sit next to the most ANNOYING mentally disabled kid.. not discriminating but my gosh..


    oooghhh that sounds painful *cringes*

    bloody hate the dentists.. i probably need a checkup.. and yett another filling.. soon

  8. yeah im pretty desperate when it comes to seeing the good in people. i cant afford to be mean with my lack of social skills :chuckle:


    i trudged around fields, hills, forests etc. taking photos of rocks, bones and sculptures :erm: (art school trip)


    ughhh and now im tiiired

  9. wow.... aww


    i dont reaaally know what is it either.. i just tend to see the bad in most things..


    anyone who can avoid falling down when ice skating has skillz in my book..

    i have to get up at 5 to go on a school trip to yorkshire :( i really cba.. its gonna be all cold there.. and im not even going with anyone i know well..


    im still up cause if i go to bed tomorow will come quicker :LOL:

  10. :supersad: you mean i know longer own chris wolstenholmes vestigial tail bone :eek:

    :chuckle: yeah i took mine off as well


    im like the most cynical person alive, not quite sarcasm or irony or even humour.. just really cynical :LOL:


    lool well done, srsly.. skating is ridiculously hard :mad:

    im annoyed and a bit depressed.. and i have to get up at 5 tomorow :'(

  11. :chuckle: i always forget how you spell it


    i'm keeper of chris' coccyx :awesome:

    ahh internet sarcasm never works as well as real life :LOL:


    i should be saying fml every 2 seconds tbh..


    you good?

  12. strawberry blone is also keewl :p

    i hurt my coccyx (:chuckle:) on the ice and ever since ive HATED it :LOL:


    yeah it is a bit. mehhh.. i HOPE i wasnt laughing at stuff like it is now when i used to post in there..

    'somewhat' is right loool, i make terrible conversation


    'I wish it wasn't the way it is. I don't even know what I want, I just want something else.'

    +111000101001000 :(

  13. zomgg :eek: ice skate? man, even though i hate ice skating, thats pretty cool.. :chuckle:

    blonde is keeewl :D all the plastic girls at school bleach their hair :LOL: they look like clones.. natural blonde is better tbh


    i have the same thing :( people dont know me in lolz anymore.. ive lost my fangirly lolz making fuel.. banter dont know me either.. just mehh


    im unhappy cause i really am discontent with my life, painfully discontent, the fact i dont like where i am seems to play on me like every second it's horrible.. im not even sad, just REALLY discontent :LOL:

  14. arghh god feet are just the WORST :LOL:

    pale is alright when you're supposed to be pale but not on me.. though i might dye my hair blue-black again, it'd work with my paleness :chuckle:



    im not happy..

    howre you?

  15. eurgh dont you hate it when freeeezing wind blows on your ears? i swear mine actually froze today :LOL:

    i really cant wait for summer :D :D

    plus i look pale and ill in the winter :LOL:

  16. i be here




  17. oh LOVELY :LOL::awesome:


    well.. it was a young american so theyre excused :p


    ughh its snowing again :indiff:

  18. eww :LOL: actually i cant talk i like that stuff as well, squeemish though i may be lol


    'deliciously british' :awesome: i didnt know 'bloke' was a britishy word till someone didnt understand me :(:LOL:


    i think my heads too big for hats.. probably why wearing hats feels weird for me... lol

    i kinda want at least one wonky tooth.. they looked boring before :chuckle:

  19. :LOL: i dont think i appreciate 'scuba diving' to its full awesomeness.. i like emm.. 'rhetorical' 'amoeba' 'arse' :chuckle: dont ask about arse, just saying that instead of ass makes me feel so british xD


    innit like when you take a hat off and it feels all weird.. but on your teeth :erm:

    ive realised lately my left canines gone a bit wonky.. kinda late for braces soon though :(

  20. kudos for using the word wahey :awesome: fuckin love that word :LOL:

    and n'aww yay for you, i remember how happy my mates were when they got theirs out as well xD

  21. you're probably less likely to have a fire at school than like in a match shop :LOL: i swear theyre fire proof..


    :chuckle: just ewwwww... yellow... i dont like that colour.. its the colour of gross...


    haha i can imagine if i got really out of it, thought friday was wednesday and got all happy cause i thought that was happening :happy: that would actually be a nice way to look at the week :chuckle:

  22. once it was real but it was such a small fire they didnt bother sending us home :LOL:


    still though :chuckle: eeeeeeww


    oh god... TWO wednesday in a row, first lesson i've written the date 'monday' :facepalm: first time round the teacher actually saw me and said ' thats a bit worrying..' :LOL:

    probably cause that lesson makes it FEEL like a monday morning :indiff:

  23. oh god like the boy who cried wolf... i actually dont like being kicked out of lesson to go stand a round for no reason anymore.. once the teacher actually told us to not bother going cause it was only a fake :LOL: if it had been real lool


    ewwwwwwwww :chuckle: man... nice..


    yeah i cant think straight some days :erm:

    ahh i just remembered its a saturday and i have no school tomorow :happy: love when that happens

  24. yeah that can classify as a while :chuckle:

    zomgg really?? people used to set it off all the time as well i didnt realise they had to pay... though is that cause the firemen actually came to your school when it got set off cause i dont think they actually came to ours..

    eww :LOL: thats like disecting a roast chicken :chuckle:


    i think part of the reason im so shy is cause i dont get enough sleep.. but oh wells..

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