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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. idiots keep voting for like plug in baby :noey: theyre gonna play that already damnit...


    n'aww firefox is SO the best :D and the logo is cute aswell :chuckle:

    ahh going back to bed at 7am.. you off school as well?

  2. wow.. long post there xD

  3. aww.. lucky.. im nto really happy my first concert is in a stadium.. ill probably actually have to get glasses.. maybe binoculars.. if im gonna see anything.. and apparently the sound isnt good..

    i shouldnt complain lmao at least im going..


    i was tempted to vote spiral static.. but i cant imagien thatd be that good live really..

    i really cant wait to see if we get any interesting songs :D

    gonaa be good.. i bet they play like.. GL every gig now to make up for the goodness..


    as you can see :chuckle: i havent been bothering with spelling right lately


    urgh i hate waking up in the middle of the night infront of the comp lool

  4. i know.. mehh .. thisll be my first liek concert as well so maybe sittings a better idea anyway :LOL:


    its so unfair only giving us 3 choices damnit :chuckle: i was gonna go through all the gigs choosing different ones but i couldnt be bothered..

    how cool would it be to be there the first time they played falling away with you :happy:


    man, its weird you go back to IE after having chrome or firefox and start realising how bad it really was lool.. so slow :noey:


    i think i'mma go to bed now, night (y)

  5. innit.. imagine being the first person there.. youd feel so special :LOL:

    yeah.. i can imagine getting pushed like right to the back.. with my alck of assertiveness :erm:


    i chose RBS, HTAILY and hyper music :D although now i think about it htaliy might now be so good in a stadium.. oh well it wont win :LOL:


    may i say you're doign REALLY well not using smilies :chuckle:

  6. urgh camping? .. i am so gonna end up just sitting :/


    damnit.. youre lucky :LOL:


    oooh what songs did you choose for the pick the songs thingy?

  7. i REALLY wanna queue.. i think itd be hilarious lmao.. and how cool would the barrier at wembley be :eek:

    but y'know.. probably have to get there like a day before :chuckle:


    yeah they do haha, thats why my sister has to make do with her pointy ass canines...

  8. oh gosh the lengthy discussions we've had :LOL:

    but theyre a lot more persuasive and theres too of them.. i bet we end up sitting lol..


    lmao, memory skillz :rolleyes:

    my new posh dentist actually talked about the possibility of braces for my sister not on the NHS, she seemed dissapointed to learn we're poor :chuckle:

  9. not for my short friends :chuckle:

    but i wanna stand.. its just them..


    urghh ill school is just not what you want.. its like one ordeal PLUS illness as well :LOL: fun


    ooh.. hang on didnt you get your braces out aages ago.. you said something about it...

    someone i know JUST got braces.. seems kinda late but what do i know about teeth lmao

  10. well we got general allowance so either really.. but i bet we end up sitting lol



    me too... except i usually just try and persuade myself im still bad enough to stay home :LOL:

    i get scared im gonna miss something thats hard to learn at home..


    urgh i HATE science essays *assumes its a science essay :chuckle:* stupid biology one i had.. i hope i got an A :(


    i've had a really pointless day .. most was sleeping then i got up.. did a bit of art.. came on the computer. and i should be doing moe art now but its just not happening lol..

    my teeth hurt now cause of the stupid dentist poking them...

  11. mmm computers are pleasently mind numbing :happy:


    yeah hopefully .. i mean i really should :LOL: first concert AND first muse gig


    urgh i literally took a day off today cause my back hurts so much.. and other stuff... i need a chiropractor (i have no idea how you spell that lmao)


    have a good day?

  12. ahh i just cant deal with the long way of writing posts anymroe :chuckle: ive got a bit addicted to the fast way..


    it is ^^ painting helps as well..


    this made me feel less pissed at my parents not letting me go to the teignmouth gig :mad: even though that one still seems to have the best performances of the songs ill probably find (relatively) boring at wembley.. meh

  13. damnit fight for the right to not have to type out annoying stuff like :rollseyes : and then realise it's :rolleyes : :LOL:


    urgh i get discontent everytime i think at all about my life.. try and stop myself by continuously listening to music :LOL: i think im slightly in denial lmao

    for muse wembley in september :D i cant wait lool but knowing britain itll probably rain or something .. fun times..

  14. ahh you'll give in soon xD its too hard :LOL:


    ahh 'nother brain twin moment.. also monthly emotional breakdowns after properly looking at my sad life dont help..


    OMG last time i had to get tickets i took a day off school i was so nervous lmfao.. just my luck they were actually REALLY easy to get and there was no rush :indiff:


    ooh when in summer is it?

  15. n'awww :happy: i used to read these jackie chan thingies lmfao they were so damn pointless you dont even wanna know..

    (yeah i've totally lapsed on the smiley thing :noey: need to go to like.. smiley rehab :LOL:)


    i would be actually nothing without school :stunned: god... just like the occassional video game, this place, facebook, painting and thatd be it lool


    eughh school tomorow .

  16. i remember first time i saw tintin on tv.. or at least i think it was... i was like wtf is this..??

    urghhh... damnit soon im gonna lapse and just start using smilies the same stupid amount as i was before lool

    everything i say just looks so grumpy..

    good day?

  17. i worked out what you meant anyways :awesome:


    chocolate is totally the most excusable vice


    ohhh damnit.. ive just realised ive used a smiley........ maybe ill allow myself to use them in these messages :shifty:


    loolll i wont ask... well maybe i will.. who's professor calculus? :chuckle:

  18. :chuckle:

    i cant a ctually remember ... i was either 14 or 15.. but i was in the year below at school :LOL:


    i have a habit of gradually stuffing my face over the course of a day, going back to a bar of choccy :chuckle:

    so good though :awesome:


    is your av a cartoon of freud by any chance? hehe

  19. :LOL: i can imagine the spaz i'd have at 13 if my hair looked purple

    n'aww dying your hair was like a 'big grown up girl' thing to do when i was young :happy:


    mmmmmm chocolate doesnt count as unhealthy in my book because it makes up for its unhealthyness with tastyness :awesome:

    it is awesome :D im so happy lol

  20. hellewww, and lol at the pictures in your group :LOL:

  21. but everyone else sees my hair more often than me :supersad: hmm maybe ill attempt to find just blue hair dye again..


    ooh what colour you dye it?


    yay for you :p

    my days been pointless and unhealthy :chuckle: went pizza hut

    and now i'm stressing about not having done enough art :LOL:

    but we have monday off so i'm happy :D

  22. i realised today i like blueblack more but the rest of the world prefers red *sigh*


    i let my mum help :noey: i dont why i trusted her.. she gets patches when she dyes her own hair :LOL:


    hows life?

  23. i know.. i moan wayyyyy too much..


    ughh i got sunburnt for the first time last year... ive decided i hate it :mad::LOL:

    worth it for the sunshine though :happy:

    im thinking either purpley red or bluey black.. but if i dyed it bluey black then i'd have to wait years for it to grow out again hmm..

    dont accidentally die only half you hair like the first time i tried :noey:


    i think i only appreciate it throgh good headphone or really load :LOL:

  24. sorry.. i dont even quite get what i was saying now :LOL:

    how're you?

  25. ohh dont worry lol.. ill just keep moaning about my appearance if we keep with that convo :LOL:


    i think pale skin looks keeewl, i usually have pale skin.. but then summer comes and i lose it all.. mrrph..

    that sounds liek itd look good :yesey:


    yeah i dont listen to that one much... it kinda embarasses me to play it on my big load speakers :chuckle:


    ewww.. maths after school.. sounds.. fun :p

    i have indeed :happy: i just hope it comes so i can use it before my art project is over..

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