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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. I used to read such shite it was embarrassing :chuckle:

    i wont lie... muse turned me on to a movie which then turned me onto a book.. and then matt mentioned the book.. i felt so nerdy owning it :LOL:

    i've never bothered with romance, it just depressed me :chuckle:

  2. yeah i need to do the same tbh...

    1984 gets the praise it deserves it really is good.. i still have a load of books i bought and haven't got round to reading :chuckle:

  3. :LOL: hello jamie

    OMG my cat just made the cutest noise when she yawned..



    i think i'm gonna go to bed now.. g'night

  4. Hi sorry :LOL: i was painting, i'm like never on msn but *emails you email address*

    I'm Amy

  5. bloody hell *jealousy*


    man i'm bored..... at this point if i knew how to play an instrument i'd go play it :LOL:

  6. loooll just came back to the board to see i have 6 new message thingys :chuckle:


    yeshh i have msn aaand *looks for your twitter*

  7. Arty shiz :D

    and listening to resistance instrumentals :LOL:

  8. :chuckle: sounds frustrating.. hang on you know bass AND guitar now? :eek:
  9. I went through the same, it wasn't so like intense more drawn out and continuously breaking down.. never told anyone much but they didn't like that i was being so..off, at school..

    yay for getting over it though :happy: still got underlying discontent with life but who doesn't :LOL:


    only time i see much swedish is when i look at the books in the displays in ikea :awesome: cause they ain't in english :chuckle:

  10. it really is :noey:

    at least your mate as uspportive :( i had such a horrible period of depression, they just told me to buck up my ideas or they'd stop talking to me..


    man, i feel like the english langguage is sooo ugly sounding :chuckle:


    FML as well.. i hate being trapped in it sometimes *le siigh*


    i think i need to go visit the hate thread again :chuckle:

  11. :yesey: me too :LOL: and i do wear a lot of black and stuff.. but i'm not into emo music at all xD

    i'd go to holland.. england sucks atm :noey:


    My god man, what you just rambled (:chuckle:) could've come from me, i feel like exactly the same.. worst thing it when you see all the people who go out loads on facebook... feel like i'm wasting my youth soemtimes *sigh*

  12. i'm suprised at how long i've managed to stave of the emo :chuckle:

    ermm portugal, poland, italy aaandd.... that might just be it... i dont even know how long lmao


    it really does make sense :( i cant just go out on my own and do whatever or like rally my friends to go out... it sucks... plus i despise being shy *sigh*

  13. unneccessary would be a good word to describe my life :LOL:

    eww bible studies..

    oooh our schools doing an exchange thingy as well :happy: i'm designing posters to tell the younger kids about it :chuckle::facepalm:



    and man i have no life either.. i took like 2 weeks to decide to go out with a mate i havent seen in ages tomorow..

  14. my weeks been rainy :noey: and boring lool

    exam went pretty well actually, loads of questions i was kinda unsure on though :erm:

  15. :chuckle: that was random..

    I'm good G, 'sup wit u dawg.

  16. :D *is glad to have language without much punctuation*
  17. zomg i proper never replied to that last comment :facepalm: soz :LOL:

  18. ok going to bed early isn't working at all :LOL:

  19. yepp :p which SUCKS though cause i really dnt know what to study :( and im all nervous because we're supposed to be checking out unis already and i dont know what i'm looking for *rants*


    :chuckle: ive never actually played guitar hero.. it seems fun :erm:

    yeah a damn quarter and it was all explained really lengthily .. stupid biology :LOL:

    i reeaaaally shouldnt be on here now tbh lool but exactly like you say i can't turn it off now ..... even though all my mates on facebook are offline...... but i just cant :facepalm:


    zomgg xD i sometimes wish i was a grammar nazi just cause i end up making stupid mistakes in exams and not getting marks :noey:

    you get extra grammar nazi points for being a bilingual grammar nazi :awesome:


    infact.. after typing this.. then having to log back in :mad: (i hate when that happens)

    i may actually get n early night.. dont want my stupid sleeping patterns fucking up biology for me xD

    so night :p

  20. :chuckle: i proper have a spaz thinking i accidentally posted on my own profile and look like an idiot sometimes xDD


    it's really not the best system :noey: but i dunno i dont think i could deal with doing smaller bits of loads of subject.. i like being specialised like :D


    :LOL: you got RSI from guitar hero

    glad you feel better.. god i am SO bored of biology right now.. read like a quarter of a really wordy textbook :( boringtiimes... tempted to just browse youtube or something :chuckle: i shouldn't have started my laptop man i have an exam on tuesday :facepalm:

  21. weeeell.. last year we got normal religious stuff, it seemed slightly useful.. boring.. but more use than general studies.. but for some reason this year we just have general studies :erm: st00pid schools ..


    me too :chuckle: biology revision doesn't help.. how're you?

  22. yeah, by law we HAVE to get at least some religious education :rolleyes: and general studies is the equivalent.. stupid non secular gov.

    haha ironically i actually learnt the meaning of non-secular in general studies :chuckle:


  23. we have to take it cause it's the st00pid british law :( or thats what the school says.. but i have a mate in another school who doesnt have to do it :mad: im so jealous :LOL:


    hope the fever dies down before the physics test :]

  24. :chuckle: yesterday i fell asleep on the sofa for a couple of hours and could not sleep at ALL at night :noey: that sucked..


    oh god it's just SO pointless.. no one wants to do it and basically no universities count it as a subject, you learn like random details about stuff.. like... what type of argument is strongest :erm: sounds interesting yeah? *sarcasm* :LOL:

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