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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. weeeell... possibly it's in for tuesday... but i might be able to get round that and give it in thursday :LOL: art is pretty lenient with deadlines... usually

  2. artist research then developing a load of ideas *sigh* it's the most boring bit of a project... and my teachers gonna be well pissed when she finds out i haven't done enough :LOL:

  3. exactly the same! :LOL:

    did i mention art courseowrk i had to do like, aages ago? well, still not done it :stunned: just because it involves researching using the ridiculously addictive internet :(

  4. :( that means it's gonna rain :LOL:


    lool yeah i've got immense simultaneous TV watching, board using and facebook communicating skills :cool:

    my textbook is just sitting open right next to the laptop... it gets so tempting just to go on the laptop instead of read some more shit :chuckle:

  5. nooope.. but something the equivant of angels will be crying when i go back to school :LOL:


    euurghhhh.. january exams are just the worst thing ever... i'm supposed to be revising like hell right now :chuckle: but no.. i'm watching TV at the same time as using the board and revising lmao..

    and it is true.. have to remember crazy amounts of biology.. but it kinda makes sense..

  6. innit :chuckle: britain, especially london proper has a spaz when it snows.. but yay for snowdays :D ... well.. it rains too much here.. and cold rain instead of snow is even worse.. i bet it rains tomorow just because it's the day i go back to school :LOL:


    i think i saw the particle thing on tv... put me off physics a bit lool.. yeah thats the thing thaat pisses me off at maths.. like you don't know why something happens.. it just happens... confusing stuff...

    do you have january exams as well?

  7. mmrrph if we have 20-30 cm i'd get a snow day :( ... and the whole economy would stop or something haaa ..i still wish i suddenly had your climate though :chuckle:


    programming does seem ... intrigueing.... just complicated lol, i don't like stuff that doesn't make sense in physics like.. what was it.. some sort of particle can be in 2 places at the same time :stunned: it blows my mind :LOL:

  8. :yesey:

    also.. when i want spoilers i can't find them.. but when i dont want spoilers they're EVERYWHERE :LOL:

  9. :LOL: it cracks me up how people from places that always have snow really hate it :chuckle:

    i SO want snoww tomoroww... and lots of it...


    :stunned: master of science in engineering sounds...:stunned: fun.. do you actually wanna be an engineer though?


    lol at fail maths.. i was alright at maths but i'm more the sort of person who likes biology, like less maths, more ... stuff you can see, or whatever :chuckle:

  10. mmhmmm :( stuupid school... i so want a snow day tomorow :LOL: but that won't happen..


    every now and then theres a funny one... and it only re-emerges from the depths of the forum every now and then lol but still.. lolz is getting a bit too fangirly for my liking :chuckle:


    p.s. eewww you do physics...it's like maths but not :chuckle:

  11. yeah the first as definately funnier.. i'm still finding the caption thread pretty good though :LOL:


    if i spoke my my thoughts right now...

    stupid biology revision... stupid TV being on.... stupid biology ... stupid school tomorow.. stupid biology.... i'm stressed... stupid biology

    :LOL: i dont like biology today..

  12. i'm fine with randomly talking.. if only i had something to say... i get the feeling if i just randomly said what came to mind i'd be really annnoying :LOL:


    mmm i really cba with muse lolz as much... cannot believe it won the funniest thread thing :eek: seems all of main muse voted for it :chuckle: i found matt killing birds funnier..

    i'm not top poster any more :happy: :happy:

  13. :D i love the cat :LOL:
  14. ahh what happens to me is basically what happened to you when all the people you sorta talked to left.. i just don't have anything of worth to say :LOL:


    god i ridiculously over posted in muse lolz :stunned: im already top poster (i think) :( damnit i dont wanna be that incredibly main musey :chuckle:

  15. :LOL: man you sound exactly the same as me, eye contact is srsly SO much effort,

    i suck so bad at making conversation when i'm not with my mates and it's someone i dont know :supersad: heck i'm even bad at moking conversation on the internet, thats the extent of my social rubbishness lmaoo


    + that is exactly whats happened RIGHT now with me :LOL: i'm off to bed now without having done ANY art coursework.. and it'll probably be due in thursday.. with a biology exam looming as well just.. omg :facepalm:

  16. :supersad: awww, you never know unless you do ask.. but i can't talk i'm too shy to do anything :LOL:


    i've been to like 2 party's :indiff: i don't think i'm the sort of person can really enjoy social gatherings like, effortlessly

    booze definately helps :chuckle:

    it just sucks seeing the sort of people who proper enjoy parties uploading pictures and shit all over facebook lool

    i wish i spent my time studying more :( i won't fail anything i dont think.. but i wanna get good grades..

  17. n'aww :supersad: he sounds awesome

    a load of crushes are going off to uni next year, so i guess they're gonna have to end :LOL:


    and yeah i don't feel like i'm using my youth to it's like full potential :chuckle: i have no life :noey:

  18. ooh i so didnt know that view conversationt hing existed :eek: how useful..


    God i feel llike a bloody middle ages person :LOL: but then sometimes i feel like a 13 year old lmaoo

    awww lol, i've had small crushes as well.. but just personality wise i wouldn't wanna go out with them people :chuckle:

    that said, most of the older bloke crushes i don't really know their personality in the slightest lool

  19. :LOL: only problem with long comments is that i forgot what you said and forget to reply to it :chuckle:


    ahhh chris is the best older guy :awesome:

    i've realised why i'm more attracted to older blokes, it's the deeper voices :yesey: (and the general more manlyness :awesome:) but nahh most guys in my year are either immature, hence twats :LOL: or immature, hence just not attractive :p

  20. man i feel exactly tthe same :LOL: my posts just blend in.. but still, it's more fun to read lool

    mmm i'm not inding muse lolz as funny as i used to :(

    but still yay for the vaguely civilised PCT :D

  21. :LOL: tbh i think i'm more of a slight annoyance in banter :chuckle:

    but that is a good resolution.. would kinda conflict with my 'dont let the board/internet take over my life' one but still :p main muse can get tedious

  22. mmm i didnt realise there was this latest season then i went on the dexter thread and accidentaly read a spoilerr :(


    happy new years as well :D

  23. :chuckle:

    did a bit of drunk posting / letting drunk people post with my account..

    i had a resonably good time :LOL:

  24. ahh i think the second ones still processing but the first ones so :happy: man i've said it before innit but i proper envy musicians.. don't know how you do it :noey: really nice

  25. i never listen to the first one.. lol at my lazyness.. but im guessing theyre on the same channel right? :D

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