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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. aww what grounded from being on here :supersad:

  2. oh yes :cool:

    im so indecisive :LOL:


    still i couldnt even copy it.. i just cant control computers very well :(


    ughh its so true the actual test isnt bad but the run up to it and after it is

    im so damn lazy! im gonna end up failing art :((( stupid subject...

  3. wow :eek: thats damn good

    i cant draw on the comp at all :[

  4. lol at how slow this conversation is going :LOL:


    i was there.... about a week ago :chuckle:

  5. my heads too big :LOL: so i'd have to gegt big glasses.. but ones that dont make me look fatter.. ughhh problematic..


    yush the gaga picture :p

  6. find someone obsessed with it who wants to see it twice :chuckle: ill stop trying to persuade you but srsly its worth it just to appreciate the effects on the big screen i think..


    it probably will.. ive realised i dont wanna wear glasses cause when i take them off it'd feel weird as well.. still need stupid glasses though :(


    and ZOMG its a game? must play this :LOL:

    ooh lets see it? infact mabe tomorow i'mma go bed nwo lol

  7. ee thankyou :p


    ahh you still should.. this should be the exception to your hyped up disliking rule :LOL:


    aww lol i remember there was like liek month when SO many of my mates were getting their braces off lol they were happy as well


    ooh new av i forgot to mention :awesome: robot unicorn? :cool:

  8. yeah same with me and painting i think everyones just saying tis good cause theyre my mate...


    oooh it was GOOD, storyline is pretty simple and not that like dramatic.. but omg the cgi is bloody AMAZING, so is the 3D although you do get used to to it.. srsly see it at the cinema :chuckle:

  9. wow.. i just dont have the confidence, or the good voice.. :chuckle:


    aww :happy: mines so old that some of the games on it have actually like expired, i cant play them any more :stunned: i think the license went on them or something.. crazy..

    im FINALLY seeing avatar today :D

    wow :LOL: sounds important and a lot more interesting than 'technology technician' he basically just helps the technology department at our school, like cutting up wood for lessons and ordering equipment etc. luckily my mum works as well otherwise we would be POOR lmao.

  10. aww :happy: i srsly cant sing even not infront of people.. i prefer whistling/ humming :chuckle:


    hehee what was the 2003 one like? i like old electronics :nerd:

    pretty much the same :LOL: i should've done more art coursework, and im just as depressing as usual and aww, what does he do? my dad has such a rubbishy job :LOL:

    everytime someone goes to america i ask for froot loops


    :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

  11. ahh i only sing radiohead because you can get away with singing jiberish :cool: (i cant sing actual words..lmao)


    it would be amazingly cool.. i'd hang it on my wall :awesome:

    i found a cheap one on ebay a while ago but its gone now :(

    ohh lucky.. my phone was made in 2004 lmfao, its so oldd..


    soo hows life?

  12. mmm bad romance is what finally made me admit i actually do like her :LOL:


    thats my problem yeah... i just dont know what to get... i kinda want a cow skull.. it would help for art and be generally cool... but then i also want to wait till they release the next ipod touch and get that... but then i need cloothess...


    indeed :D its 2 of those plastic frogs humping with a rubber beetle on top :chuckle: they all came outta christmas crackers lmao

  13. ive only heard the singles :chuckle: i just think theyre better than the other shite on the charts..


    never spent ANY of it :LOL: i have like a load saved up in my bank.. i just dont know what to buy..


    they do make good decorations though :happy:

    i wouldnt mind a pet giant carp.. at this aquarium shop place where you buy pet fish theres a pool of them and they come near the sides.. you can literally stroke them its so cute :D

  14. :chuckle: my friend proper shunned me when i said i kinda liked gaga lmfao


    ooh you avoided the euro :awesome:

    so i get about the same give or take a bit.. i havent spent any of it yet :(


    innit.. you cant even take them out of the tank like a snake or a spider or something..

  15. i think is secretly like well made rap... yay for gorillaz :D


    ahh how much do you get? i get £20 a week.. though do you have euros?


    i like fishiess but they get boring.. you cant cuddle a fish :chuckle:

  16. ooh.. sounds intrigueing...

    occassionally i get extra angry in the mornings :chuckle: but the rest of the day i just keep getting the urge to burst out crying..


    exactly, i want so much stuff :LOL: although now the government is paying me to go to school... i may be able to afford stuff :D


    she's hiding in this drawer she sleeps in now :supersad:

    i feel sorry for anyone whos never had a cat..theyre so nice :happy:

  17. what IS spotify? :LOL: i still haventbothered to find out for myself lol


    mine arent painful just lately theyve been really emotional.. fun times..


    man i reeeaally wanted this bracelet from there once.. it was so much though :facepalm:

    yay for handm's cheapness but not tackyness or bad quiality :happy: happy:


    i think i may have blinded my cat with a camera flash :supersad:.. not really.. but poor kitty ..

  18. innit most music on the radio is utter shite.. im yet to find a station i actually like..


    womanhood is a stupid cruel lonely bitch ..


    woooww that sounds so cool, the ballroom :awesome: i like urban outfitters as well but going in there just makes me feel poor :LOL: its like £40 for a top :rolleyes:

    srsly H&M is my saviour int he clothes buying department :chuckle:

  19. lool i just posted on my own profile again :facepalm:

  20. its so true :yesey:

    its weird cause i remember kylie minogue, britney spears etc..


    ooh yeah i heard someone say on twitter muse won something? i hate radio... i guess you mean the quality but just eurgh..


    i'm alright.. had a bit of a depressed day.. almost cried this morning i really hope its just pms..

    ahh that sucks, what was wrong?

  21. well.. i get why people would wanna go to central lond.. shopping :D but not britain in general.. its basically just fields and the occasional like ruined castle or whatever :erm:


    its so true :LOL: Adolf must be one of those named like 'madonna' like i dont think i even know madonna's second name...


    hows you?

  22. wow srsly? i meant only the centre like proper busy city bit of london but i guess not..

    it sounds laffly :happy: i still wanna go on some sort of traveling holiday up around sweden and places... seems cool.. i wish i was rich :LOL:


    lmao god it sounds like post code gangs here.. people write N9 etc everywhere because thats where they live :facepalm:

    'adolf' proper makes me think of hitler.. how much would it suck to be called adolf :chuckle:


    ... theyd call hitler A-hit lmfao

    nice thought to go to bed on :erm:

    g'night :p

  23. ooh whats stokholme like.. ? kinda like central london but in sweden?

    'the hood' :chuckle:

    i guess thats like the estates that i get a bit nervous walking around..

    god.. that sort of abbreviation will forever remind me of 'r-pattz'

  24. it fuckin snowed again today :facepalm: weather.


    emm more or less, theyre usually poorly educated and its their own fault because they dont turn up to school cause theyre smoking weed and whatnot, they appreciate rubbishy music so long as its loud, dress in tracksuits all the time, LOVE buying lables like nike and they're ignorant so insulting

    thats my definition :D i dont actually know anyone that bad though..

  25. well the first 2 units we did were pretty boring, it was cognitive, like memory stuff and developmental, which was like childrens attachments with parents etc.

    apparently theyre the most boring...


    oh man theres nothing worse than walking in snow when you dont want to be, when you feel like it yeah thats fun but when you dont want to be and its cold and wet and rubbish just ughh... i hope it dont snow again...


    ahhh misfits is educational then :awesome:

    whats your definition of a chav?

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