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Everything posted by futurophu

  1. knowledge of general definition of non-mank :happy:


    thankyouu though, im thinking of going purply-red :LOL:


    mmm some of its meh but yeah overall :awesome:


    good day?

  2. ermmm... both? :p

  3. yo :D

    everytime i see i post frmo you i swear theres a different ava :LOL:

  4. i look mank in my profile pic..

    in profile = extra fat (y)


    stylo is pretty cool yus :happy:

  5. innit, he's ugly in a hansome sort of way :LOL:


    i was so amazed when acupressure actually worked :chuckle:


    damn pastry.. its so damn fatty.. but low fat pastry is just ewwww.


    ahh have you ehard plastic beach yet, i leik eet.

  6. charlie was so sweet bless 'im :supersad:

    tbh i know its got worse.. btu i cant find anything much better than it :chuckle:

    plus im hooked :indiff:


    he was an awesome villain.. though he got mroe rubbishy (but not less good lookign :eyebrows:) after s1..


    oh god... now im scared i have a test to revise for.. we've been getting them so randomly lately..

    i heard ginger is good for nausea.. ooh and squeeze your wrist its some sort of pressure point.. it stopped me feelign car sick once lool


    i feel fuckin obese :LOL: roast dinners are SO unhealthy.. need to much on some salad..

  7. lost took over for me :awesome:


    yeah thats totally what it feels like :( like they really dont wanna kill off sylar, you can tell.. so they ust keep chaning him :LOL:


    good day?

  8. i got well depressed when i realised i didnt like it anymore :(

    but i was still hooked so ill keep watching it... even if it is rubbish :LOL:

    the first season was like simpler i think.. plus isaac was still in it :awesome:

  9. yyeppp... according to my dad for a while the lib dems wanted to legalise cannabis... not anymore though..


    i think he seems fake sometimes.. but it doesnt even matter :happy:

    oh god yeah, first season was great then it just goes down hill :LOL: season 4 was meh.. although hiro gets less cute in s3 innit? he gets a bit cuter again :happy:

  10. yeah theres an election coming up here as well.. i have a horrible feeling conservatives are gonna come to power.. then theyre basically the same party as labour so it doesnt matter that much :LOL:


    hiro is SO cute, bless 'im, even when you can tell theyre really trying to make him cute he's cute lol

    you been following it? what season are you on?

  11. swedish politics are probably only boring because they work better than america's ones ( i assume) :chuckle:


    i might go watch heroes for a while..

    if you're ont here wwhen i come back, night :D

  12. yeah im rpetty much the same as my dad, except now ive realised im trying to be a rebel by NOT having an opinion... or at least trying hard not to get involved in poilitics or be judgemental on religion :chuckle:


    mm same, or i'll go watch something, then it'll finish and itll be like 2 AM :LOL:


    god my typing is terrible tonight...

  13. im a no wing agnostic athiest, fun times :LOL:

    yeah me too lmao i might ACTUALLY get an early night tonight :eek:

    mann thats unfortuunate lmao friday afternoon naps are awesome.. usually my problem is somebody makes me a coffee so i cant sleep when i need to lol

  14. thats true sometimes american dramas underlying sort of views are pretty tiresome..


    mmm the time when i dont get sleep deprivation :D

  15. british comedy> 'merican comedy

    british drama < 'merican drama


    aw luckyy.. well at least its the weekend..

    in a'ight-ish... well you see how i feel in ymt :LOL:

  16. yeah i dotn really bother with TV.. unless its something i know i wont be bothered to search out and watch in the internet but still wanna watch :LOL:


    howre you?


    got an A in biologyy :happy:

  17. mm its really just a nice feelign hen you understand something.. yeah thats why i went off physics it was interesting till it started looking like maths :LOL:

    i guess i cold still paint at home :(

    ohh i dunno if i should take bio or art .....


    ooh i hear being humans gotten really good since i last saw it.. i kinda wanna catch up on it .. i watch way too much tv :LOL:

  18. yeah dissectionis cooool

    what i like about biology is how nice it feels so understand stuff in the world more than you used too.. like stuff you can see or imagine physics and stuff you cant really picture like atoms in your mind as easy..

    i wish i was better at the subjec art :( i'd miss it so much if all i had time for was biology..


    mehh ok, also tired lol and really should be doing art but i may go watch an episode of heroes instead :happy:

  19. yeah i guess theres a difference.. i still think its basically the same except maybe you have to process like 3Dness in your head as well :LOL:


    meuurghh for art they proper want to assess your personality.. which puts me off so i might end up doing biology lol


    howre you?

  20. man that would suck if he got normal eyes.. it'd be so boring :LOL:


    i guess practise makes perfect.. i cant draw realistic people when im not copying either :noey: but i can do sort of.. interpretations :LOL:

    lot of art is to do with observing and copying though isnt it?


    ughhhh ive read about uni interviews.. they sound HORRIBLE i'd have a right spaz go in there looking stupid and nervous and not get a place..

  21. yeahuhh they're like weird insect eyes lol they're black..


    it looks like you can draw :p

    well we had interviews but they didnt really mean anything there was like no way my school was gonna kick me out..

  22. i think its coool :p

    gorillaz 2D used to have no eyes till they made him 3d :LOL:


    they seem usefull but theyre just as hard to control as a mouse tbh.. but still fun :D


    aww good times

    ive been SO stressed because im being pressured from the fucking wholse stupid education system job system media government etc to decide what to do at uni and where NOW and i can


    sun makes me SO much happier :yesey: proper shined today :happy:

  23. praying mantis :awesome: and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkntksSS1AU or the funnier.. em.. spin off? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u6hVYOa3dg :chuckle:


    innit.. i just cant control it.. luckily i have a graphics tablet so yay :happy:


    hows life?

  24. i dont think im really acknowledged on it.. but i like zorack :awesome:


    oh i feel your pain.. laptop mouse = :facepalm: i used to draw on the computer loads till i got a laptop


    worst time is the night before when you know you ave to sleep otherwise youll be tired in the test but you cant :(

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