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Everything posted by Popelady

  1. i had a dream that muse updated their myspace status with "we made some slight alterations to Undiscovered Paths to Oz" and i couldnt even listen to the song!
  2. has happened to me once. but i usually wake up singing some sort of song. (mostly my own that i create in the previous dream) but only one time a muse song.
  3. haha i know that much.

    but rick roll is on youtube


  4. yeah ever since the treasure hunt i just stay up all night on here for the fun of it. im pretty sure uprising will play at a decent time in the morning too. haha i can always day dream and that way i choose what happens!
  5. OH MY GOD. this has to be the funniest thing ive read ever. i almost woke up my parents (im staying up for the release that i wont listen to anyways anyway, this dream is win and the incident before the dream is win too. you should stop getting married to everyone? wtf?!
  6. i had a dream that someone was nuking us and me and my siblings broke our legs and we were all in my room and we had to lay on my bed and my mom was sitting at the foot of it and we were listening to the radio and i was getting twitters from musewire saying stuff like . . . i dont even remember. but it was like i new we were all going to die and i wanted to listen to muse but my legs were broken and i couldnt walk. does this still count as muse?
  7. last night i had a dream that while i was at a sleepover/camp out muse released like 200 songs all from the resistance via radio. and i was all pissed at my mom because i thought she hadn't recorded them. then i discovered she had recorded them and i was still all mad cuz i couldn't listen to them for some odd reason. they really need to release the resistance. im going insane.
  8. why, thank you!

  9. well thank you!

    lonnas is right . . . not to long ago!

    happy birthday as well!

  10. i actually had a different dream last night! it was this one chick i know and she wrote on a piece of paper "the resistance <3" and passed it onto some other guy and i was like !
  11. i have weird dreams when Muse comes to my house and im in the shower at the time. so they have to sit all weird in my room until i finish up. i would say they are good dreams because of Muse, but bad because . . . well
  12. no, you is a melon!

  13. lol! your hamster has a melon! or whatever that rodent is.

    anyways, hi!

  14. haha that would be an awesome show! i would watch it all the time! and yeah if im out in the sun longer than 30 min without a lot of sunscreen i burn really bad :( i bet your all nice and tan living in the sun all year!


    ah amusement parks <3

  15. ok. the weather here really sucks.

    i was at lagoon (an amusement park) yesterday and it rained all day.

    it got cold enough to see your breath and the rain pelted your face on the roller coasters.

    i hate the rockies.

  16. only cold enough to see your breath?! holy crap it gets that cold in the summer time here!

    oh the silly weather! i actually dont mind it but sometimes theres too much snow so they have to close the roads :(

    that better not happen when Muse comes!

  17. haha thats a good question! i wouldnt know. but yes i think they do! i live in wyoming, the equality state (but really the super boring, cold and windy state). i live with snow 8 months of the year usually piled up at least 2 feet. so a white christmas is typical for a small town in the rockies!

  18. woah! wait what?!

    . . .

    oh yeah. sorry! brain fart! you guys have christmas in the summer huh!

    thats just a little weird to me. i guess you never really listen to white christmas. well thats just strange!

  19. well we better get this group started!

    and im better than ever now that i figured out how to turn off parental controls! its sweet!

    but the weather sucks! its rained everyday in june! right when school gets out :mad:

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