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Everything posted by Popelady

  1. :LOL: It's never too early to celebrate halloween! this party was just a fun party that one of my friends planned a hotel ballroom. once it gets closer to halloween, the more serious, scary and crazy parties will start to pop up. and we dont have school the friday before halloween so anything can happen this year! :aweome:
  2. a halloween party!

    :awesome: very fun indeed :yesey:

  3. I would've been here sooner to help you, but I was out partying :awesome:

  4. lolwut? what do you mean?

  5. I had a dream that Dom was trying to sing me Resistance under my porch because I was afraid of the bugs. He was a horrible singer. But I guess he scared all of the bugs away!
  6. last night I had a dream that one of my teachers was playing them, but I was in the next room with another class but I could tell it was them from the bass lines. They played starlight and TIRO
  7. that love boat is :awesome:

    very nice job

  8. a love boat is a love boat

    and now, im off to go and post there!

  9. but shhh it needs to be a surprise!


  10. lauren! seth needs a love boat!

  11. i had a dream that dom was mad at me because i couldn't walk across water so he left me some money for pizza and dropped me off in a dark alley
  12. Ah, pugslry. Yes that is pretty good! I'm going as the fat cat from alice in wonderland :)

  13. well, its awesome to say the least. everyone dresses up and there are parties and free candy and spooky stories and bon fires and venturing into unknown cemeteries and forests. its great fun.

  14. You mean to tell me you don't know about halloween?!

  15. Ya know, I haven't heard from here today

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