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Everything posted by Popelady

  1. That is neato! I knew you would do good. With a project that cool it's pretty obvious that you were bound to pass!

  2. 7 hour class?! thats insane! but yes you should do your homework! its very important! haha that is strange advice coming from me.

  3. heeeyy. ummm . . . whatcha doin? im bored playing sims with mah bud! she is buildin a treehouse. and im typing to you! lol ok well this is random and rambling so guhbye!

  4. yay! you got an a+ right? i bet you did!

  5. yes i am an wyoming is actually very very boring and lame

  6. bye bye! have fun! get a good grade!

  7. i hate teachers who are like that! my math teacher talks in a monotone. and really slow and it bugs me!

    "Claaasss. You neeed too siiit doooowwn nooow. Okaay the hooomewooork isss CT 89-96." - Mr. Jensen

    he is boring!

  8. wow! is finito italian? oh well! that awesome! tell me how you do cuz it sounded like a really cool project!

  9. yay! you finished your project! is it the same letter project?

  10. you should stop laughing! you are gonna get kicked out of the library where im sure your supposed to be doing important college things! haha not chatting with random muse fans. that sounds like something i would do!

  11. haha respect is for elders! and maybe a few other things but not for me! . . . well not from me i guess but respect for me is good :) (and respect for the dead and friends too i guess lol)

  12. ah well ya know. they come from the wrong side of the tracks

    lol just kidding! they are known for sneaking out and egging houses and spray painting random things like the town hall. but i wasnt doing anything bad with them! well we egged this one persons house and then i took care of a guinea pig i found in a closet and then . . . well ya know

  13. i got grounded cuz i was hanging out with rumored "bad boys" :D

  14. ive been getting in trouble! (duh!)

  15. hhhhheeeeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

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