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Everything posted by Popelady

  1. oh hai! i havnt talked to you in forever!

  2. the books arnt that bad but the movie as horrible

  3. twilight?


  4. die die die die

    leave now

  5. oh hello!

    im pretty good ya know. im looking at quotes the band has said over the years

  6. haha but its tuesday here

  7. jeez that is weird!

    hello there!

    (its evening here)

  8. ive played for about a year but im still not very good :facepalm:

  9. well hi there!

  10. :LOL: theres this new thing . . obsession. have ya ever heard of it?

    haha just kidding. the book is pretty amazing so i bet the movie is too

  11. if i knew where malaysia was. i would be a fan from there too lol! jk! malaysia sounds like mayonaise. and ive never even heard of it
  12. yeah i know. :( my mom made me go to bed :mad:

  13. has good ideas!

    im probably just gonna do that for my lack of driving skills

  14. haha! well i know have mai plans set for tomorrow!. . . find a movie store thats open

    thats nearly impossible. :noey:

  15. lol the face is like "oh jeez. harry potter comes before the greatness." but ya know. and i do plan on reading more of her stuffs! and i do want to see teh movies! apparently they are very good. :yesey:

  16. ive read pride and prejudice and thats about it but it is one of my favorites. . .

    right after harry potter :facepalm:

  17. :eek: your kidding!

    she's one of my favorites!

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