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Everything posted by Popelady

  1. yeah i kinda hate my mom. oh well! i know what you mean with the twilight though. i used to be able to stand it but then the teenaged girls got way to crazy over and the movie and everything. even then i was still able to be in the same room with it until the movie just associated twilight and muse and then i got pissed.

  2. well my mom doesnt want me turning into a nerd so she told my dad to set certain times on the computer of when i can get log on. so i have kind of just given up on the whole idea of even getting on the computer! and yes i hate twilight and muse put together. is there a twilight hater social group?

  3. well im just fine! i would love to read this essay type dealyo! (im hip with my modern lingo!) but these stupid set computer hours have been killing me! i cant get on my ipod either! its frustrating! i neeed my muse!

  4. yeah! sorry its been awhile. my mom grounded me off the computer! :( but yeah! they REALLY need to come to the states and the australia! and as unpopular as they might be in the states im sure those crappy twilight based muse fans will instantly buy all the tickets and not even hear the one song they know! so there wont be any tickets left for the true musers!

  5. AAAAAAH! No! I wish! I live in the states :( so I have to wait for them to come to me :( :( :( :( :(

    But if I did live anywhere near them I would bethere in a flash!

    Anyway, are you?

  6. oh hey! haha im just listening to muse (of coarse!) how about you?

  7. i heard koc in pac sun! first time ive heard it somewhere other than me! then on the way home from shopping that day my friends older brother (who took us and one of his friends who was in control of the music & is a muse fan!) -and totally hot! anyways he played apocalypse and koc!
  8. woo!

    wait just to make sure university is pretty much college right?

    i would be excited if i were you!

  9. yeah!

    so whats new with you other than prom?

  10. haha i read it in a magazine :awesome:

  11. well yeah! short people should wear a dress thats almost to their knees and tall people should wear a dress thats a little below the knees. (makes short people look tall and tall people look tall.) :D

  12. :eek: at least you can get third! haha i quit track and pretty much all running

    im not very athletic

    and thank you! that pic is probably my all time favorite :awesome:

  13. well idk! wear something cute! the black maybe? black heels of course!

  14. woowoo! prom! thats one thing im excited about for high school!

    but not so much the exams. did you do good?

  15. well thank you! and no thats my friend kensie. she was taking pictures and thats my hand messing them up! :awesome:!

  16. ah i see! well im glad its not too awkward for ya!

  17. ah your a lucky one! i never even see any of my exes after we break up!

    im pretty pumped for promotional though! (pretty much 8th grade prom)

  18. EW! exams. i had P.A.W.S testing the last 3 weeks :(

    woo woo! prom! haha you got a date? :eyebrows:

  19. not any more! its spring break for me :D

  20. hey! yeah it has been awhile! i was grounded :$ but im good! how bout you?

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