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Status Updates posted by Kylee

  1. Yeah, it's super good, but it's in Region 2. :(

    I don't have an all region DVD player, so I don't know what to do. I already burnt them to disc and stuff.

    It's even hard to watch it on the computer because for some strange reason, it skips around a lot.

    It is worth getting it, but make sure you do it correctly and have an all region dvd player. If you don't, it's kind of a waste.

  2. Kylee

    It seems a lot more interesting than Hawaii. Hawaii is kind of the same though, nice scenery but boring as fuck. :(


    Haha, no that's not boring. Discovering them boringly is better than not discovering them at all. Whats your favorite muse song?

  3. Kylee

    Wow, Scotland. That sounds amaznig.


    I discovered Muse when I went on vacation to California. I sat down next to some random guy on a bench who had a Muse pin on his hat or something, and I asked about them. The next day I went to the muse myspace and heard them, and they've been my favorite ever since. Hard to believe barely anyone here knows who they are (people primarily know them as "Kylee's favorite band" :indiff:), they're so good and have such talent. How did you discover them?

  4. Kylee

    I know, that picture is quite titillating.


    Nice to meet you, Johnny. :)

    Where are you from?

  5. Well this one is supposedly great. It's not the same RAH DVD, this one was just released yesterday.

    A lot of people are saying it's even better than HAARP. And the video & audio are supposedly really really good. Won't knwo for sure until the torrent is done. I've been torrenting it for the past 2 hours already and it says I have 2 days left. -_-


    Come into chat! :happy:

  6. Yeah, I saw that about Pulp and Radiohead! Whaaat, really?! Thats funny. Real rockstars in a fantasy world. Now why do I suddenly imagine Matt, Dom, and Chris in Hogwarts robes? :rolleyes:


    I had friday off cause it was some teacher meeting day, thank god. 4 days of no school + no parents here for the weekend = a good weekend. :D


    And did you hear about the Royal Albert Hall DVD that a boardie here made? It's supposedly really good for an amateur DVD. I'm torrenting it right now (my first torrent ever!), but it says it's gonna take a day and 9 hours. :indiff:

    Here's the link: http://torrents.musebootlegs.com/details.php?id=116&gofirst=true


    You should come into the muse chat, theres a few people here just talking.

  7. Awww Pau! :kiss:

    Happy Valentines Day to you too, babe!

  8. Kylee

    Well here is the actual picture:


    but I cropped it to be a nice av size.

    And yes, it is very great. :p


    And happy Valentines Day to you! If you didn't already guess, my name is Kylee. Nice to meet you.

  9. :LOL: FRANZ IN HARRY POTTER?! Wtf! That's so ridiculous and super funny at the same time. I can't even imagine them in wizard outfits.


    Well actually, I have a 4 day weekend :D. I don't have a significant other either, but it's okay. Valentines Day is a lame holiday in my opinion. Well hey, that's good! A day off will be nice.

  10. Oh okay, thank you. Wow, Showbiz at ward Borders? I find that to be so unbelievable. Hard to believe there are even still copies of Showbiz out there for retail!


    HAIL?! :eek: What's going on with all this crazy weather? Jeez.


    Oooooooooh, THAT pic! I've seen it before. Lol, everyone looks really funny. Matt is making an "ooooh!" face, and Alex is his normal hapy self.

  11. Aub:happy:

    Happy Valentines Day to you too, babe! :kiss:

  12. Kylee

    Gay, straight, or taken, red haired matt makes everyone warm and tingley in their happy place.


    *gargles with* :stongue:

  13. :LOL:, the german at the end of DoP is so random. It translates to something like "My name is Superfantastic. I drink champagne and eat salmon. My name is superfantastic". Only something franz could pull off...


    They have them at Borders? Wow, that's a surprise! ALL of the CDs? What about the DVDs?


    Wow, that's bigger than I thought. Even though it doesn't compare to tornados in the mainland, that's still really strange and shocking. Who woulda thought hawaii could get a proper tornado?
















  14. :LOL: nah nah, it's fine. Although it is gross, I'm used to it cause my friends joke about that all the time, my parents seem to go on A LOT of weekend vacations...just the two of them... :stunned:

    No it's not that they'll know, cause my sister has had massive parties here before, it's just that since I'm grounded and all they don't trust me right now and they might ask one of our relatives to stay with me and my sister (who is 21), which is bullshit because my sister is an adult.


    Aww:happy:. Omg yes, EXACTLY! Not only do I know all of the guys here, most of the guys are all douchebags!

    and Omg, I hate when girls are super desperate, also. It's so ridiculous :facepalm:.

  15. oh god... just the thought of THAT... where is that vomit icon...


    awww!:happy: I didn't know you had a significant other! how cute! how old is he, and what's his name?

    none for me, sadly. :( no guys at my school/who I know who are even my type. but it's alright, I'm not really looking for a boyfriend as of right now, so it's alright.

  16. Yeah like a looooooong time ago when I got in even bigger trouble than I am this time, I was supposed to be grounded for like 3 monthes but after 3 weeks my parents didn't even give a shit anymore, lol.

    But hey, my parents are going on some Valentines retreat this weekend so I get to computer and phone it up for a good 3 days! :D Expect much more of me on the boards.


    And do you have a special someone to celebrate valentines day this year with? ;)

  17. The only german I know how to speak, I learned from the end of Darts of Pleasure :D. God I know, Alex has a really sexy voice. He is not sexy by his appearance but his whole persona is so attractive.


    Yeah, I REALLY want all of the actual CDs/DVDs. Being able to hold a hard copy of all of Muse's work would be amazing. I'm gonna tell my sister to get my parents to order them online because my parents are mental and have no idea what "a muse" are. :p


    I read a review of Sound Bites and the reviewer said it's really good, very Franz Ferdinand lyric-esque.


    Oh yeah, I heard about that a little while ago. My dad told me he was about 40 feet away from it and he saw a duck get sucked up into the funnel. :(


    And your av is quite sexy. ;)

  18. Idk, they didn't say a timeline but I know it'll be for a while. Hopefully they forget about it and/or get ver it quickly. I have a 4 day weekend this weekend and I have to waste it by staying home! :supersad:

  19. AHHHH, RED MATT :stongue: *dies*

    Yes, those pictures! He is a sexy, sexy man.


    YES I KNOW! I'm glad they didn't take my iPod away, that would be the worst thing to be taken away for me. And I don't ever read! :( I wish I read a lot more when I was younger but I've made bad reading habits, I don't even read the required books for my english class. :D

  20. Oh gosh, the story is SO LONG, but I'll put it in a nutshell. I went to a rave and lied to my parents about where I was even though they already knew I was at a rave. :facepalm:

    Awww, hun I'm sorry! I'm gonna try to be on as much as I can. Right now, I'm on at school. I can go on at home for like an hour a day when my parents aren't home. I'll try to be in chat and the boards as much as I can, don't worry. :kiss:

  21. To post images, use these tags [img*]then put the image URL here (use a hosting site like photobucket or tinypic)[/*IMG] and then remove the asterisks from the tags.


    So what did you tattoo, band logo? I'm so excited to see it! :D


    I'm okay, I'm actually on my school computer right now, lol. Being grounded has it's drawbacks at home.

  22. Right now I'm on my school computer, and they block images posted by photobucket, so I can't see them. :(. When I get home, I'll check again though. :)

    But yes, red matt is a little hottie.


    I'm grounded off the computer, cell phone, house phone, and sort of TV. It sucks super bad :supersad:. Yeah I'm trying to butter them up any way I can. I think in a week or so they'll just kind of forget about it.

  23. Last night after I messaged you, I went and listened to it. It's alright, too slow in my opinion. I much prefer Darts Of Pleasure, DoP is probably my favorite franz song and I really like it the way it is. :p


    Damnit! I wanted to get Sound Bites a while ago, but I don;'t have any money. :(. Everyone on the boards seems to be getting it recently. I hear it's really good. Tell me how it is when you're done with it. Maybe for my 16th birthday, I could get it. I was thinking about my birthday, and everything I would ask for. I want every Muse CD and DVD, none of the bootlegged stuff I have. Maybe even a few posters. And then I want all 3 franz studio albums, and then their DVD, and then get Sound Bites. I don't wanna wait 4 months though!

    /spoiled brat

  24. YOU GOT YOUR MUSE TATTOOS??! (I for some reason was reading the PDT and read your post!)

    You must show me!


    And how are you? :happy:

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