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Status Updates posted by Kylee

  1. :D


    Ohhhh waaaaaawwwrr! Yes, that is very matteh tiger, lol!


    How have you been my dear? :kiss:

  2. Awww, you'll be missing franz! Honestly, I don't really think flying up there would be worth it. I mean, yes it's Franz, but it seems more like a struggle than a gain.


    UGHHHH! FUCKING TWATLIGHT. Seriously, I hate the fact that Muse are now known as "that band from twilight with that gay girly song" :mad::mad::mad:

  3. Oh god. :facepalm:. What is up with all these ass math teachers? Mine isn't mean, but she just gives so much homework. I think she is intimidated by me :LOL:. Seriously, cause I'll listen to my ipod in class during tests and during her lectures and she doesnt do anything about it. I'm kind of a bitch and I like to speak my mind, and I've done that to her on many occasions, so now she just leaves me alone. :LOL:


    My favorite off of In Silico is Granite, just so damn catchy!


    :( That's really nice of you Liberty, respecting her like that. Atleast she's in a better place now, you know? :$

  4. Uh, well not yet. I have tons of math homework cause my teacher piles the load on everyday. Also trying to bring grades in 2 classes up, and it doesnt help to have a teacher that fails about 90% of the class (I am completely serious).


    Yeah, it's great. I'm really digging the soft, mellow sound from Muse right now. Yes, I love all of those! In fact, I just played HCM. I really like the grungy, dirty, somber sound it has.


    Yeah, Pendulum are great fun. Lots of electro instrumentals. Think of it like the album version of Lucid Dreams. 8 minutes of pure electro synthy 8-bit stuff lol. But it's good because it accompanies drums, guitar, bass, etc.



    She sounded like a good women who loved to teach, loved to better other people. And what she wrote in your yearbook was cute, very nice of her. And what the husband said is really sad but also very realistic and honest. They just seem like really great people.

  5. Kylee

    I've been good! Beter now that you're back :happy:

    Anything going on with you besides work?

  6. Cool, thanks for the tut! It is very informative and easy to follow, but there are so many steps! Lol, maybe one day when I have nothing to do I'll try. But as of right now, I'm so busy!


    So today I FINALLY torrented the Hullabaloo albums! :happy: I've been wanting them for a while, and now that I finally torrent stuff I got it. I love it, it's so mellow. I love me some mellow Muse :happy:

    I also got this amazing album by this band called Pendulum. You should check out their album "In Silico" if and when you get the chance. It's awesome!


    And I saw the thing about your old teacher on the news today. :(. I hope the guy who did that to her gets put away for a very long time.

  7. like staring into the depths of hell


    is that how you wrote street spirit? you looked into a mirror and into your eye, and got the inspiration from there?

  8. Hopefully! I'm being very hopeful on if BAMP can get franz or Muse. I want to be very optimistic about this!


    hahaha! No it's adorable. I never even thought about the military award until just now, lol.


    Thanks! :D

    At first it was kind of difficult because I couldn't find the drop menu in the layers dialog to change "Normal" to "Overlay", but besides that it was very easy.

    I really want to know how to make things look like how they do in icons.

    I've tried with that brown paint layer in saturation mode but it doesn't look the same.

    Any pointers?

  9. Kylee

    Well hey, that's great! Best of luck to you! :happy:


    so how exactly does the school system in britain work?

    I know there i college and then uni and stuff, but I'm still confused.

    Here is elementary school form k-6, then middle/intermediate school from 7-8, and then high school from 9-12, and that when we graduate and go to university/college. (college and university are the same thing here.)

  10. Kylee

    ZOE! :kiss:

    where have you been?? I missed you! everyone misses you!

  11. Just the thought of a Muse gig at PIPELINE is blowing my mind.

    If they ever decided to come here... that'd be the best day of my life.



    Yeah it's adorable! The little purple heart adds a certain charm. :happy:


    Oh, and I've been working on some photoshop stuff! well actually I've been doing it on gimp cause thats all I have.

    The changes are really subtle, but it really makes the image pop better. And of course, I just had to use muse. :p

    Here's the before:


    And here's the after:


    And what's cool is that the same steps work on Gimp as they do on PS, they're just located in different places.

  12. of course! I think I've seen it like 6 times so far today :LOL:

    all these teasers are fucking killing me! I want the new album already!


    and your av = :kiss:

    I love it, they look so cute!

  13. Kylee

    How are you doing in school?

    This semester, I'm doing alright. I could be doing a lot better if I didn't slack so much. :(

  14. Yes I'm serious! Can you imagine BAMP actually getting Muse to come hhere??!?! AAHHANDjBFShaefefwef the excitement makes me act retarded!


    Omg! What a coincidence! Earlier today I went in and bought the Muse shirt! There were only 2 left, and I put the extra small one on top of the underoath shirts! :LOL: Wow, what a small world. Was the guy at the registar a goth guy with a black and purple outfit and dreadlocks? When I put the shirt up to the register, he was like "muse, niiiice!". :D. No there is no Hot Topic at Kahala, my dad felt bad for me (my mom was being a psycho bitch to me yesterday) so today he wanted to make it up to me and get me the Muse shirt I wanted at Ala Moana. But yeah I was really surprised there were only 2 left! It actually made me stop and think "'hey... maybe muse ARE getting quite popular here".

    :facepalm: Oh god, twilight. Hot Topic just rubs twilight in your face. Half the store is scene kid clothes and the other half is Twilight shit. :noey:


    Oh my god, that's so fucked up! I'm so sorry hun :(. Nice people like her don't deserve what are done to them. Thats just... way too fucked up and really heavy. Are you feeling okay? And you don't need to feel regretful, it isn't your fault. :(

  15. Kylee

    Oh okay. Yeah that is the American equivalent to public school. I go to public/state school also. Much better than any of those posh private schools. ;)


    Well hey thats pretty good. Too bad all teachers cant be cool. I have a really cunty teacher for 2 of my classes this year and she's failing me because I didnt turn in 3 assignments. :facepalm:

  16. lol, yeah loveboats arent very great. just socialize and make some friends on here, maybe you will get a loveboat someday ;)


    and I dont think I caught your name...or did I forget? Mine's kylee, I'm sure you could assume, lol

  17. Flying Spaghetti Monster :awesome:

  18. awwww thanks for teh luv boat loving :kiss:

  19. awwww thanks for teh luv boat loving :kiss:

  20. awwww thanks for teh luv boat loving :kiss:

  21. awwww thanks for teh luv boat loving :kiss:



    We would love to get them to make a stop in hawaii and have tried before. We will continue the effort and hopefully we can finally get them out here.


    Thanks for your input!





  23. Kylee

    Wow, what a cunt.

    None of my teachers care, luckily I have super chill teachers this semester.

    I can actually listen to my ipod in every class and the teachers dont care at all.


    Do you go to a private school or a public school?

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