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Status Updates posted by Kylee

  1. Oh god, I'm the exact same way. The majority of the local ads here make me :facepalm:. The one I have been seeing lately (not sure if it's local or national) are the Geiko ads with the stack of money and the eyes on top of it... :noey: No, just no...

    Advertising and journalism are things I am completely not good at. I would suck major arse if I majored in any of those. I want to major in psychology, possibly sociopathology. How the mind works really interests me. Minds of criminals, serial killers, cult leaders, brainwashers, etc. really interest me. I was thinking a career as a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist.


    Okay, great! Enjoy :) The first 2 albums are completely different from the second album. And make sure to download (probably LimeWire this one) Lucid Dreams. It's on the album but the better version is the radio version where it actuall has words. The album version is like an 8 minute techno guitar mashup. It's pretty immense, but I think you would enjoy the radio version better. Only like 3 minutes long and actually has words :rolleyes:

  2. Oh, that's cool! You're about the same age as my sister then. What did you major in?


    Yeah the buzz about the album is well worth it. Like at first, the initial reaction it was like "...eh...", but after second listen, it got really good. I'm on my like...4th or 5th listen right now and it's really really fun. It's a great nighttime/dance record. I could send it to you over AIM or any other messenger if you want it right now. I believe it's CD quality because of how great it sounds. And yes I do have their second album, You Could Have It So Much Better. If you torrent, I prefer you torrenting it because all of my songs from their second album are very shit quality. I would torrent music instead of LimeWire-ing (:mad: I hate using LimeWire but sometimes its necessary when I want albums or songs that music stores don't have), but I don't have enough balls to do that. I'm super weird like that I guess :rolleyes:


    Yeah FOTC is really great! The second season of their show premieres on the 18th on HBO but they showed the premiere about 2 weeks ago on FunnyOrDie.com. I could link you, if you'd like.

  3. Are you currently a student?


    Okay well if you want, I could send you the leaked third Franz album. It's out in the US on January 27th. It's pretty interesting, a lot different than their self titled album.


    :LOL: My avatar is Bret McKenzie. He's apart of this folk comedy duo called Flight Of The Conchords. They're very good. Check them out sometime if you have the chance. :happy:

  4. Damn, that sucks! I mean, you live out in the boonies! I know the wind out here is gusty but I'm sure its much much worse for you. Surely the apple store would understand?


    Okay this is really random, but are you a fan of Franz Ferdinand?

  5. I've never really explored what Muse Live has to offer. Maybe I should take a look, I hear they have a lot of great stuff.


    Yeah I know, I hope I get better before I waste my entire four day weekend :(. Yes I'm so happy! Since I haven't gone to school for 2 days, and now I have a four day weekend (no school tomorrow, no school on monday for some reason), it's basically like I had an extra 6 days off from school added onto my christmas break :happy:

  6. I don't ever go onto Muse Live but I have an account on there because I downloaded a clip of Dom singing from ML once, lol.


    And I haven't been on the computer the past two days because I've been sick :(

    Yesterday I woke up and I felt like killing myself because of how painful my headache was.

  7. Wow, Miami sounds great too! All of those places sound amazing, actually. I've been to NY before but it was when I was really young and I didn't have much fun. It's the kind of city that is fun but only if you're older.


    Trying out Absolution today on my Sony DVD player, after a few minutes it said "Prohibited in this region", so my Sony isn't an all region DVD player. I tried Absolution out on my shitty DVD player and it worked but it was weird. It looked like it was half connected or something cause it was like flickering and it was all smashed up. It's hard to explain. But it's okay, the one you gave me for the computer works really great, so don't even worry. I appreciate all you've done already. :)

  8. Well my parents buy Windows. They are already tech-retarded as it is, and I don't think switching to mac could help their retardation, even though mac is a lot more user friendly.


    Oh wow that's great! Hopefully everything works out well. :)


    And wow, I just found out I might go to London for my spring break this year!

    The first thought that popped into my head was "Maybe I could see Matt, Dom, or Chris!" and "I can finally get some good Muse memorabilia". Oh, the thoughts of a muse fan...


    Edit: I just tried to play Hulla on my Sony DVD player and it didn't work.

    It just said "loading" for a few minutes. I'm going to try it on my shitty DVD player tomorrow. The computer ones work marvelously, thank you :). Infact, I'm watching Hulla right now. Thank you 19" monitor.

  9. Well I completely fucked myself over because over break I woke up between noon and 1 pm every day :facepalm:


    Yeah they are shit, don't even bother listening to them. They're just the same as every other generic whiny pop-rock radio band out there. I don't listen to the radio anymore either. I pretty much stopped listening to the radio like a year and a half ago. Nothing on the radio is worth listening to.


    I'll find music in completely random ways too! Most of the time I find music through YouTube or my friends. But sometimes I just happen upon it in really strange ways.

    (Mac person! You lucky bastard! I've always been a Windows person my whole life until I stayed with my best friend for 2 weeks and she had a mac notebook. I've been converted! Only bad thing is that mac is waaaayyyyyyyyy too expensive :rolleyes:)


    Popular local singer, as in someone from Hawaii?

  10. Oh god. Speaking of waking up earlier than usual, I forced myself to wake up at 8 am this morning in preparation for school tomorrow. I had about 4 hours of sleep last night :facepalm:. The earliest I've ever woken up during this break was 10:30 am :LOL:. I set such horrible habits during breaks from school.


    Cool, that's neat. I love California also. Are you interested in a career in graphic design and stuff? I know you do photoshop and web design and stuff.

    Oh yeah, Muse a screamo band. That description is right on the money. :rolleyes:. Go tell her to listen to some Muse, lol.

    Ooh, Warped Tour. I was going to try and go to Warped Tour this summer but I missed any of the california dates by like a week.

    Cute Is What We Aim For and The Academy Is... are just typical whiny rock. You know, the type that teenage girls typically listen to. The hardest rock any of them will ever listen to... :rolleyes:

    They have like one alright song each. I can barely stand the CIWWAF singer's voice. And people say Matt has a whiny voice... :noey:

  11. The mail came today already but I can't check it yet.

    I'm so anxious, I don't want to wait any longer.

    Plus I have completely nothing to do today.

    How has you day been?

  12. Ahahaha, funny story.

    I was drunk and sat own next to him and he had a Muse pin on his hat or shirt or something.

    Then I asked who they were, etc.

    No I'm not in contact with him because he's a complete stranger, haha.


    God I'm so bored. I'm just waiting to check the mail so I can see if I got the DVDs yet.

    I have to wait until my dad get's home tho... :mad:. Stupid mailbox that needs a key to open...

    And I have school tomorrow. Fuck my life. :facepalm:

  13. Oh I do like Matt's, but I don't find it very sexy. Dom's is rather nice tho :eyebrows:

    and YES, I did listen to his rendition of it! I was like "o hai thar dommeh :eyebrows:" after I heard it :LOL:

  14. Ahahaha, I know! I like Dom's accent better than Matt's. But I prefer the more proper british accent. I swear, they make me go weak at the knees sometimes :$

  15. Yeah! Exactly. When I went over to california, I met a guy who introduced me to muse.

  16. I wish I had discovered Muse sooner also! I've only known them for about 7 months now, but I have definitely made up for the lost time.


    And yes. Everything that isn't played on "The Power 104.3 (:facepalm:)" is automatically bad music. Anything that falls underneath the "rock" genre is automatically emo. Sad, I know.


    Ahahaha! I can just imagine "and this iiiiisssss theee ennnnnnd, of the wooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrld!" going around and around in your head as all the fireworks go off. In Hawaii Kai, most people actually thought the sky was lighting up in lightening because of aerials going off every minute. SO ridiculous.

  17. Yes I know! Me too. I do love english people though. And I REALLY love the accents :D:rolleyes:

  18. I'm 15. My favorite Muse song... that's really hard.

    One of my all time favorites is Space Dementia.

    My favorite album I can tell you, it's Origin of Symmetry.

  19. Yeah I know. People just don't really know how to appreciate good music these days. Muse is seriously one of the most amazing band's I've ever heard, and they have changed my view of music forever. (I know I'm young, but I'm right at that age where you go on that "musical journey" and discover things that change music for you.) Not even playing a different Muse song would do anything. I hang out with the most musically narrowminded people. When people ask me what kind of music I listen to and I reply with "rock, alternative, brit rock, etc.", I usually get "ew you emo" or something like that :facepalm:. That's how much the american mainstream is tainted because people automatically assume Rock music to be screamo, emo shittyness.


    Waianae? Jeez, that's out in the boonies! The only time I ever go near that side of the island is when I go to Wahiwa to visit my friend. I live in Hawaii Kai, so you could see why I never have to or need to go out to that side. Hawaii Kai is such a crowded suburban area! I don't understand how people got away with all the aerials people we're shooting off. I guess the fact that there are so many people living out here that no one can really get singled out, lol.

  20. cool, I'm from Hawai'i.

    I'm 15. and you?

  21. :LOL: WTF ENGLISH PEOPLE?! ahahahaha, that's too funny.

    oh, those crazy brits :rolleyes:

  22. Oh, well that's good! I've tried long and hard to get my sister to like Muse. She says she thinks they sound good and their instrumentals are great, but she can't get over Matt's "nasally" voice. :noey:


    Yeah, most of my friends REALLY make fun of them. I seriously know about 4 people that would prefer rock music over hip-hop. I hang out with people who ONLY listen to hip-hop, rap, R&B, and reggae. Tough crowd. On a CD I had made for my friend, I threw Supermassive Black Hole on these to see if she would like it. The exact responses from her, and my 3 friends in the backseat:

    Friend: This song is so stupid

    Bitch 1: :LOL: This is so gay!

    Bitch 2: (before vocals come in) I bet this song has a really high pitched gay singer. (vocals come in) :LOL: AHAHA I knew it! This song is the gayest girly song I've ever heard ahahaha

    Bitch 3: This song was alright, until he started singing. What a bad singer.

    :facepalm: x 100


    Well hey, thats good! You get to talk to them about Muse. Hopefully they'll start to develop a greater interest for them from you :happy:

    Oh, and you know Apple used a Muse song in an advertisement for Visualizer like 7 years ago? Pretty cool. (thought that was possibly relevant because you work at the Apple store.)


    Oh god. That sucks. That's like how it was...only 9 days before New Years. I swear, it sounded like gun shots going off. And what part of the island do you live in? I can't imagine there being any aerials tonight except in a more rural area.

  23. :happy: Thanks for the add!
  24. Yeah I know! I love spreading (or as like everyone else likes to call "forcing") the word of Muse! I've managed to convert one of my friends into a muse-lover. A few weeks ago, I made her CD's of all 4 albums, and then I sent her HAARP over the computer. Now she loves them, which is a relief cause I have someone at school to talk and rant to about Muse, lol.

    Most people who I make listen to Muse think Matt's voice is "gay and girly" or criticize his heavy breathing and say "I can't even listen to this cause I'm distracted by his heavy breathing" :phu:


    Matt Bellamy in gift box would be too epic to give away. Maybe we could share it :p;)

    Maybe I'll make you a custom muse shirt or something cool like that when school starts back up and when I have money.

  25. :stongue: Aahhdhafbjaertnjkwt:E46@#&!!! Thank you so much! I've said it many times before but really, thanks!

    Oh man, now I can't wait to get them in the mail. I've been wanting to watch Hullabaloo again but I've been putting it off because I know I now get to watch it ON MY HD TV. Fucking excellent.

    Thanks so much! I appreciate it SO MUCH.

    I will return the favors when I think of something epic enough to give to you.


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