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Status Updates posted by Kylee

  1. Yeah, it was pretty weird waking up thinking "...did I just have a dream with Alex Kapranos in it? :stunned::chuckle:"


    And speaking of dreams, I just had one of the most disturbing dreams I've had in a while. I'm actually still a little bit uneasy about it... it made me wake up at 6:20 this morning.

    Okay so anyway...

    It started off as my whole class and I went on this field trip and we all had to walk their and I had a friend who dressed up as a ball of marijuana (wtf? :stunned:) and he was like in the lead. And then it switched to me and my dad driving to go meet my mom and my sister. It would flash back and forth from walking to driving with my dad until it flashed to where my dad and I were trying to exit the city, but we had to go through this neighborhood. It turned out to be a white supremest neighborhood. Like the graffiti all over the place said "color war" and stuff. And the names above the stores were like "white supremacy" and shit. It was especially scary because the neighborhood happened to be very condensed, like the road going through was a one lane road and only 2 feet away from you were these white supremacists. Like I thought I was gonna die or something.

    And then it flashes to me and my class walking again and now we are walking in this forest. We turn the corner and we see this camp, and then all of a sudden all of these Vietnamese people come from behind us dressed in war clothes with yellow cloth wrapped around their arms and heads. We were in the jungle where the Vietnam war was. And then like the viets didnt do anything to us at first so we walked into all the buildings and met up with all our other friends and then I saw my mom and sister. But then all the viets come and start taking us prisoner and killing some of us. And then it shows my dad running through the jungle screaming for my name and he runs into one of the cabins but then the viets threw a grenade in it and my dad died. :stunned: And then me and my one friend were confronted with the leader of the viet people and we had to pretend like we were dead.


    I dunno why it was so scary. It was a lot scarier in my dream than it is talking about it. :$

    Yeah sorry for that big paragraph.

  2. I wish!


    Hahaha, okay. It's really nothing special though...

    For some reason, all the guys came over to my house and me and Alex were sitting on my outside table talking and stuff, looking very dapper I might add. :eyebrows:, haha. But yeah we were just talking about random shit, I can't remember because it was a while ago. And in the far distance Paul, Bob, and Nick were just standing and staring at us lol. Very random.

  3. wow, what a random dream :LOL:. Speaking of weird dreams, I've been having an array of Muse dreams lately. The other night I dreamed that whoever raced to the top of this hotel first got to meet muse, so I ran up the 100 flight of stairs and there was already 100 people there. Matt, Dom, and Chris were walking around and roaming and then I stopped to talk to Dom and I was like "OH MY GOD, YOU NEED TO COME BACK HERE PLEEEEASE!" and he was like "eh... maybe if we feel like it". And then all of a sudden it flashes to a huuuuuge stadium here, like bigger than Wembley stadium, and everyone I knew was there. And it was a big muse concert and it was awesome! The crowd was so rowdy and into it and I was stuck in the pit or something. So I climb onto stage and just sit there and then jump back into the crowd. And then the concert ends but then the guys come back on stage and they start talking about how high they are. :LOL:


    Ohhh, I want an FF dream! Alex dream... :eyebrows:. Oh wait... I have had a Franz dream already, I dunno if I told you or not. :LOL::facepalm:

  4. Kylee

    awesome! was it like a music festival?

    and did you hear, someone is supposedly setting up a Scotland Muser Meet Up or something

  5. Could you manage to bring me back Alex? I'm sure he'd be able to fit in your carry-on luggage. :D


    Yeah, no problem. Not only do I love showing people good stuff, but if I was away for a while I'd want someone to show me what I've missed. And have you seen the new muse twitter updates? Not sure if you have. If not:


    "matt works on part 2" was the caption (possibly part 2 of symphonic monster? :D)






    awww chris :happy:


    Seriously, now the weather is sunny and hot! One of the nicest days I've seen in a while. Seriously hawaii, must you be so bi-polar?


    Ahahaha, karaoke is awesome! It's even better if your drunk :p. Reallllly??! Wow, I find it hard to believe that Muse would be at karaoke. And I like how it's like the hardest Muse song to sing ever on their too, that karaoke place is just promoting terrible singing. :LOL:


    Thank you! Matt's face is awesome, and Grace Jones is super creepy yet provocative at the same time lol.

  6. Aghhhhfhuejfnsfjbns! YOU LUCKY BITCH!

    You better get me something cool from that gig!

    I'm so excited for you!!! :D


    Aww, that's terrible. I hate it when people are so inconsiderate about their peers because they only really care about them selves. :( I'm sorry you had to put up with that.


    And WOW. The rain was borderline hurricane this morning! If it was that bad here, I don't even know what to expect from the Wainae side.


    And I woke up to this awesome announcement this morning. It's from Dom's myspace blog.

    Saturday, March 14, 2009



    Yes yes, I know its been about six years since I last posted but you know, time flies when you're having fun. Look, I've been busy alright..! Ok, I have no excuse.. Just slack.

    We have been working pretty hard though on the album and its actually now starting to take shape. Matt is doing vocals on some tracks as we speak which normally means they're nearly finished. We've probably got two more to record from scratch then we might be almost looking at a complete album. Then strings, synth sparkles, llamas toenails, gongs and anything else we can think of that will help us perceive they are finished. The hardest bit is finishing.

    It sounds fucking great though..

    Im very looking forward to getting out there and playing this live. Im pretty sure we'll be out playing shortly after the summer. Plans are coming together..


    See you soon,



  7. Kylee

    Oh cool. What are you away for?

  8. Yeah, lucky you! I hope you have fun in Az!


    And oh... may I say that your avatar is quite... sexy? :eyebrows:

  9. Haha, it's cool.

    I am so bored! Idk what to do with myself.

    I am just so excited for california, everything else seems so boring.

  10. Come into chat! :D

  11. Ahhhh, that sounds like so much fun! Don't party too hard when you're up there, now. :p

  12. Kylee

    Not much, not much. Just practicing my driving more, I gotta get prepared for my driving test...in August. :p


    How's you?

  13. Yeah I know, I'm so excited! I've never even been in snow before so this is going to be a different experience, lol.

  14. Yeah. Thats the on thing about them, not a lot of variety.


    Oh yeah that's right, the new Target opened. My parents went this weekend to Target to get us snow clothes because we are going snowboarding over spring break. :D


    Well friday night was my friends birthday, which was SO MUCH FUN. I havent had that much fun in a long time. I stayed home for the rest of the weekend though. :(

  15. haha, yes. I am good. And you?

  16. OMG NO WEYYYYYY. shame on him!

  17. Yeah, that one is good. It's pretty cool, kinda boring though.

    I like Radiohead, but they bore me fast. :$


    So how was your weekend?

  18. Yeah, I like them. I dont think they're THAT amazing, and I think they are very overrated, but the music by them that I do like, I like very much. Whats your favorite song by them? My favorite is 2+2=5

  19. Ahaha! Yeah sorry about that. I tried really hard to type nice and clearly that by the time I got to the end of my message, I was just like suajnanidbafuibeiueiubq iud druunnk! :D lol.


    Do you listen to Radiohead?

  20. Ahaha! Yeah sorry about that. I tried really hard to type nice and clearly that by the time I got to the end of my message, I was just like suajnanidbafuibeiueiubq iud druunnk! :D lol.


    Do you listen to Radiohead?

  21. Well, I reccommended Muse and then she started reading the twilight books. Then she saw that Stephanie Meyer had them on the twilight playlists, so she got interested. And now she loves them. No, not just SMBH. She likes a lot of it, but her favorite is Starlight, of course.


    omg sorry if I soundretarded, I'm just kind drink right now lol. my friends 18rh birthday was tonight so I was allowed out and I celebrated lol

  22. hahaha, yes because those twilighters are twats. But one of my best friends at my school who loves muse is a twilight super fan. :(. She even has a shirt that says twilight on it AND a shirt that says "Team Jacob". :indiff:


    Today in my health class, my teacher brought up the Mrs. Yamashita thing because we were talking about mental health and the way it can affect peoples behaviors. I think my teacher knew of her and/or knew her personally because everytime we asked about a personal detail about the accident she didn't want to talk about it at all. And I didn't know the attack was so random. :(, such a sad thing.

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