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Status Updates posted by Kylee

  1. Did you leave me a visitor message? Cause it says it got deleted or something.

  2. He actually said that?! No way! :noey:

    I mean, I think Matt is a smart guy and everything but that answer was just plain stupid.

  3. Lucky! You design websites? :eek: Sounds like a dream job.

    Yeah I technically use photoshop, but not THE photoshop. I use this freeware called Gimp. It's pretty good for a free program.

  4. Aww :( Yeah that would be just as great, thanks!


    Haha I know! Dom can make the most ridiculous faces sometimes.

    What program do you use for your photoshopping?

  5. Haha, I'm alright. I'm from Hawai'i. And you?

  6. Haha, yes thanks for the add.

    What's up? :happy:

  7. Haha yeah well when I went a few days before christmas, it was like a sauna in there.


    Oh well like all my other DVDs, I only have the ipod format of HAARP.

    AHHH, you're wayyy too cool Liberty. Again, thank you SO much!


    And your avatar is fucking awesome! :LOL:

  8. Whaa- whaa??! Matt doesn't know what Poland is? :stunned:

  9. :kiss:


    I know, right? I mean the Kahala one gets a lot of traffic as well, but it's nothing compared to the Ala Moana one. And I swear, everytime I go into the Ala's one, there's no freakin air conditioning! I don't know how you can survive that sweaty mosh pit on the weekends.

  10. Awesome! Thank you SO much! <3

    Oh god, The Apple Store is a madhouse during weekdays. I don't even brave the Apple Store on the weekends. You can barely move from the massive amounts of bodies in there.

    I prefer the Kahala store, much more mellow. :happy:

    (and a lot closer to where I live!)

    Yeah definitely! If and when I go to Ala Moana, I'll stop by to say hello to my favorite hawaiian muser ;)

  11. :eek: 15% discount?! that's fucking awesome. And since it's apple, any discount I can get is great.

    I'll definitely take that offer up when I get a new ipod in six months. Which location do you work at, the Ala Moana one?

    Okay I'll PM you my address :D! Thanks you Lib! :kiss:

    Nah, the iPod compatible ones I don't need because I already have them on my iPod. Just the normal DVD ones...I guess? Lol.

  12. OMG! HQ versions would be great! Thank you! I don't know how you would send me them if you burned them. Mail?


    HAARP is intense and amazing looking, much more aesthetically pleasing. And the sound & crowd singing along is much better than the other 2 DVDs. But my favorite is Hullabaloo. Not only is the track listing better, but it has those killer extras.


    :mad: I'm envious! You work at the apple store?! No fair! No wonder why you have an iPhone!

    I need to suffer while watching HAARP, Abso, and Hullabaloo (Wait...I also have an hour long performance at Reading and "Uno" from Hillabaloo on there too) on my 1-inch video nano screen!

  13. ooooh yeah that's right.

    you are so NOT obsessed, at all.

    this whole time when you post in the PMT it's just for people to look at pictures of matt, nothing to do with obsession


  14. Oh yes I have all the DVDs except for the "Making Of (insert music video name here)" DVDs.

    Haha, no I understand. I've had my DVDs sent to me over the computer by friends who have converted them so I can put them on my ipod. Sad thing is that if I want to watch it on my computer, the quality is complete shit.

    Oooh HAARP, the amazing HAARP. The first time I saw HAARP I was so mesmerized by it, I was in such awe.

    My favorite DVD is....wow that's hard. It's a tie between Hullabaloo and HAARP. Glaso's performance is amazing but the DVD setlist kind of falls flat :$

    Which is your favorite?

  15. ahahahaha yes! Matt's face is pure win.

    Oh! And glad to see you won pornogenic obsessed! :kiss:

  16. Awww, thanks babe! :kiss:

    You're picture is rather sexual too :eyebrows:


    Haha, your av of Matt reminds me of a so that put on his fathers glasses and makes a pose to try and look cool :chuckle:

  17. hey Jin! :kiss:

    happy new year!

  18. Oh man, the skies were lighting up last night with all those aerials. Why isn't HPD doing anything about all these illegal aerials? I mean, they were pretty last night but they aren't the least bit enjoyable when they are going off at 1 in the morning a week before New Years :noey:

    hah! Nothing more celebratory than watching a Muse DVD. Which DVD's do you have by them?


    Well my new years was pretty fun. I went over to my friends house and there was a small kick back of 4 or 5 people which was alright. It got better when we all started drinking vodka :D

    Parents were being extremely anal tho and they made me come home like 2 hours earlier than I was supposed to :facepalm:

  19. Ahahaha, you know they have places called rehab to take care of addictions? Just a thought :p;)


    wow that sounds really fun! Fireworks in London? that sounds really amazing. London is like, my dream destination! I want to go so bad. Ahahaha, yes, the mad crowds of crazy drunks. I have a place in Hawaii where all the tourists and drunks are, luckily I'm a good 30 minutes away from that maddness :LOL:


    Oh! My new year was really fun! I went over to my friends house and me and my 4 girl friends all drank vodka. It was all good until I started to drunk dial... :$:facepalm:


    Nice to meet you Dalia! :kiss: I like your name, my name is so blaaahhhhh. :stunned:


    2nd person?! I'm flattered! I'm glad I get the honor of being the second person you talk to, that's an achievement :LOL:

  20. nah I won't. I can handle my liquor...most of the time :LOL:

    my profile picture is like the drunkest picture of me ever :p


    ahahaha yes my avatar. all I think of when I see that picture is "MY PRECIOUS" so I had to put it on the picture for my avatar :chuckle:

  21. Hey liberty!

    It's been a while :) How have you been?

    Any plans for New Years?

    (for real, it feels like hawaii is so far behind cause it's already new years for everybody else on this board :p)

  22. Omg, 11 hours? Isn't that around the time you start to get board withdrawls? :p

    I'm alright, I'll be better tonight when I'm being a pyromaniac and drinking beer :LOL:

    What are your new years plans?

    Oh, and my name is Kylee by the way...(if you didn't already know :rolleyes:)

  23. Kylee

    I miss my zoe :(

    How have you been my love?

    Merry late christmas :kiss:

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