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Status Updates posted by Kylee

  1. yes, yes we shall. can I have your friend code?

  2. Me and my friends got busted by the cops. :(

  3. The story explains why i wasnt on last night. Im sorry, i really wanted to. :'(

  4. PAU PAU PAU :kiss:



  5. Kylee

    I LOVER YOuU. <3 :kiss:

  6. nice dildo avatar

  7. :LOL: Fucking meat raffle. Oh, you strange minnesotians...


    :happy: Yessss, all is well. I'm actually about to go out for a party soon. Gonna get fucked up, woo! YES I KNOW. I CANT FUCKING WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO GET OUT. but omg, it's sooooo hot here. :(

    I'm all sweaty and sticky every day because the humidity levels here are at like 90% EVERY SINGLE DAY. I want to leave this hellllllhole.



    how are you my dear? well, besides school raping you up the butt and stuff.

  8. omg, I'm watching the minnesnowta episodeof bizarre foods again and I thought of joo <3














  9. Hey! Sorry, I would have gotten back to you sooner but our cable wasn't working for 3 days.


    Did the concert happen already? Details!

  10. Hey Lib! Long time, no speak! :kiss:

    Sorry, I forgot to got back to you on facebook. I've been SO busy lately. I just started drivers ed with my instructor and we've already gone for like 4 hours, lol.


    Ahhhhh lucky! You better bring me back Alex Kapranos in a suitcase! I just had a Franz dream last night that they came to Hawaii and I told them to play Jacqueline, and then they did! hahahahaha.

    Oh and shirt size. Just get the biggest one they have because I like to alter my shirts and stuff. And then I'll shrink it down to a size that'll fit when I'm done. Idk, I have a weird shaped body lol

  11. awwww duggy :happy:


  12. Nope! I've been in California! I'm actually staying in a hotel across the street from Disneyland, haha.

    My hotel has a $10 wifi fee, so we just didnt even turn on our laptops. But I turned it on today to charge my iPod, and I saw that I had wireless connections and one of the connections gives you one free day! This is my last night here anyway so it's good for me.


    How has your Spring Break been so far? Any big plans?


    And remember when U2 came to Hawaii a few years back? Maybe teh myooze will come with. :eek:


    I've been away from internet for like 3 days! Thanks lib!

    I need to go update myself on all the new muse news!

  14. Haha, that's alright. I just feel like I havent talked to you in ages!


    Ohhh, really? That's good in a way, but also bad, like the whole being left out thing. I know exactly how you feel! :( I'm sorry. Howcome you didn't go?

  15. Libbbbbbbb, it's been way too long! :(

  16. I really like your avatar :)

    Could you possibly link me to the normal sized picture?

  17. Well, it was actually small. Maybe a little bigger, lemme try find it.


    And no, not the same picture as your av. Maybe it's in your sig?

  18. Nah, the only size one I've seen is the paparazzi magazine shot, sorry :(

  19. Omg, it was suuuuuper scary! But when I told it to people at school today, I and everyone else thought it sounded so unscary and weird :LOL:. Man, I can't understand dreams sometimes. They are so random and sporadic. And yeah, the way that it was so detailed is scary.

  20. Thanks! :kiss:

    Yours too! Is it those paparazzi pictures of Bellamy when he was with Gaia walking down a street or something?

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