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Status Updates posted by Kylee

  1. There is an universally proven equation that states that more prog = more fat. Now, symphonic monster...:p



    I would have just told you that in the fat matt thread but it was locked.

  2. Yeah, I can't wait either! 2 scott's on american television, I have no idea what to expect. :D


    Oh man Lib, the Amoeba webcast was GREAT. They're showing rebroadcast's here: http://www.amoeba.com/live-shows/videos/franz-ferdinand.html

    Enjoy. I know you will :happy:


    Okay, random question. Do you like the band Friendly Fires?

  3. The leno performance was GREAT. I loved how Alex completely teased his hair and made it all feathery :LOL:

    And Nick looked so cute, although I didn't like his outfit.

    Overall, great performance. It was so worth me staying up and dying of sleep for 2 hours last night :D

  4. Oh man, I'm SO excited. I can't wait another 7 hours to watch this.

    I'm so amped to be seeing Franz ON TV. Woot!


    And tomorrow at 4 pm, there will be a live stream of Franz performing at Ameoba Hollywood. It'll be on ameoba.com or something. Check the franz thread for the link to the website.

  5. Yeah, I realized that right after I messaged you, lol. :D

    I'm so excited for Leno tonight! I'm expecting Ulysses but hoping for [No You Girls[/i] or Turn It On.


    I didn't try. I would try right now but I'm actually at school on the library computers :LOL:

    Oh, the life of a muse addict... leaving class just to post on the board. :facepalm::D

    And I actually have a resized version of the big gif you sent me, I looooove it.

  6. omg i'm retarded

  7. THANK YOU! :D


    Omg, thank you so much for telling me! I literally had a half scream half orgasm noise come out of my mouth when I looked at the information for tomorrows Jay Leno and it said Franz Ferdinand performing. :LOL:

    And I'm looking at the show information for Craig Ferguson on friday night and it says "Sharon Stone and the Dap Kings" perform or something. He's The Late Late Show on CBS, right?

  8. UGH! :mad:

    Idk why but when I put the .gif as my avatar, it doesn't play. It just shows the first frame.

    Do you know how to fix this?

  9. I FUCKING LOVE YOU. Those are fucking bomb! :LOL:

    And omg, your Matt avatar made me laugh out loud :D

  10. :D Thanks! How are you Ricky?
  11. You need to link me to it right now.

  12. You need to tell me where you got your avatar from.

  13. Sch-weet! I'm gonna use this ideo to make some cool new .gifs.

    Damnit, the one I want to make it gonna be like 40 frames :(


    And you're welcome! I love recommending Muse. It makes me feel like I'm spreading the word of God or something, :LOL:


    Omg yes, non acoustic Shine would be wonderful! Come into the Muse chatroom and we can talk in there cause it's easier.

  14. :facepalm: I do that so much! I like to type your comments into my profile box and then copy and paste it into yours, because I'm able to see our conversation. :LOL:


    Yeah I REALLY like the Ulysses video. I swear, Alex is such sex in it. Idk why, but I find myself attracted to him. He really isn't the hottest guy around, but he has some sort of sex appeal and his persona is so charismatic! I've never felt this for a 36 year old man before. :LOL:


    Oh my god, you hit the nail right on the head. I don't even watch OC16, but I've seen a few commercials for the channel. Even though its a local channel, don't you think they could be a bit more creative or edgy with their commercials? Simply put, they are LAME.


    :yesey: Awesome. Enjoy, please. New music is so exciting! Well, for me anyways. I always get so happy when I discover good things I never knew of/heard of/took the time to listen to before.


    Hmm... well if you're going to do songs, I definitely suggest Absolution. That's the easiest CD to get into. BH&R is kind of a shitty album, not making it a very good first-listen album.

    If you're going song wise, maybe I could make a good track list? My suggestions for a person who is kind of getting into muse:

    -Sing for Absolution (fucking definately)

    -Time Is Running Out (just because people get into it easily)


    -Apocalypse Please


    -The Small Print

    -Stockholm Syndrome


    And add in some OoS, the great OoS.

    -New Born

    -Plug In Baby


    -Space Dementia (possibly...)

  15. That's cool. And yeah I noticed the whole "flick your cigarette and kiss me" lyric in both songs. Clever Kapranos, clever. And yeah it tells a story. It starts with Ulysses, which is like the getting ready/pre-party. Then it explodes into dance music and at the end of the night, it calms down.

    Oh yeah, lots of people confuse Modest Mouse and Franz Ferdinand. Their music videos were pretty similar, except that Franz's music is much better. :p


    Arctic Monkeys and The Strokes?! I LOVE them. I had a Strokes period like 6 monthes ago. I recommend songs You Only Live Once, and Juicebox. They are really upbeat and fun. And Arctic Monkeys! Arctic freaking Monkeys. Did you know of them/like them before your friend showed you them? Arctic are in my top three right now. Before they were number 2...but then Franz came along. :D. Arctic's songs are great. There are a lot of good ones so I suggest torrenting both albums, Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not and Favorite Worst Nightmare. I cant even suggest songs cause there are too many, lol.


    Thank you! :happy: I'm probably gonna go down to the DMV next week Wednesday-ish. Hopefully I'll pass!

  16. Oh my god, that's great! It's my favorite thing to listen to at the moment. It's just so fresh and completely different than everything else out there right now. All of their albums before were just collections of good brit-rock songs. But this, this is just so cohesive and it fits. My favorite tracks off the album right now are No You Girls, Turn It On, Twilight Omens, and Lucid Dreams. And on the subject of Franz, I've been asking people all week if they know who they are. After asking probably like 20 people, finally my one friend in my math class said she knows them and likes them. People's music tastes these days... :noey:


    Yeah it's fine. The car is completely fine. If anything, my moms car looks cleaner than it was before. I'm pretty sure they will let me get my permit because my dad talked to his friend at the DMV today and since I did good on my report card, my parents are happier. :happy:

    Oh man, I need to work on my braking, reversing, and parking. I've only actually drove maybe like 4 or 5 times and I'm okay at the rest of the stuff. And I need to be more attentive, I'm really not observant. :LOL:

  17. Yeah, I haven't been to the beach in FOREVER, either. I used to go once or twice a week but then I just stopped. Idk why...

    Boogie boarding + food + Muse + reckless fun = win. I actually haven't been listening to Muse much lately. Tonight Franz Ferdinand has triggered such an eargasm that that's all I've been listening too, pretty much. I can't understand how it gets better and better with each listen, but it does.


    Cute website! I really like your photoshop work :happy:


    I've been okay. Just going to school, doing the typical teenage girl stuff. My biggest prioriy as of right now is getting my permit or else I'll get kicked out of my school's Driver's Ed program. Not only do my parents not want to take me down to the DMV, but the other day I was parking my car for my sister. I made a ridiculously stupid mistake of leaving the door open (don't ask me why, I just did :facepalm:) and the door skidded against my mom's white van. Red door + white van + stupidity = long red scratch on my moms car. I got it all off with some car wax, but my parents are pretty pissed at me about it.


    And yes I have seen the Ulysses video. Alex is such a ham, but I love him in it :D

    And to embed videos, you do [media]URL[/*yt] (take the asterisk out of the end code)

  18. That's how Jemaine does it, :LOL:


    So how have you been lately?

  19. You're welcome! Like, FOTC aren't a funny group. Their comedy is pretty subtle and it's very witty. More chuckle-worthy than laugh worthy, I must say.

    This one is ANOTHER great one (sorry for sending you all of these!). This one is called Business Time and it's really really funny :D.



    Yeah I know! I laughed out loud when I heard the "zero zero zero zero zero zero one, zero zero zero zero zero one one, etc...".

  20. That's great! It has such a catchy, dancey feel to it. It's the kind of record you want to listen to before a night out with friends. I love Alex Kapranos (the singer), he has this sex appeal and swagger to him that makes the sexual sound work well.


    Ah, FOTC. My favorite song by them is "Ladies of the World". This is the video for it as taken from their show. My avatar is also taken from this video :happy:



    Here is some very funny stand-up the guys did a few years ago. This is really good.


  21. :LOL::LOL:!

    Well it wasn't Dom's natural blonde color, it was like bleached blonde. They didn't look like literal dicks, but maybe dicks as in tools/douchebags? Idk, it's funny regardless! :D

  22. :LOL: Oh yeah I saw an interview with Bellz and he was like "me and Dom died our hair blonde, we looked like such dicks" or something, haha. If I can find it, I'll link it to you.
  23. You're welcome! :D

    Haha, everyone says you like the blonde pics of Bellamy. And I mean, your avatar doesn't give away any hints or anything... ;):LOL:

  24. I saw these and thought of you!





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