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Status Updates posted by Kylee

  1. Mmm... I love red matt pics.

    I love this one redhairmatt.jpg

    and the one where he is sitting in the chair looking up into the distance. I can't find it right now :(


    I'm alright, I'm grounded though. :(. Long story, but basically I got caught lying to my parents.

  2. another red matteh lover?



    how are you darling? I haven't spoken to you in a while!

  3. Definitely less of me on the boards. I'm grounded from the computer, phone, cell phone, sort of TV. Yeah... :(. But I'm sneaking on a bit here and there so I'll try to be on the boards as much as I can.


    Yeah! Cause he comes from a Greek-British-Scottish heritage, so it's a mix of all of those. Lexy is such a sweetheart! I want to meet him so bad. :p


    Wait, do you mean the song "Darts of Pleasure"?

    The song that goes "words of love are words so leisured, words are poisoned darts of pleasure"?

  4. Yeah my friend is alright now. And yep, I'm still grounded. It sucks cause I'm gonna be grounded for a looooooong time. :(


    Oh yeah, right after I sent you that message I ended up finding the videos on youtube. The interview was so cute! Alex kept saying "aye" :happy:


  5. The rave was fun, but my friend got a drink spiked with date rape so she was like passing out and really sick.

    And I also got caught lying to my parents, so I'm super grounded. :(


    And no!!! I realized at around 12:30 that night that I didn't remember to watch it! Was it good?

  6. Aww, I'm sorry. :(

    Everyone around here has been sick too.

    Well, I'm super mega grounded. The story is too long, but basically I got caught lying to my parents so no cellphone, computer, or phone for me. :$

  7. I don't want to wait until Autumn for good mands and/or the new Muse album :( I'm too impatient!

    Ahhhh, Devon?! That seems so cool. Home of teh myooze :p. If you find out any neat undercover muse info, feel free to fill me in! :D


    And thank you! Red haired matt... :eyebrows:

  8. Thanks, babe! :kiss:

    How have you been, Miss minnesnowta?

  9. I know, I love me some red Matty ;)


    Lame. Atleast they lost the award to 2 good bands and not gay ones like MCR.


    Yes, I will! It's at this place in Kalihi, near Dillingham.

  10. God, I just LOVE the atmosphere of a concert. I wish I could go to shows more often, but no good bands ever come here. :(


    Yeah, I know they we're both nominated. Neither of them won, right? See, they are popular here, but not as popular as they deserve to be. And I wish Muse we're nominated here too, but that would never happen. Even though Muse are one of the most popular UK bands in the world, I think Franz is more popular in Europe since they are more commercial, and a lot more catchy.

    And yes! I'm recording Craig Ferguson because I won't be home that night, I'll be out at a rave! :D


    OMG, EXACTLY! No one wants to take me! Luckily for me, I made the final slot for driving with an instructor at my schools Driver's Ed. :D

  11. I'm TOO used to the heat! Although I do hate extremely hot weather, I hate extremely cold weather as well. :p

    Nothing planned for 2009 as of right now :(. I might go on a trip in a month or so, but idk where.

    And I've been checking the website that posts gigs of who and where, but none interest me.

    A few popular bands are coming, but none I'd want to see. Honestly, the only people worth seeing as of right now would be Muse or Franz Ferdinand.

  12. Omg, that exactly! I always want to talk about Muse but feel like people will think I'm strange if I do. :$


    Wow, but that's awesome you won a radio contest. Those things are so impossible.

    :LOL: The crowd was rowdy? I LOVE when the crowds get so rowdy and start pushing, jumping, screaming. It's so electric. At the Kooks gig, I was in the front on the barrier, and I was getting pushed around and slightly moshed. The next day,my entire backside of my body was bruised and sore, lol. A crowd surfer even fell onto me! It's okay though, those are the kind of things that make gigs exciting. Now if only Muse performed here...


    Yeah, not enough people give YCHISMB enough credit. A ot of people think it's a sophomore slump, but it really isn't a bad record. Just in comparison to their first record, the second one seems like a letdown. I don't like it when people expect perfection out of everybody.

    Yeah they do have a quite a few music videos. I've seen a few, I'm not really interested in watching all of the music videos. My favorite videos by them (that I've seen) are Darts of Pleasure, Do You Want To, (beginning of) Dark of the Matinee. I also noticed that in Michael, Alex looks exactly like an actor named Cillian Murphey. Watch the video and look up the guy, you'll see what I mean.


    And yesssssss! I got my permit today! The test was super easy once I studied. I'm so excited to drive but no one in my family wants to take me. :(

  13. Yes, that exactly! I don't feel like I'm alone! I wanted to just talk about Muse the whole time but I felt like people would over hear me and be like :wtf:, as usual.


    :eek: OMG, THAT'S HIM. That's so weird! How'd you find that? I've known this guy for like...10 years. We went to the same elementary, middle, and high school.

    Omg! :facepalm::LOL: His video was so cheesy! That guy who was sitting at the computer, his name is Adam. Adam always makes cheesy videos like that. Oh scott, he does deserve it though. He looooves AFI.


    Really?! Whoa Lib, good job! I dont think I'll ever be able to win a radio contest. They're waaayyyyyy too hard. And how was Jimmy Eat World?


    Haha, that's cool. I only listen to a few songs from there anyway (DYWT, YCHISMB, I'm your villian, Well That Was Easy, and a few more)

  14. Oh dear god, I would DIE.

    I almost died today when it was 60 and gusty here.

  15. Yeah, it's pretty bittersweet. Like for a week after the concert, I was just buzzing from it. And then I slowly tarted realizing how terrible they actually we're. I have no respect for them anymore.


    Even though eventful isn't a very popuylar online thing, it's still sad that you and me are the ONLY eventful hawaiians that want franz to come here.


    And omg! So today I was at school in my geometry class and I was just randomly talking to my friend scott. Now scott is a rocker kid, not a 'scene' kid or anything like that, but he dresses in sort of rockerish stuff and he ONLY listens to rock music. SO anyway, he won this contest to go and help the band AFI while they are recording in the studio. He has to fly out to LA in 3 weeks to do it. So I'm like "The only band I would fly to LA for would be Muse" and then I hear the most unexpected thing. He was like "Yeah, yeah. Muse are awesome".......:stunned: I was so shocked! I actually had a weird feeling come over me, I think I almost even shed a tear from me being so stunned! It was just so weird for someone to like Muse...AT MY SCHOOL. And then I was looking through his iPhone and saw that he had the entire Black Holes and Revelations album AND it's b-sides. :eek:

    I was just like "Oh my god scott, this is so shocking....blah blah blah...but you should get their better albums" and he's like "oh I already have them all, Absolution and..." and then I cut in with "origin of symmetry?" and he's like "yeah that, and showbiz." I'm in uber shock mode right now. It was so amazing the FINALLY have someone close to me like muse and actually know who they are! It was very overwhelming too, that's why I almost teared, lol. I'm a baby.

  16. Really?! It's been cold here too, just not snowing cold, lol. I'm so used to the warm weather that when it gets doen to 60 degrees, I'm freezing my ass off! I need like 5 layers of clothes.

  17. That's cool! I've been wanting to buy the first two Franz abums, but I have no money! Luckily, I got all of the first album from limewire with CD quality! :D It was such a good find. But yeah, I still have yet to get my YCHISMB.


    Hahaha, I LOVE the DYWT music video! It's franz at their best.


    And yes I did go to The Kooks show. That was back when I really liked The Kooks. I was on the barrier in the very middle, and had the time of my life. I even caught the singers hat when he threw it into the audience! And after the gig, we met the singer in the back of a truck where he was drinking and smoking a cigarette. Even though I had the time of my life, I really don't like the Kooks anymore after seeing them. They are snobs. The singer was a sloppy drunk, and he didn't have enough respect for his fans here to perform sober! He was drunk, stumbling, slurring his words, forgetting the lyrics, being a real slob/dick. He also ripped a nice 5 inch rip down the hem of his ass right when he got on stage. That was lovely.


    and OMG! :mad: That eventful thing is complete bullshit. You and me the ONLY franz fans here? This makes me feel happy about the muse eventful thing!

  18. oh yeah, typical day for you... :rolleyes:

    maybe you could hook me up.

  19. Hey! It's been a long time. How have you been?


  20. No I actually missed the live chat. I saw a 10 second youtube video of it, but that was it. Thanks for the link!


    I was in (and still partially am, but forcing myself out of) a franz phase about a month ago. I'm not bored with them or anything, I'm just afraid that if I keep listening to them as much as I was, I'd get bored with them. That's kind of what happened with the Arctic Monkeys for me. I'm pretty bored with them. But new album this year, I'm excited for that. (All of my favorite bands are releasing new albums this year! :D)


    Yeah Kasabian are pretty good. I think you'd really like them.

    I swear, all I listen to now is Brit Rock. Nothing here in the states is appealing to me. The UK is where music is at right now. All we have here is shit "rock bands" and even shittier rap "artists".

  21. (that Alex gif FINALLY loaded on my computer. It's pure genius! :LOL:)


    Ahaha, yeah those sign's we're quite lol worthy .

    Like 5 muse boardies we're in the front row, and if I'm correct, the one that gave alex the vodka sign was someone from the board named Liz.

    The gig was super short, which was gay. I was expecting like, an hour and a half set, not a promotional store gig/appearance. It's okay, it was great anyways.


    Yeah their music is super fun. Their myspace only has a few songs by them, which sucks. You can find much more on youtube or something.


    I'm finally starting to stray away from muse AND franz. I haven't really been listening to muse, just a few songs here and there, and I cut down on the franz a lot too. So lately I've been listening to bands like Kasabian and Friendly Fires. I really think you would like Kasabian (if you haven't heard of them already). They are like a rockish british band. Kind of hard to categorize them.


    and ANOTHER random thing! Here is my favorite FOTC song of the moment. This is from their episode from last week. It's called "Sugalumps" :chuckle:. This song is made of complete win. I think it may be my favorite FOTC song...


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