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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Crucifies my enemies... lol! Heey you how you doing?? Thanks for the comments xx

  2. K's Garden new and impwoved + extended cave check it out on the love boat!

  3. How you been since we last spoke?? Anything interesting happen in your life recently?? Btw I want to study journalism at Uni!!! xx

  4. Hows things in your part of the world??

  5. Hey I'm New!!! Hows things down under lol?? \damn your dying to see them AGAIN?? I havent seen Muse live yet! x

  6. Cool what guitar you got?? I only ever learned frere jacque and chopsticks on pianno lol but that was ages ago!

  7. Theres like a strat version but Im not keen lol! I love my this guitar it was my first and favourite out of the bunch!

  8. Basically whats on the guitars lol! He has his own graphic range OBEY Propaganda, all kinda stuff really depends if your into that stuff!

  9. Well I use to live in Cydonia for a few years but decided to cm to Earth to go university next year lol! Soz for the late reply though!!! xx

  10. Yeah I was researching an artist for my Art project... Shepard Fairey you should check out is work! *denies beig paid by Shepard to plug his work* lol

  11. Na I havent had the privelege to see hem live even though I have been trying manicallysince late 2001!!! Soz for the late reply though! x

  12. Hey sorry or the late reply, I have basic knowledge and can write cyrillic... But I use translation sites online because it is much quicker and easier (although you don't always get the correct tenses)! This may appear differnetly: Эй жаль или последний ответ, я имею элементарные знания и могу написать кириллицу... Но я использую участки перевода онлайн, потому что это намного более быстро и легче (хотя Вы не всегда получаете правильные времена)! ;) xx

  13. God dammit why is it that nearly everyone I ask has seen Muse live?? No fair :(

  14. Yeah its not easy to answer when you have been to sooo many gigs lol! Did you hear a rumour on Musewiki; that the van that Muse used to travel to the gig from the ferry was smuggling ciggarettes and alcohol in?? What were they like though, I bet they were really different to whatwe expect of Muse now>

  15. I only heard like 3 songs from their album Songs from the Recently Deceased

  16. Im trying to start a band up with ppl who have the same sort of tastes! Would prob suck and trash our gear but as long as we got a kick from it eh? I'm entering a talent show with some mates even tho none of us have ever been in a band our played to a live audience lol!

  17. Hey I've updated my profile!!! I've got a cool pair of white braces like Matt's too! x

  18. Im not sure... can you send them via email?? Do you have a yahoo email account that I could send stuff to?

  19. Hey thanks for the add again btw! :D x

  20. Dead star or In Your World??

  21. Its a long word lol! What do you mean change stuff??

  22. I think ICQ hates me lol! Yeah I was asking because I remember you said that you were visiting universities... Do you plan to return in the near future again?? :rolleyes: xx

  23. They Are just awesome! Name a band that comes anywhere near! Matt is a GOD... seriously he can fucking sing, play the pianno and the guitar sooo damn cool too!

  24. Hello I'm new!!! What's your fav Muse track at the min?? I love Placebo... Bitter end is my fav!!! xx

  25. Hey thanks for the add! Are you in a band??

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