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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Either Exeter or Plymouth to study Eng Creative Writing or Journalism! What was it like when you first started?? What you studying btw?? x

  2. Hey again soz for the late reply been real busy! How you doing?? x

  3. Hey again long time no speak! How are you doing at the moment?? x

  4. Hey I saw your profile!!! Love the hair :) Red is sooo cool! I love reading and I want to be a writer/journalist one day! So are like a big muse fan?? xx

  5. Ha really busy lol! Preparations for uni and the usual student stuff! Don't seems to have time to sit still lol! x U??

  6. I would like to visit sometime, Moscow sounds like a very cool place to visit! I want to travel before I settle down tho :p x

  7. Hey How are you?? I envy your YMCA boat lol! :p x

  8. Ah life is dull at the moment! I want to travel the world, see exotic places, meet new people... I need adventure Goddamnit! x

  9. I see there are a few people in your Girlie Thread Girlies group lol! x

  10. Hey basically I just chat to other Muse fans out there lol! Everyone finds something they connect by! Trust me there are loadsa people out there waiting! Hows things btw?? :) x

  11. Good y'know the usual student stuff! Uni worries, I've seen on youtube that there might be a live DVD of Muse at the Royal Albert Hall available soon!!! :p xx

  12. No unfortunatley but I want to meet other musicians who like playing muse stuff! Do you mean my black/red guitar?? My pride and joy lol! x

  13. Well I can't say that I have had much time to myself! What with all the usual student stuff! I heard that there are some really bad fires going on across california?? x

  14. Hi again long time no speak! :) x

  15. Whats it like where you live then?? Do you have good winters?? xx

  16. Things are good, looking forward to christmas... then the exams lol! I don't think your missing much in england at the minute tho! ;) x

  17. Hay yeah I was watching a league 1 play off final match (Yeovil Town) but I support Manchester United as well! Yeah the place is massive, I can certainly see how Muse got 90,000 there each night I dream about being there watching them!!! x

  18. contemplating the end of the world lol! Na the usual 6th form stuff! work, work work and all that! but Im hopin to visit germany soon! xx

  19. :musesign:Hello again!!! Hows things?? xx :musesign:

  20. Its kinda random really! It can be quite warm and sunny, then freesing the next moment! Nothing compared to a pwoper russian winter I'd expect lol! ;) xx

  21. Sounds like a cool Place I'd like to visit sometime. You're not from the Hague?? Where bouts near it do you live?? What are you doing in Holland then job wise?? x

  22. Oh I saw it on your profile! Nah I'm a 360 man but would love a PS3 for games like that and MGS4!!! Love MGS series ever since the first on Playstation years back!!!

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