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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Call of Duty 5 Nazi Zombies! need I say more lol??

  2. Hey long time no speak! How are you?? Looking forward to christmas?? x

  3. OMG I suck... cant believe my keyboard hasn't arrived yet! x

  4. Do you have a back up plan just in case?? Full time bum is what I would be lol! x

  5. Ha I have been working all day pretty much lol! I heard about woolies going under tho! Shame the pik n mix was the best of the rest :))

  6. something that involves creative writing or journalism is the thing I'm aiming for! I love writing stories and have a pretty creative imagination! He thats how I managed to write my personal statement :) x btw I did a crap job on myspace page!!! x

  7. Hi again how is the whole woolworths thing going for you?? Planning xmas now>>


  8. Heya Your Emily's friend aren't you?? She works at woolworths lol! x

  9. same and I cocked it up big time! put myself as a film maker lol! I have more pics to upload what about you?? x

  10. Ha same! struck down with man flu lol! Er trying to sort out stupid myspace and christmas shop!!! not long left now xx

  11. Hey sorry I haven't been in touch lately! How are you doing?? x

  12. Hey again just doing some catching up with some people lol! How you been lately?? xx

  13. I have had no luck in my quest to interview Muse lol! How bout you then??

  14. Erm google it and I think it should be on a site on page 4?? worth a look for about £30!

  15. YAY same here! 1 week to go to the hols then it will be Christmas soon!!! x What you doing for Christmas??

  16. I want some Muse goodies for christmas lol! I found that Black jacket that Matt wears on the Wembley DVD!!!:musesign:

  17. The original?? Which one is that lol! *trawls through muse merch*

  18. Yeah life's good knowing christmas is almost here! Shoppin out the way, school nearly finished... nice and easy! Wbu?? college/sixth form?

  19. Hey what time is it in your part of the world?? xx

  20. Can't say I would fancy pink hair myself lol! Red, Black, Blue... maybe even green! They do loads of colours!

  21. Perhaps I should start brushing up on my Russian lol! I should really get some work done lol! But one day we may meet... xx

  22. Yes we are not 100% sure when though probably in Feb!!! Think we could meet up?? x

  23. Well me anda friend may be coming to visit Russia soon! Moscow I think!!! xx

  24. That's because he has good taste! I don't think I have een it in a colour that I don't like!!! :p speaking of which what stuff do you use again?? x

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