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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Ha ha yes we have snow... Finally :D unfortunately school is still on so we don't really get time to enjoy it¬ Yeah that anthem is sooo cool though but not as cool as this

    if only Muse will do this! Imagine matt in his red suit on buckingham palace ;) xxx
  2. I went on Muse site and found this link: http://www.nme.com/awardsvote

    vote 4 muse and boosh on there :D speak to ya soon!

  3. Hey again we don't speak much these days (my bad) xx How are you?? You going uni??

  4. Hey again! How are you?? Btw have been going on NME and voting for MUSE and BOOSH?? :p

  5. Heya I noticed you were on about a Bellamy Pinstripe suit?? I dunno if this will interest you but I got mine tailor made from MOSS BROSS (coz I'm a short arse at 5ft 7) and it wasn't too expensive. Looked the shit though with a black shirt and white tie! :)

  6. Hey again it has been a while hasn't it? I'm loving the new photo (even tho the Red is gone!) xx

  7. Hey again Johanna hows things in your part of the world?? xx

  8. My FOB tickets came the other day! Can't wait to see them live for the very first time!!! It's a shame you won't be there too :( What you been up to recently?? xxx

  9. Большое спасибо, За Ваше здоровье! Someone looking forward to their birthday?? ;) xx

  10. Ahaha he is not Matt Bellamy... but still good! Hey I saw thesecool vids on YouTube:



    cool eh?? xxx

  11. No sorry I am from the UK... But I love Russia and Russian culture I am obsessed with it

    Я могу читать и писать в кириллице, но я не могу говорить российский ... все же!

  12. Yes I am affraid he left already! He's going back to St Petersburg lol! I wanna visit there... and Moscow... and Perm... and lots of places! xx

  13. Ha that's fine thanks! I see you commented on my pics ;) xx

  14. I think my friend Ilya is back in Russia now lol

  15. Hi there I found your profile lol! Wanna be friends?? x

  16. Hey who wrote out that list?? Why are Matt's columns all blank...

  17. Hello again serena hows things?? still fancy alexa chung eh?? x

  18. Ha I saw a spoof bond trailer with matt as bond on youtube a few days ago lol! xx

  19. God school work is tough lol! Is it easier in Uni or would you say harder??

  20. Hey That game you sent me was really funny! I got stuck on level 7 for ages lol! Cheers :)

  21. Yeah sure have want me to send you it?? Myspace too??

  22. Hey I haven't been on here for a while!!!! Hows things?? I hope your not bored lol! x

  23. Hey Matilde long time since we last chat! How are you doing?? How good is your german by the way?? :p xx

  24. Hey have you heard anymore about the muse RAH DVD?? Should be awesome! I can not wait any longer lol! Bring on Muse 2009 :D x

  25. Hey there! Are you enjoying a new year?? Hows things in your part of the world?? xx

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